RP: School lunch

Nov 22, 2007 00:02

Date: 22 November 2005
Characters: Mandy Brocklehurst, Zach Smith, Adair Smith
Location: The school, then 4b River Place
Status: Private
Summary: Mandy joins Zach at the school for lunch together.
Completion: Complete.

Nice to see you at work, Smith. )

november 2005, mandy brocklehurst, place: private residence, zacharias smith, place: school

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shh_zach November 22 2007, 04:48:32 UTC
There were ten minutes left of his first year lesson when he noticed a very familiar figure walking onto the grounds. It took a lot of self control not to turn around and watch her walk.

He really liked watching her walk. He liked watching her doing just about anything.

But he kept his eyes on the kids and smiled when he noticed Adair give a small wave at Mandy. He was really glad that his brother liked her. It meant a lot to him.

Adair blushed after he waved and went back to acting like a little prat with his mates, as all eleven year old boys do, and Zach went back to keeping an eye on the fliers who weren't as comfortable on their brooms.

One in particular was hanging from the handle and screaming and Zach got to her quickly, helping her up and drying her tears. Once settled, she took off again, this time a bit better, at least upright. That was always good.

"All right. Brilliant. Everyone dismount. Let's get carry our brooms back to the supply shed. No flying over there," he said, looking pointedly at Adair who was still astride his broom. After a moment his brother dismounted, looking a bit rebelious, but keeping his thoughts to himself. Zach was pretty proud of that. "I'll see you all in a few days." The kids listened, a few of them pushing and laughing as they put their brooms up, and Zach waited until they were all headed back to the school before turning and grinning at Mandy.

He walked over to her, leaning his broom against the tree and looking down at her.

"Yeah? I could give you a few lessons, if you like." Her hand played over his trainer and he growled at the next words she said. "You should be very careful, Miss Brocklehurst. I think it would take very little for you to earn a detention from me." He crotched down beside her and leaned down to press his lips to hers. He ignored the gagging noises from a group of boys walking back and smiled at her. "I'm glad you're here. How are you? Having a good day so far?"


shh_mandy November 22 2007, 10:18:37 UTC
Her gaze followed his long legs up and she bit her lip and blinked at him innocently. "Flying lessons? Wasn't that what you gave me last night?" she murmured. "I distinctly remember my feet leaving the ground at some point."

She was quite satisfied with his response to her question about detention. "I must be very careful, then," she remarked, as she almost pensively tugged on one of his shoe laces and then yanked it firmly so it slipped loose. "Oops," she whispered breathlessly, glancing up at him with a hopeful smirk. "I don't know what got into me, sir."

Zach sat down on his haunches, then leaned in and kissed her and she laughed softly against his mouth as she heard a few of the first-year boys express their nauseated reaction to that. "Mmm ... nice. But don't ruin all their accumulated respect for you on my account." She studied him under half lowered lashes, her head still tipped back after the kiss. "Yeah, I had a good start to the day. Just an ordinary morning. How about you? Looked like you were enjoying yourself."

She sat up and leaned back on her hands, shaking her hair back over her shoulders and stretching her legs out on the ground, rustling under the wide skirt. After the weather got cool in the fall she'd started wearing robes to her office job again, rather than the Muggle skirt suits. She'd brought her good robes back with her for work when she'd been home to the island with Zach, and today she wore snugly fitting ones in soft violet. Another smirk formed on her lips when she saw Zach study the lines of her chest and waist. "Staring is rude. Unless it's me staring at you, of course. Then it's perfectly proper because I'm such a nice girl, not a wicked thought in my mind," she said primly, reaching out a hand again, this time tugging playfully on his jeans leg. "Where do you want to have lunch? Is Adair coming too or would he rather stay with his mates?"


shh_zach November 22 2007, 17:13:24 UTC
He bit his lip and raised an eyebrow. "Do you? I think when it comes to that, you can teach me a thing or two. You always do."

She untied his trainer and then called him sir and if she wasn't careful he was going to take her home and forget about lunch. "Minx," he grumbled, sliding his hand up her arm as he kissed her again. "And don't you worry about their respect for me, not after teasing me like that. I'm glad you had a good start and yeah, I was enjoying myself. Even moreso now."

