cassielaehallh |
chicachellers |
littlemermaid |
nowhere The subject of your icon if free, as long as at least 50% of it is red.
Also remember that this community is also active on DW. So please choose where you want to post your icons if you decide to participate (especially people with different usernames than here - so I can keep track :D). If you have any questions just ask. I will also make a comment in this post to link entries made on DW for other people to check out. I know it might be chaotic at first, but I hope we'll make it work. Also I will be monitoring the situation, and we'll see how to adapt later.
★ You can make up to 5 icons
★ Icons are due Sunday, March 27th by 9pm (GMT+1)
★ You can use any stock pictures, that were not previously edited.
Here you can find some resources
★ Post your icon and the icon url in a new post to the community (you can post alternate versions of the same icon in your entry, but they won't be considered in the voting post).
★ Tag you entry with your usename (user: xxx), and challenge number (!challenge: xx)
★ Your icons must conform to LJ standards (100x100, 100 KB)
★ Remember icons must be made by you, and exclusively for this challenge!
★ All effects are allowed (as long as it fits the current challenge's theme)
★ If you have any question, just ask!