RP: Bring in the Bitch

Sep 23, 2007 21:26

Date: September 23, 2005
Characters: Susan and Severus
Location: Susan's farm
Status: Private
Summary: Snape gets a verbal thrashing. As usual.
Completion: Incomplete

It had been nearly a week since she'd gotten the vague, tactfully worded note from Remus letting Susan know that Severus would be staying with him a little longer than usual that day. That was just typical of Lupin, she thought. It wasn't the kind of note you'd send to family, where you understood that the other person needed information or they were going to go out of their head. Sometimes she wondered if there was any way in hell that three such disparate human beings were ever going to hold together for any period of time--four if you counted Kingsley, and more and more, she did. Maybe it was an absurd Utopian vision in the first place.

Maybe it was time to stop pretending that she actually mattered to Snape, a fact that seemed unlikelier every day, given that he'd been hiding from her for the last week. She'd let him have his space and not questioned him, but she was tired of it. In such a state of righteous fury, she descended on his potions laboratory one night before dinner.

"I'm sick of bloody throwing your dinner to the hogs," she snapped, without preamble. He was lucky she didn't throw a beaker of something unpleasant at him to boot.

september 2005, place: private residence, severus snape, susan bones

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