(how do you spell 'eyup, anyway?)
I back here now. Today, anyway. 'Cos I had some nifty stuff to gush about, and have already gushed it all over Facebook, but I can write about it here *at more length*.
So, I made some nifty things- I had no jewellery that matched what I currently wear, so I made some.
We're moving house (yuck; both at the process of moving, which is tiresome, and at having to- I will miss my field, which is not actually mine) so I'm getting pictures of things as I put them into boxes. Ironing isn't as bad lately, though.
Some things I won't need til winter, one being my extremely warm, overly fancy coat:
And my ribbon blouse which I've been trying to get pictures of for a while; finally happy with it. It's especially good with tartan pinafore dresses.
Here is my lilac toile set- hideously matched! I had this on for Lolita in Wonderland.
Finally, I made a ridiculous gown. Also for LiW; I had three spare days and thought I could *probably* run up a daft showpiece frock in time. I've had this vaguely 18th century design bimbling round my head for a while, and some stripy drill going spare. I keep calling it a ridiculous frock, but I do love it. I don't go much for superfancy brand OPs- given the price, they usually have several features that I really don't like and don't want to pay for, or are just far too elaborate for me to ever wear (fancy frocks are harder to co-ordinate with, and you can't put as much of your personal style into it), so most of my OPs are quite simple. Finally I have a posh one. Nope, it's not *quite* a Sleepy Hollow dress; that was an 1860s zone front gown (although no way correct for 1800, while we're counting), and this is a pseudohistorical mockery.
That's all. Mainly a 'heylookstillhere' update, but I wanted to give you something potentially diverting to look at.