She leaned back and her hair tumbled over her shoulders and her body stretched out beneath the pale robes that she wore. He let his eyes drift over her, the soft curve of her breast beneath the fabric, her slender waist, before he brought his eyes up to meet hers. "Get used to it. I'm afraid I can't help myself. What are you wearing under those robes, anyway?"

He grinned at her and shook his head. "Right. You're completely innocent. You do remember that I was there for my private dance, yes?" He looked over the grounds. "I don't know if Adair will make it over here. Got to look cool for his boys, yeah?" He smiled at her. "I don't care, honestly. As long as you are with me."


shh_mandy November 22 2007, 21:41:17 UTC
"Yeah? I like that I can teach you things too," she said in a near whisper, smiling up at him. "It's only fair that it works both ways, right?"

She leaned up into the next kiss he offered. "It's not teasing if one really means it." Her smirk grew wider at his good-natured grousing. She reacted to his unhurried scrutiny with a slight arch of her back, flushing with pleasure under his admiration. "I'm wearing exactly enough under," she informed him, raising her chin. "Not too little and not too much. Does that answer your question?"

"I couldn't help it you took my completely innocent, artistic dance that way. I was shocked -- shocked I tell you," she said, shaking her head and making little 'tsk' sounds, while her eyes laughed at him. She tugged harder on his jeans leg, succeeding in making him sit down beside her. "Mind in the gutter, Smith. But ... I must confess I like that about you."

Reaching for the lunch basket, she opened the lid and showed him. "Tea. Lemonade. And tomato cheese sandwiches for me, and bacon lettuce tomato for you. Though I'll trade you for one of yours and we can both share with Adair if he turns up." Impulsively she reached to give him a quick tight hug. "This is so nice. I miss you during the days. And I know that sounds ... clingy. But you don't mind do you?" She squeezed a little tighter, laughing over his cheek. "Clinging to you has become one of my favourite pastimes."


shh_zach November 23 2007, 05:55:50 UTC
"Hell yeah. You're amazing. And I happen to really love what you teach."

"Tease. Because I can't do anything about it right here." He watched as she arched her back and blushed and he felt his mouth go dry. "However, you need to be careful, love, or I might take you somewhere where I can do something about it. Then you'll be late for work." He raised an eyebrow. "And that tells me nothing. I want details. What's under there?" he asked, tugging at her robes.

She pulled him down and he went willingly, leaning in to kiss her neck. "I'm glad you like it. You looking the way you do, it's not apt to change any time soon. I can't help it. I dream about that dance now."

"I don't mind at all," he said softly, taking a sandwich from her. "I miss seeing you too, if you want to know the truth. Thank you, for coming today. Made my day." He squeezed her thigh lightly and smiled into her eyes. "You're brilliant. I'll have to think of a good way to repay you, yeah?"


shh_mandy November 23 2007, 10:28:05 UTC
"Should I give you details, hmm? You're frisky enough already." She smiled and touched Zach's cheek with her fingertips. But how could she resist that sweet wicked grin and the fingers teasing over her hip? "All right, if you promise to not try to undress me in public ... the yellow set with the silk camisole thing. That one."

She handed him a sandwich and a can of lemonade, and poured tea to them both from the heat-charmed flask. Then, sitting in the crook of his arm, she took a sandwich for herself and took a big bite, smiling up at him as she munched happily. She swallowed her first mouthful down with a swig of hot tea and considered his offer. "Mm-hm. I definitely think you should think of a way to repay me. Not because you have to, but because you're good at surprises." She stroked his knee absent-mindedly.

"You're good at it, you know that, right? I mean, the teaching," she hastened to add, blushing and grinning. "Well, other stuff too, but ... well." She coughed. "Anyway. Just remember how nervous you were in the beginning? But you're great with the kids, and I knew you'd be. You've got a knack for it, both with the precocious brats and the timid scaredy-cats. I loved how you got that little girl to try again."


shh_zach November 24 2007, 22:14:06 UTC
"Yes, you absolutely should," Zach said, nodding fervently. He grinned when she told him and leaned close, his lips against her ear. "How about I take you somewhere private and undress you?" he whispered, nipping at her earlobe. "I really like the yellow ones."

