OWL: To Hagrid from Ollivander

Nov 17, 2006 07:21

Date: November 17, 2004
Characters: Ollivander, Hagrid
Location: His workshop
Status: Private: Owl to Hagrid
Summary: Assistance is needed with magical creatures and cores. And, of course, the best one to ask about magical creatures would be Hagrid
Completion: Incomplete

Perhaps it wasn’t the best course of action, but since the events were already beginning to take place, Ollivander couldn’t do anything more than just wish the boy some good luck and sit back and watch the rest of the events transpire. After all, he was here as a neutral observer and could not get more involved than he had already.

The first thing he did when he woke up in the morning was go outside and put some more sunflower seeds in his bird feeder, and sprinkle some corn and bread crumbs out for the squirrels. After his wildlife were taken care of, Ollivander made his way inside. The change of seasons were taking their toll on his joints, and today was an especially bad day for his bursitis, apparently.

“Tea can help with that, I believe,” he muttered to himself as he put the kettle on. “Hmm. So, I have that bundle of Sycamore coming in - ought to be today, now that I think about it.” He went over and pulled out a piece of parchment and his quill and ink and began making a list.

Begin curing Sycamore as soon as it comes in
Prepare a new varnish for the deciduous woods. (Maple especially)
. . .

He tapped his quill on the paper. He needed a new source for cores. While the war was waging, most of the magical creatures disappeared, escaped, or left for other parts of the world. He really needed to find some new cores, and quickly. Already other wizards were sending him owls, asking if they could come and be fitted for a wand yet.

Ollivander, of course, noticed when Hagrid came into town with his heard of Thestrals and Buckbeak. Although he had never used anything from either of those magical creatures, it was well worth a try.

Pulling out another piece of parchment, Ollivander wrote his letter.


I am so glad to see that you’ve made it safely into Stoatshead. It was such a magnificent sight, watching you fly in with your heard of Thestrals, and the noble Buckbeak following you.

As you may know already, I have set up residence and shop here in town, and have begun the process of wand-making again. It’s been a difficult few years for me, what with the disappearance of most of the unicorns and phoenix in Britain, and the Dragon Heartstrings are getting more difficult to come by, as well. So, I was wondering if you might be able to spare a few of Buckbeak’s feathers and some Thestral mane for me.

Considering the source, I believe that if I am successful in making a wand, it might be well suited to you, so if it works out, I could offer you the first of those wands in exchange.

Of course, I would also be willing to provide compensation to the creatures, as well. For buckbeak, I am able to order a generous supply of mink meat (the fur, I’m afraid, I must save for another friend), and for the Thestrals - well, let’s just say they already know what I can do for them.

If you could find out if they’re willing to make a donation, I would be grateful.

And as for you, I haven’t seen you about in years. You must come by for a mug of tea and some shortbread sometime.


Folding up the note, he brought it out to the front room where his tiny black owl, Harbinger, was perched. Ollivander reached into the jar and brought out a cricket, fed it to Harbinger, and then gave him the note and instructions and released him out of the front window.

“If I receive a positive response,” Ollivander mused, “I’ll have to make a new list for the day.

ollivander, owl, november 2004, rubeus hagrid

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