RP: School lunch

Nov 22, 2007 00:02

Date: 22 November 2005
Characters: Mandy Brocklehurst, Zach Smith, Adair Smith
Location: The school, then 4b River Place
Status: Private
Summary: Mandy joins Zach at the school for lunch together.
Completion: Complete.

Nice to see you at work, Smith. )

november 2005, mandy brocklehurst, place: private residence, zacharias smith, place: school

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shh_mandy November 25 2007, 20:03:53 UTC
Zach's gaze was soft yet intensely alert as she spoke to him, his lips parted a little in concentration as he listened, before he cupped his palm to the curve of her face, his thumb caressing her cheek as he leaned in and kissed her firmly. His tongue followed, tracing warm and sweet inside her mouth and she was blissfully lost, her hands shaking a little as they rose to clutch fitfully at his shirt sleeves, Zach's long fingers tangling and sifting through her hair. Through it all she was hazily aware that someone inside the school building might be watching, her cheeks burning at the thought. But it was a kiss, only a kiss, gentle enough on the surface. Anyone watching from a distance wouldn't know the real sensuality of it, how it made her heart and body ache for him.

She stared, heavy-lidded, licking her lips when he pulled back, her fingers automatically going to her hair to smooth down the tangled mess he'd made of it. His forehead leaned against hers for a moment, his breath warm and fast over her face before he drew back, and she blinked as he softly gave his promise. She'd forgotten somehow what it was he was promising, and had to think back to figure it out. When she remembered, she nodded, her heart still thumping hard against her chest.

Melting into his hug, she smiled. "Has any of them said anything? Or are they all being frightfully tactful and pretending that you were always docile and cooperative?" she teased him, kissing the tip of his nose. Her breath was calming down a bit talking about the school and his teaching. She raised her mug of tea to her lips again -- and sputtered slightly as his next words slipped out, smoothly casual, only the huskiness in his voice betraying his arousal.

"I ... oh, that's not fair," she managed faintly, sure that her face must be a ripe tomato colour that most certainly must mismatch her delicate violet robes. "I ... of course I want that." Her palms pressed to her face. "Although if we don't, I'll be on edge tonight too," she whispered. Part of her wanted to wait if he did, but on the other hand she'd have to go home and change into her shelter clothes after lunch, and if Zach came along too and as much as touched her, making that offer, she'd be taking him up on it in a heartbeat.


shh_zach November 25 2007, 20:35:47 UTC
He held her close, breathing slow to try and calm himself a bit. "They are being incredibly tactful... but I do see the occasional smirk thrown my way so yeah. They are well aware I'm getting a dose of my own medicine. It's worth it though."

She sputtered at his question and turned a vivid red and he grinned, loving every second of it.

He leaned in, pulling her against his chest and kissing the top of her head. "How about I swear to you that I can get you on edge again for tonight." He pulled back and looked into her eyes. "I want to make you come so hard. I want to take those robes off of you now. Tell me yes. Please?"


shh_mandy November 25 2007, 21:19:45 UTC
He grinned wickedly at her stammering reaction and then he drew her in close and his voice was gruff and low and the words made her press her face to his shoulder and whimper, and, really, how was she supposed to say no? Especially when he added 'please', so sincerely? Even though she'd be blushing the rest of the day and wondering if people could tell, knowing she'd used her lunch break on that.

Mandy swallowed and tried to locate her voice. "But what, what if someone sees that we leave so quickly and ... they guess why?" She'd be so embarrassed if someone guessed, and yet the objection came perfunctorily, half-hearted. Shaking slightly with the racing hyper-awareness in her body she braced her hands against his shoulders and drew back to meet his gaze. "I mean ... yes," she whispered. She closed her eyes for a second, and then cleared her voice, and looked at him again with an unsteady half-smile, feeling slightly desperate now. "Please?"


shh_zach November 25 2007, 21:33:23 UTC
Zach kissed her again, lightly. "All right. I can deal with that." She seemed embarrassed at the thought of someone guessing, and flushed and a bit worried. He didn't want her worried. "We're done here... go. Get up, you go on back to your place. I'll gather everything up and walk off the grounds and then apparated back myself. But you have to save those robes for me, understand?"

He kissed her again and sat back. "Go. I'll see you in just a minute. Promise." He waited until she kissed him again, grinned at her, and then glared at his cock as she walked away. "Relax, you," he grumbled to it. "I feel like I'm bloody fifteen again."

Looking up, he smiled and waved as she apparated, and then crawled to his knees and got all of the sandwich and drink paraphenalia packed up. It didn't take him very long, not nearly long enough, and when he was done he was really wishing for robes and just praying that no one would really be looking there as he walked off campus.

Once in the street, he apparated to her living room, dropping the basket and moaning as he crushed her to his chest, catching her lips in a deep, passionate kiss. "How long do you have?" he asked, breathless, already reaching for the front of her robes.


shh_mandy November 25 2007, 22:08:02 UTC
His suggestion was a relief, taking care of her little anxiety about discretion. Mandy kissed him back softly when he leaned in and pressed his lips to hers, then got up on her feet, smoothing down her skirt with sweaty palms as she looked down at him. Her legs felt wobbly and she wanted him so badly.

Walking away, she glanced over her shoulder and heard him muttering something that seemed to be an admonition directed to his erection and Mandy couldn't help it, she was giggling as she put her fingers around her wand and apparated back to her flat.

The two minutes she waited in her living-room felt like an eternity. She left the robes on as he'd instructed, restlessly pacing the floor and glancing out the windows as she waited, wondering belatedly whether she should take off the lace-up boots at least, but knowing Zach she guessed he'd want her to keep them on, and--

And then he appeared in the middle of her living-room floor and there was no more time for deliberation because he was striding towards her the instant he came into view, and he drew her in tight against him and she was moaning and clutching at his shoulders when he kissed her.

"I ... I guess I have to, I mean what's the time now? I don't have to be any set time at the shelter but if come in later than two it'll be a long day," she told him, as out of breath as he was, and breathing harder still when his fingers danced up the front fastening of her outer robes. Oh, God. She didn't care if it would be a late day, at least not for any other reason than it would make her come home later to more of this. Holding his gaze with heavy eyes that wanted to fall shut she backed up against the adjoining bedroom, welcoming the support when her back met the wall.


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