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shh_oliver September 8 2007, 17:44:09 UTC
Oliver took off down the stairs from his new flat at Hammerside. He was running a bit late and he had to meet Fleur in a few minutes but he wanted to try to look good in his formal kilt and he'd spent a few minutes primming before he came downstairs. Actually much of this time had been debated between going regimental or not and after much debating, he decided to stick to his roots. He wondered if he should stop by his mum's to see about her and Ilana. They loved it here, the hustle and bustle of the place letting them feel more involved in the community and that was very needed since Ilana had been disappointed that there wouldn't be a primary school, so she'd have to study at home.

Oliver wanted to ask Fleur if she'd be interested in helping he and his mum with Ilana's education, if for nothing else than to provide a different perspective on magic and all it involved. But he'd need to add tutoring Ilana to his list of things to do which was growing by leaps and bounds.

He hoped they did well here. The Fitness Center was beautiful and the work they'd put in was amazing. He knew that the offices the Quidditch Association were renting on the ground floor and hoped to one day open an academy at were spectacular. The rest of the facilities followed suit and he was happy Fleur and Dennis had convinced him to move here.

When he reached the ground floor, he realized he was early and he glanced around at the various caterers and at the band before he noticed Fleur and Dean speaking to each other. Dean walked off as he approached them, definitely on a mission but his eyes were focused on Fleur and his breath hitched when he saw just how lovely she looked. Oliver couldn't stop the upward curve upon his lips when he walked over to her before he said, "I think I'm going to be filling your dance card tonight."


shh_fleur September 9 2007, 01:21:24 UTC
"Do you promise me?" she asked as she tucked herself into his embrace, "And even when I am talking to other people tonight, I will be looking for you, watching for you, mon amour." She kissed him gently, nipping a bit at his bottom lip.

"You look amazing," she whispered, her lips still touching his, "And, mon Dieu, you smell so good." She did not care if people saw her being so familiar with Oliver after her separation.

"Je t'aime, Oli-vair Wood."


shh_oliver September 9 2007, 01:38:55 UTC
Oliver held her close, his heart divided between taking her somewhere and getting lost together under the moonlit sky or proudly strutting around Hammerside with her on his arm. But he knew in the end that she'd need to be social, so they'd stay and more than likely she'd wander off on her own.

But he smiled because she'd return to his bed since she loved him and he'd have her with him tomorrow and the day after that and the day after that. "Well, I had to keep up with you. You don't know the pressure in having the most beautiful girl in the town to keep up with." Oliver shook his head and leaned back a bit, looking at how stunning she looked in her white dress. "It's just my smell and you know, a shower or two."

"Make love to me later in my bed and then don't leave until Monday. I want you all weekend." Oliver whispered in her ear before he leaned in, his lips whispering against hers as he added, "And I love you too."


shh_fleur September 9 2007, 18:10:51 UTC
"I am with you and suddenly ze world does not matter," she replied huskily. "No, eet is something in your skin," she turned until her lips nestled into the tender crook at the side of his neck, kissing him softly, seductively, "Zat drives me to such distraction."

She laughed softly with her next thought. "Have you gone natural beneath your kilt?" she asked with a knowing smile and nip to his neck. "You know what ze thought will do to me all night."

She slowly ran her hands up the sleeves of his dress jacket to the nape of his neck, tickling him gentle with her fingertips. "After I make ze rounds and speak to all potential clients, I will meet you back, right 'ere, and zen I will dance with no other for ze rest of ze night...and when ze evening is over, everyone in zis lobby will know exactly what you mean to me."

She pressed her lips and the full length of her body to him in a kiss of passion and love.

"We will not leave my flat...I like zat...very much. Although leetle Napoleon will need to be taken outside, but we can sneak out through ze dance studios and...," she stopped herself from babbling again with another laugh, "I talk too much, you know? How can you stand me?"


shh_oliver September 9 2007, 19:12:56 UTC
Her kiss sent a shiver through him and he felt his length under his kilt, knowing that would be problem. But he couldn't help himself when he deepened their kiss and found himself lost for a moment, the world disappearing as he caressed her cheek softly. "My skin? I don't know what it is but I do know you smell like desire to me." Oliver answered when he slid his lips from hers. "Not wearing a thing." He subtly pushed his hips against hers and smiled. "Can you feel me, love?"

"I don't care if they know." Oliver responded. His thumb ran along her jaw. "When I'm with you, it's just the two of us anyway." Oliver held her close letting himself melt into her kiss this time. "My flat, Fleur. We haven't broken it in properly yet. Plus, I told Ilana if she keeps Napoleon, we'd go flying a few times next week." He whispered his lips against hers. "So, you're mine this weekend."


shh_fleur September 9 2007, 19:50:13 UTC
"I love zat you theenk of everything," she sighed, "Zen we will not leave ze bed at all unless we must...for food and drink, which we can consume in ze most interesting of ways...or perhaps to bathe. We have not had a long bath together yet and zat must be remedied right away. I can wash and scrub you in all your dirty places, oui?" As she spoke she deftly ran her hand over his Full Dress Sporran, lightly pressing it into his crotch.

"An hour," she whispered desperately into his lips, "No more. And zen we will meet right 'ere and not part again until Monday morning?"


shh_oliver September 9 2007, 21:48:17 UTC
"You make me want to do things to please you, you know?" He smirked and pulled her close. "Or you make me so horny that I try to think of different ways to get you out of your clothes and into bed." Frowning, he answered. "I think we can just summon food to us and who needs to bathe? We're just going to get smelly again." His eyebrow raised. "Oh, you mean that kind of bath."

When she pushed his Sporran into his crotch, he trembled and then he kissed her again before he replied. "Watch yourself, love. If you keep that up, we may need to leave this dance soon." His voice had that huskiness and his eyes darkened as he felt a pulse of desire course through him.

Oliver knew that they'd be there for more than an hour but he contented himself with the idea that he was going to be with her all weekend. Pulling her into another kiss, he murmured. "I can't wait."


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