So, those of you that follow my other
blog already know about this. But I figured more people might want to know that over the past couple weeks I've been developing an unofficial RSS feed for the Rose-Hulman News page. Its a perl script that scrapes the content out of the pages, dumps it into a database, and builds the xml file for the 20 most
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I guess I am just really surprised at how 1995ish the Rose site still is. The top undergrad engineering school in the country should be able to pull together the talent to make a site that doesn't use flash for some of its main content(somebody please make that ticker in JS already...), wasn't made in frontpage, and kept a consistent design throughout all pages.
I really get into backend programming just because i know I cant design frontends, and it just hurts me to see a bunch of static pages all over the place that require special frontpage editing or something.
There's a lot of web design talent at Rose - I know, I've seen it. If they put out a workstudy job to redesign the page (give a couple students a year or something, not just 10 weeks during the roughest quarter), I bet they'd have a few really good applicants. I'm not trying to be mean of the current developers who probably inherited a worse design and truly have improved it a lot, its just the way websites are made today is a lot different and the site could use some new blood (not just new pictures on the front page).
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