"Good at surprises, huh? You think so? Don't think anyone's ever told me that before." He took a bite of his own sandwich and tucked her into his side before leaning down and taking an overly large bite of her sandwich as well. "Mmmm, mmhmm."

He settled back and took a sip of lemonade as she rubbed his knee. Grinning, he took her hand and moved it up just a bit higher. "Much better," he said, when he finally swallowed all the food in his mouth.

"Mmmm, and what other stuff am I good at?" he asked, grinning at her. "I was nervous, yeah. I don't know about a knack for it... but I really love it. I didn't know, you know? I love working in the shoppe but this... this has been fantastic. I'm... lucky. That they offered it to me." He chuckled. "She wasn't a problem. The younger ones generally aren't. You should see me dealing with the 15 and 16 year olds. Those are a battle."


shh_mandy November 25 2007, 15:22:50 UTC
"Smith, you really like them all," she protested with a flustered giggle. His warm breath over her ear made her shiver, and she bit her lip and lowered her eyelids. "You can undress me tonight," she whispered back. "I can change back into the robes again after the shelter and you can undo all the fiddly hooks and ribbons when we go to bed. If you like." When she looked up at him again she was smiling, and her voice soft and breathless. "But you can't cheat and use your wand the way I do when I put them on. It's your hands I want. Taking off my clothes. Slowly."

From the glint in Zach's eyes she knew quite well that she was playing with fire, so she hurried to focus on her sandwich, eating with gusto. "Mmmm, hmmm," she agreed enthusiastically, smirking at him sideways. She gamely squeezed his thigh when he moved her hand there, nudging his leg playfully with her foot before inching her hand down to safer territory again. "Yeah, you're good at surprises," she stated between bites. "You do nice things for me all the time, and that's even before we get into the nice way you ... pounce on me and make my stomach swoop." She tickled behind his knee.

"I don't think I should tell you the other stuff," she said, blushing deeper. "You know all too well already. Prat." She considered what he said about the school kids. "I bet," she mused. "Those are teenagers who've never been to school, probably home-schooled during the war, right? So they'd not be used to the discipline you need in a regular class with many pupils."

Putting the last bite of her first sandwich in her mouth, she licked butter off her fingertips and smirked again without meeting his gaze. She couldn't help teasing him. "Let me guess, the girls would be a battle because they think you're cute, right?"


shh_zach November 25 2007, 16:05:37 UTC
"I really like them all because they're on you," he whispered. "I will attempt not to cheat tonight... but no promises. I don't know how slowly I'll be able to go after spending the afternoon with you winding me up like this. Maybe I should go home and have a nice wank. That way tonight I won't hurt you." He nipped at her earlobe again. "You drive me mad, love."

Her hand on his leg was warm and he closed his eyes for a moment, willing his cock not to take all the blood in his body. He did need some to be able to think. "I like the pouncing. And the swooping. And the way you arch your back when..." He shoved the rest of his sandwich in his mouth and tried to calm down.

"Oh, that blush is telling. I think maybe I should make you tell me the other stuff before I agree to undress you slowly tonight," he said wickedly.

"Yeah, some aren't used to school. But some are just teenage prats. I'm not so far removed that I've forgotten. I often wonder if my own Professors wanted to strangle me as much as I want to strangle a few of these kids. I suspect they did."

He laughed softly. "I don't know about that. I think they just like my hair... which really, if the girlies are admiring my hair that's not a very manly compliment."


shh_mandy November 25 2007, 18:07:54 UTC
She tugged her lower lip between her teeth again, her neck and her face feeling hot, right out to her earlobe that he was nibbling on. "No, no wanking beforehand, 's not fair," she said, trying to sound stern but her voice had gone far too soft and breathless to carry that intention. "Maybe I wouldn't mind if you're ... on the edge a bit. You wouldn't ever hurt me. But when you ... lose it, that way--" She half turned her face to meet his gaze, trying to keep her voice steady. "I kind of love that, you see."

