Aug 13, 2007 14:30

Date: 13 August 2005
Characters: Terry Boot, Blaise Zabini
Location: Terry's flat in Copper Towers
Status: Private
Summary: Blaise returns home, Terry is very glad to see him
Completion: InComplete

Terry absently rubbed the soft fur behind Morganna's ear. They'd come to a sort of truce, the two of them, over the past two weeks while Blaise had been ( Read more... )

place: private residence, august 2005, terry boot, blaise zabini

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shh_blaise August 13 2007, 19:54:53 UTC
Blaise dropped the last of his clothes into the laundry bin, shutting the lid before turning back into his bedroom and the rest of his luggage that still needed to be put away. Most of the clothes he’d taken away with him Blaise had been able to get washed through the hotel’s laundry service before he’d packed, but that had still left those he’d had to wear for the last day and a half in Prague ( ... )


shh_blaise August 13 2007, 19:55:18 UTC
Blaise drew his wand from his pocket and sent the remainder of his clothes away into the wardrobes, too tired from his meetings and Apparating back to Britain to bother with putting them away manually, and too eager to step into his shower ( ... )


shh_terry August 13 2007, 20:09:52 UTC
Morganna leaped off his lap a moment before there was a knock at the door, and Terry wondered if she had some sort of super-cat hearing. From the way the feline was pawing at the door, there could be only one person on the other side of the door ( ... )


shh_blaise August 13 2007, 20:50:10 UTC
Blaise had felt a moment of awkwardness after knocking Terry’s door, so much so that he’d considered turning around and making a quick exit. Dealing with the reunion later had a certain appeal ( ... )


shh_terry August 13 2007, 21:06:17 UTC
Terry sighed as Blaise bit at his neck, sucking a livid mark there with a murmured, "Mine." He felt more relaxed now than he had in at least a week, and leaned against the door, hands tangled in the material of Blaise's shirt. He all but purred, knowing he probably sounded a lot like Morganna, as Blaise's hand buried in his hair ( ... )


shh_blaise August 13 2007, 21:37:22 UTC
“Well, what can I say? It seems your culinary skills extend to cat food,” Blaise teased, amused at the way Terry’s glare seemed to have dropped from him to Morganna ( ... )


shh_terry August 13 2007, 21:53:47 UTC
"Haha, very funny," Terry said, though he snickered, because that was pretty much true. He and kitchens just weren't a good mix.

Terry smiled softly as Blaise moved away to drop Morganna on the couch. He was right though, Terry knew. He was more a dog person, with all that that implied. "Dogs don't scratch as much," Terry said, admiring the strong line of Blaise's back as he leaned over the couch ( ... )


shh_blaise August 13 2007, 22:17:56 UTC
“And here I was thinking you liked been scratched,” Blaise snerked, dragging his nails up Terry’s forearm and across his ribs, the top Terry wore preventing him from doing much more than tickle.

“Fresh or tinned?” Blaise asked, then hummed in approval when Terry confirmed fresh. “At least you know how to bribe, not that that should surprise me at all.” He smirked. “But you see, the thing is, Pet, Morganna respects my authority. So I don’t think you,” Blaise said putting emphasis on the word ‘you’ and knowing full well that he had nothing to fear from his cat, “have anything to worry about.” However, Blaise still made sure to shut the bedroom door - just in case ( ... )


shh_terry August 13 2007, 22:37:08 UTC
Terry squirmed as Blaise raked his nails over his arm and then his clothed stomach, the feeling more ticklish than anything. "Not by a cat," Terry said, shivering as Blaise did it again. "Stop that. Tickles," he laughed, trying to get away. He didn't try very hard ( ... )


shh_blaise August 15 2007, 21:04:45 UTC
“Well, obviously you’re not in the same league as me when it comes to enticement,” Blaise remarked casually, though he let the last word roll of his lips with a swipe of his tongue and a heated glance, “but I guess you’re not too shabby.”

Blaise let his attention slip across the room, surveying the contents more out of the habit of checking his surroundings than anything else. “Oh, and for your information I was referring to Morganna’s respect for your authority rather than your’s for mine. Nice to know where you stand on that though.” Blaise chuckled and rolled up the cuffs of his shirt, his back still against the door. He was busy adjusting one of his cuff links, silently chastising Terry for taking his query so much to heart, when Terry mentioned the ‘B word.’

It took a moment for the word to register.

“Pardon?” he asked, voice catching slightly.


shh_terry August 16 2007, 15:57:01 UTC
Terry let his legs fall open slightly, which allowed one of Blaise's legs to slide between his own, and groaned at the sensation of Blaise's tongue on his neck. It had been too long if such a small thing was getting him so worked up, but he couldn't complain. "I'll have to work on that," he whispered, rolling his hips against Blaise's lightly, before drawing back.

From his position on the bed, he watched as Blaise cataloging the room, and blushed as Blaise explained what he'd meant. "Well, that too," he said, looking up at Blaise from beneath hooded eyes. His eyes were drawn to Blaise's hands adjusting a cuff link, and he noticed the slight hesitation Blaise gave over the word boyfriend. Anyone else would have missed it, but Terry had spent the past eight months learning every one of Blaise's tells, and there weren't very many ( ... )


shh_blaise August 22 2007, 20:29:09 UTC
Blaise nodded at Terry’s explanation of the phrase he’d used, but his mouth stayed tight and he remained by the door ( ... )


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