Jan 18, 2006 15:12
we will be alone
we will die alone
I want continue with your heart, hook me up to you
Lets keep it that way! I'm growing content.
I can't pretend anymore, I can't be you. I look at those pictures of us, back in the day when I 'thought' I was happy. But you never saw the inside, only one person has seen that.
and it wasnt you, thank bob!
I never wanna see your face again, why don't you go fuck some girls and get a disease and then die an indescribable death.
Why dont you just die?
You deserve not to breath the same air as humans,
So say goodbye to the lies,
say hello to the truth.
I don't love you. I did for a year.........
maybe, possibly two..... but not longer than that.
I just thought I did, I was too fucked up and vaunerable to realize.
YOU ARE NOTHING! And you treated me like shit.
I just pretended like I loved you for the longest time,
but realy I was puting myself in another place,
a place without you.
A place without pain,
inner and outer
A place without control,
chains and whips
A place without lies
beer and drugs
A place without money
A place without your bullshit.....
now I take myself to that place again, while I wait for a real person....
someone that will love me for me, not who you wanted me to be.
Goodbye lies
Hello truth