A weak spurt of laughter escaped her again when she saw Zach stuff his mouth to shut himself up, like she'd just done. Merlin, they were both as bad as the other. But when he challenged her again, with that impish twinkle in his eyes, she met his gaze straight on and answered honestly. "You're good at ... at making me feel good. Yeah, that way ... so good I cry and ... and tremble and scream almost, because it's too strong feelings to keep inside. But other ways too. You're good to ... fall asleep with. And wake up with. And you're good at understanding even when I ramble like a crazy person. And at making me laugh if I'm having a bad day, and--" She swallowed, a shaky smile spreading on her face because she knew he'd not expected a serious answer. "Now will you promise to undress me slowly tonight, prat?"

She took a deep breath and laughed, as his words made her remember how wilfully high-handed Zach had delighted in being at school. "Oh, it wouldn't surprise me at all if some of them occasionally got murderous thoughts. I'm glad you survived though, but I guess it's only poetic justice that you're getting a small taste of your own medicine." Tilting her head as she considered him, she reached out a hand and ran her fingers through the strands of hair falling loose at the side of his face. "It's not just the hair," she said decisively. "Though that doesn't hurt either. And I can't see there's anything unmanly about it." She leaned in and smelled his hair, his neck, unthinkingly. He just smelled so nice. "Mmm," she hummed.

Forcing herself to pull back a fraction again, she reached for another sandwich and sighed as she stoically took another bite and counted how many hours until the evening.


shh_zach November 25 2007, 18:33:19 UTC
"I wouldn't ever hurt you, you're right. But it's going to be difficult going home and not stripping down and laying across my bed, my hand on my cock to thoughts of just how soft your thighs feel against my face." He kissed her jaw. "And how you smell. And taste... But if you love it... I'll wait. For you. I'm always on edge for you anyway."

He hadn't expected such an answer. He held her eyes and watched her as she talked, listing off things that he thought and felt but didn't really say, not in the direct way she just had. She was so much better at this than he was. Instead of answering, he cupped her face, stroking her cheek wtih his thumb, before sinking his hand into her dark, thick hair. He pulled her forward, pressing his lips against hers, kissing her soundly before slipping his tongue in between her lips, coaxing them wider.

God, he wanted her.

Familiar and safe and still insanely enticing... he didn't think such a thing existed before her. He lingered there, their tongues touching, breath mingling, his hands feeling her hair, her back, her sides. He could get lost here.

He pulled back after a few breathless moments and nodded. "Promise, love. I promise."

He pressed his forehead against hers for a moment before pulling back. "Yeah, I'm glad I survived too. You make it all worthwhile. And yes, I'm sure all of my old professors are laughing their arses off at me right now. Don't remind me." He smiled when she smelled his hair and impulsively hugged her to him.

"So," he said, letting her go to continue eating. "Can we go back to my place and let me go down on you at least? I'll make it quick."


shh_mandy November 25 2007, 20:03:53 UTC
Zach's gaze was soft yet intensely alert as she spoke to him, his lips parted a little in concentration as he listened, before he cupped his palm to the curve of her face, his thumb caressing her cheek as he leaned in and kissed her firmly. His tongue followed, tracing warm and sweet inside her mouth and she was blissfully lost, her hands shaking a little as they rose to clutch fitfully at his shirt sleeves, Zach's long fingers tangling and sifting through her hair. Through it all she was hazily aware that someone inside the school building might be watching, her cheeks burning at the thought. But it was a kiss, only a kiss, gentle enough on the surface. Anyone watching from a distance wouldn't know the real sensuality of it, how it made her heart and body ache for him.

She stared, heavy-lidded, licking her lips when he pulled back, her fingers automatically going to her hair to smooth down the tangled mess he'd made of it. His forehead leaned against hers for a moment, his breath warm and fast over her face before he drew back, and she blinked as he softly gave his promise. She'd forgotten somehow what it was he was promising, and had to think back to figure it out. When she remembered, she nodded, her heart still thumping hard against her chest.

Melting into his hug, she smiled. "Has any of them said anything? Or are they all being frightfully tactful and pretending that you were always docile and cooperative?" she teased him, kissing the tip of his nose. Her breath was calming down a bit talking about the school and his teaching. She raised her mug of tea to her lips again -- and sputtered slightly as his next words slipped out, smoothly casual, only the huskiness in his voice betraying his arousal.

