RP: Out for a walk and thinking

Sep 26, 2007 06:18

Date: 26 September 2005
Characters: Gilderoy, Whoever might be around
Location: Streets of Stoatshead Hill
Status: Public
Summary: Gilderoy's wandering and thinking and wondering what he should do
Completion: Incomplete

It's nice to take one's time... )

september 2005, caradoc dearborn, gilderoy lockhart, place: streets of shh

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Comments 11

shh_caradoc September 26 2007, 12:36:12 UTC
Caradoc had left himself extra time for his jog this morning in order to stop by the bakery for a little visit with Victoria and breakfast, but shop had been so busy, he took his apple turnover to go. Now, he was running more or less toward home to shower and dress for school.

Mentally organizing his day, as he jogged, Caradoc ran around the corner and plowed right into someone, knocking them toward one of the puddles of muddy water that remained here and there. He reached out and grabbed, pulling the person back against him, so that she... he wouldn't fall into the dirty water.

"I'm terribly sorry. Are you alright?" Caradoc loosened his hold, but didn't want to let know completely until he knew the man was steady on his feet.


shh_gilderoy September 26 2007, 12:42:37 UTC
"Guh... uh.. oh..." Gilderoy tried his damndest to catch his mind up to this event, but found himself at a complete loss. Here he was, in the middle of the street, being groped by some handsome stranger. He must have been one of those molester people he had read about. Sweaty, coming out from around the corner to grab at people, trying to gain some sadistic sexual favors with his overwhelming strength.

Well, who could blame him, really? I mean, it was Gilderoy Lockhart, and half the world was after him.

Still, that was no excuse for such behavior in public.

"Unhand me, you bru--u."

One moment Gilderoy was trying to push the man away, the next, he found himself throwing his arms around the chap's neck in an attempt to keep himself out of the mud puddle behind him.

Oh, this was ever so embarrassing. It certainly was a good thing nobody else was there to see it happen.


shh_caradoc September 26 2007, 12:59:13 UTC
Caradoc wondered for a moment as if he'd been transported by accident into one of those old-fashioned bodice rippers. He felt a bit like the dastardly villain being told to 'unhand' the fair maid, right before she flung herself at him because of some bizarre literary device, such as a mouse or a... puddle.

He chuckled a bit and lifted the man up and out of the way of the murky water, as he would any fair maid, and resisted the urge to charm himself a handlebar mustache just for the fun of twirling it. "There. I think you're safe now. Are you alright?" he asked again and wondered if the man planned on releasing him any time soon.


shh_gilderoy September 26 2007, 13:01:54 UTC
Well, he wasn't as alright as he was just a few minutes ago, but...

Gilderoy let his arms fall back to his sides and brushed off the front of his suit. "I'm, I'm alright now," he said cautiously, considering just how much of the sweat from this man got on his clothing.

It was then that he glanced up and really got a decent look at the man who nearly ran him over, was groping him shamelessly, and then rescued him from the horror of walking into work with a filthy pants leg.

He was quite handsome. Amazing, actually, in a middle-aged and seasoned sort of way. Why, if he had been born under just a few different stars, he could very well have been nearly close to being similar to another Gilderoy when it came to charm and good looks.

"I, erm," Gilderoy tried to regain his thoughts after that sudden revelation, "I'm Gilderoy Lockhart. Local celebrity, author, and I own the Gildery Shoppe - it's a shop for traditional wizarding robes and..."

He extended his hand and smiled his most charming of smiles. "You aren't a molester, are you?"


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