Challenge #2: Round #5 Results

Jun 14, 2008 18:44

Thank you to people who voted, but sadly we have to say goodbye to some pearticipants.


by fulminant8 with 7 votes

by shadie_art with 5 votes

People's choice:

by fara0 with 3 votes

Mod's choice:

by mariarita

If your icon number isn't listed here, you've recived no votes. Congrats :)

- = lesser quality vote(s)
+ = favorite icon vote(s)

1: The coloring is too place, the icon lacks of contrast and "pa n da" doesn't make any sense.
2: The polaroid border doesn't match the image, the light texture is very distracting and the icon lacks of creativity.
5: I like the composition, but the icon is oversaturated, the panda is unnaturally blue and the grass is bright orange.
№1 - dim colors, bad crop, enormous text
№5 - black insertion from one side superfluous, a lot of red color
№10- bad crop, too simply
#o1 - Text is too big and not very neatly placed, also the blue-ish skin color doesn't look very natural.
#o5 - Icon looks really busy and the orange light textures (?) over the panda doesn't really fit in.
#11 - Very good coloring, but the text at the background + the b/w part makes it look very busy.
#01 - Text isn't placed well and distracts a little from the actual image
#04 - Texture and text distract from the panda which seems blurry, though the coloring is beautiful
#06 - Polaroid texture adds nothing special to the icon which is too plain
1: text is superfluous and badly placed
10: a bit too first I had a hard time discerning that was a panda!
5: textures don't really compliment the icon
01} the text overtakes the icon. The coloring is too dark, not really appealing.
10} Seems like not a lot of time was spent creating this icon. Pitty.
05} The red glow and the black bar have the upper hand in the icon and push the poor panda back into the jungle.
01 - poor panda lost her cute ears because of unlucky crop. don't like badly transfered text
04 - exactly I don't like oversharped text, which is difficult to read
11 - bad background. text isn't visible, so we just have to guess what is written
02: textures don't work, coloring could be better
03: text isn't very nicely done
04: font is badly chosen and not well placed
To keep:
08: gorgeous colors and amazing texture use
08 - awesome colouring! nice quality of icon
04} Cute, makes me think of an attraction in our themepark called "The panda dream"
7: lovely cxoloring and use of textures. text is not bad either. :)
#11 - Nice cropping and use of text and textures
#o8 - Nice soft coloring and tiny text on top looks good too.
№4 - excellent application of textur, magnificent colour din.
9: Beautiful bright coloring, I like that the icon looks glossy. And the text made me smile. :)

Good luck to everyone in next round :)

challenge #2: round #5, results

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