"I ... oh, that's not fair," she managed faintly, sure that her face must be a ripe tomato colour that most certainly must mismatch her delicate violet robes. "I ... of course I want that." Her palms pressed to her face. "Although if we don't, I'll be on edge tonight too," she whispered. Part of her wanted to wait if he did, but on the other hand she'd have to go home and change into her shelter clothes after lunch, and if Zach came along too and as much as touched her, making that offer, she'd be taking him up on it in a heartbeat.


shh_zach November 25 2007, 20:35:47 UTC
He held her close, breathing slow to try and calm himself a bit. "They are being incredibly tactful... but I do see the occasional smirk thrown my way so yeah. They are well aware I'm getting a dose of my own medicine. It's worth it though."

She sputtered at his question and turned a vivid red and he grinned, loving every second of it.

He leaned in, pulling her against his chest and kissing the top of her head. "How about I swear to you that I can get you on edge again for tonight." He pulled back and looked into her eyes. "I want to make you come so hard. I want to take those robes off of you now. Tell me yes. Please?"


shh_mandy November 25 2007, 21:19:45 UTC
He grinned wickedly at her stammering reaction and then he drew her in close and his voice was gruff and low and the words made her press her face to his shoulder and whimper, and, really, how was she supposed to say no? Especially when he added 'please', so sincerely? Even though she'd be blushing the rest of the day and wondering if people could tell, knowing she'd used her lunch break on that.

Mandy swallowed and tried to locate her voice. "But what, what if someone sees that we leave so quickly and ... they guess why?" She'd be so embarrassed if someone guessed, and yet the objection came perfunctorily, half-hearted. Shaking slightly with the racing hyper-awareness in her body she braced her hands against his shoulders and drew back to meet his gaze. "I mean ... yes," she whispered. She closed her eyes for a second, and then cleared her voice, and looked at him again with an unsteady half-smile, feeling slightly desperate now. "Please?"


shh_zach November 25 2007, 21:33:23 UTC
Zach kissed her again, lightly. "All right. I can deal with that." She seemed embarrassed at the thought of someone guessing, and flushed and a bit worried. He didn't want her worried. "We're done here... go. Get up, you go on back to your place. I'll gather everything up and walk off the grounds and then apparated back myself. But you have to save those robes for me, understand?"

He kissed her again and sat back. "Go. I'll see you in just a minute. Promise." He waited until she kissed him again, grinned at her, and then glared at his cock as she walked away. "Relax, you," he grumbled to it. "I feel like I'm bloody fifteen again."

Looking up, he smiled and waved as she apparated, and then crawled to his knees and got all of the sandwich and drink paraphenalia packed up. It didn't take him very long, not nearly long enough, and when he was done he was really wishing for robes and just praying that no one would really be looking there as he walked off campus.

Once in the street, he apparated to her living room, dropping the basket and moaning as he crushed her to his chest, catching her lips in a deep, passionate kiss. "How long do you have?" he asked, breathless, already reaching for the front of her robes.


shh_mandy November 25 2007, 22:08:02 UTC
His suggestion was a relief, taking care of her little anxiety about discretion. Mandy kissed him back softly when he leaned in and pressed his lips to hers, then got up on her feet, smoothing down her skirt with sweaty palms as she looked down at him. Her legs felt wobbly and she wanted him so badly.

Walking away, she glanced over her shoulder and heard him muttering something that seemed to be an admonition directed to his erection and Mandy couldn't help it, she was giggling as she put her fingers around her wand and apparated back to her flat.

The two minutes she waited in her living-room felt like an eternity. She left the robes on as he'd instructed, restlessly pacing the floor and glancing out the windows as she waited, wondering belatedly whether she should take off the lace-up boots at least, but knowing Zach she guessed he'd want her to keep them on, and--

And then he appeared in the middle of her living-room floor and there was no more time for deliberation because he was striding towards her the instant he came into view, and he drew her in tight against him and she was moaning and clutching at his shoulders when he kissed her.

"I ... I guess I have to, I mean what's the time now? I don't have to be any set time at the shelter but if come in later than two it'll be a long day," she told him, as out of breath as he was, and breathing harder still when his fingers danced up the front fastening of her outer robes. Oh, God. She didn't care if it would be a late day, at least not for any other reason than it would make her come home later to more of this. Holding his gaze with heavy eyes that wanted to fall shut she backed up against the adjoining bedroom, welcoming the support when her back met the wall.


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