OWL: To Harry Potter; RP: A Serpentine Problem

Jul 03, 2007 09:26

Date: 2 July 2005
Character(s): Greg Goyle, Harry Potter
Location: The Shelter, Harry's home
Status: Private
Summary: Greg runs across a problem that needs an interesting solution.
Completion: InComplete

Greg was in the middle of doing an inventory on their supply of Muggle drugs when Shadow came bounding into the room and scampered around his feet. He grinned down at her and crouched down, thinking that she wanted him to play with her. Instead she immediately scurried towards the door. He snorted and stood up again and was about to go back to work when Shadow hurried back over and latched onto the bottom of his jeans. She started pulling on them, giving him a look of utter frustration.

"Whoa... easy, little one," he said, putting the clipboard he'd been using down on a shelf.

The moment he did, Shadow let go of his jeans and scurried towards the door. She stopped in the middle of the doorway and rose up on her back legs. Greg suspected that if she could talk or make any other kind of sound, she'd be sounding very annoyed at him right now.

He walked towards her and she scampered out the door, heading for the back door of the clinic and looking back constantly to make sure he was following. Once he realised what she was up to he followed more quickly, wondering what on earth Shadow had found. She led him down into the field behind the clinic, almost down to the river, then she suddenly stopped, almost jumping up and down in her anxiety.

Greg walked forward, a frown on his face, until he was next to the Jarvey. He reached down and petted her then continued forward. When he heard the irritated hiss, he came to an abrupt halt. He looked around carefully and suddenly saw the source of the hiss in the long grass under a nearby tree. The snake was livid orange with black stripes and therefore Greg wasn't surprised when three heads rose from the grass to hiss warningly at him.

"Okay," Greg said soothingly, wondering whether he should just back away and leave the runespoor to its own business. Then the runespoor shifted and he saw the long gaping wound that ran down about two feet of the serpent's five foot length.

"Oh, crap," Greg said under his breath. He couldn't walk away and leave the creature, especially considering it was a very rare magical species. Unfortunately the runespoor didn't sound or look like it wanted him anywhere near it.

"Look, I'm a vet," Greg said, feeling a bit stupid to be talking to a snake but some magical animals were smart enough to understand. "I take care of animals. I can help you."

He took another step forward then froze and moved backwards again when the runespoor's hissing became more threatening. He rubbed the back of his neck in frustration and wondered if he should use magic. He didn't really want to do that but the wound looked bad enough that it might not heal on its own.

He was just about to pull out his wand when something occurred to him. A couple of people who'd come into the clinic had mentioned someone that Greg suddenly realised might be able to help without having to resort to magic. Harry Potter. Who was a Parselmouth and could speak to the runespoor.

Greg grimaced and sighed. Of all the bloody people to have to deal with. Harry bloody Potter. He looked down at the runespoor and sighed again. He couldn't leave the snake like this so he was just going to have to suck it up and hope that Potter had grown up as much as the rest of them. The idea of dealing with a hostile Gryffindor was not one he really liked. They could be so utterly irrational.

He ran a hand through his hair then turned around. "Watch out for the snake, will you? And don't annoy it," he said to Shadow then he walked back up to the clinic. He headed straight for his office and wrote a quick note, sending it off with an owl and hoping he wouldn't have to wait for too long.


We haven't run into each other since I returned to Britain but I am working as the new vet at the clinic and shelter. I have run into a problem that I think will need your ability with Parseltongue to solve.

It's a runespoor and it's injured. Can you come as soon as possible?

Greg Goyle

greg goyle, july 2005, harry potter

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