RP: Bowling with the Boys

Jun 22, 2007 17:13

Date: 22 June 2005
Characters: Kingsley Shacklebolt, Ernie Macmillan, Ron Weasley
Location: Five Alarm, then Exeter
Status: Private
Summary: Kingsley, Ernie and Ron on bowling, beer and birds.
Completion: Complete

Relationships are like bowling )

ernie macmillan, ron weasley, place: five alarm, june 2005, kingsley shacklebolt, place: exeter

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shh_ron June 22 2007, 22:54:42 UTC
Ron was really glad it was Friday and even more glad that he was going bowling with Kingsley and Ernie. He'd not seen much of Ernie since he arrived in Stoats so this would be a good chance to catch up with him. As for Kingsley, Ron had taken a real liking to the man when he and his best mates had first moved into the house he used to share with them. Kingsley had turned out to be a lot more than a huge, dark Auror. He was also very smart and funny and Ron enjoyed his company. After they were done bowling he would go straight to Lavender's flat and spend the weekend. She'd been very accommodating. "Go have fun with your friends," she told him, "but try not to get too pissed." He could have fun, he knew, without getting stinking drunk, and if he did, he could count on no fun after he left the boys.

So after work he'd cleaned up, changed clothes and Apparated to the Five Alarm to join his two friends for a blokes night out. Finding a table near the door, he sat down and waited for Kingsley and Ernie. A few minutes later he saw Kingsley enter, carrying some sort of bag.

"Hullo, Kings, how the hell are you?" he said, standing up to greet the other man.


shh_ernie June 22 2007, 23:02:51 UTC
As soon as Ernie left work, he Apparated home to change into something more comfortable. He had no idea what bowling entailed, really. Eleanor had attempted to explain, something about pins and a ball and gutters. She'd finally given up, laughing, and told him that denims and a shirt would be fine.

He left a note on the kitchen table, reminding her where he'd gone and that he loved her, and headed to the Five Alarm. He walked in a few metres behind Kingsley and joined the other two men at the table.

"Hello, Ron." He nodded. "Kingsley."


shh_kingsley June 22 2007, 23:14:18 UTC
"Loaded question that one. I'm good, though. How the hell are you?" He smiled as he heard yet another voice behind him.

"Ernie. You're looking very muggle. Both of you actually. I don't know about the two of you, but I'm starved."


shh_ron June 22 2007, 23:15:08 UTC
"Hey Ernie, good to see you," Ron said, extending his hand and shaking Ernie's. "Been a long time, hasn't it?"

Ron shrugged. "I don't wear robes much any more unless I have to. Muggle clothes are more comfortable and they make it easier to fit in someplace like Exeter. Speaking of which, I'm starved too. Shall we go to Queen Street now and get some of that pizza?"


shh_ernie June 22 2007, 23:21:06 UTC
Ernie shook hands all around. "It has been quite a while," he said to Ron. "Muggle clothes are much more comfortable. I honestly don't know what wizards are thinking with the robes and such."

Food sounded fantastic. After they'd decided on the nearest place to Apparate, the three of them set off. Ernie popped into view and glanced around. Ron and Kingsley were there, too.

"Lead the way, Ron."


shh_ron June 22 2007, 23:30:50 UTC
"Okay, it's not too far from here," he said, leading the way as Kingsley and Ernie followed. They walked about a quarter mile, turned down a narrow alley and shortly emerged on a larger street, Queen Street, where Muggle cars chugged down the street in stop-and-start traffic. "It's just a bit further," he insisted, finally finding the right storefront.

"Here we go," he said, looking up at the sign above the shop, and holding the door for them. "After you. Whatever we get, let's get a couple of them."


shh_kingsley June 22 2007, 23:40:46 UTC
"The Megabowl isn't that far from here, either. Streets are pretty crowded. The traffic is certainly something I don't miss living in Stoats."

One thing you could always count on with a Weasley around was that there'd be plenty of food. He chuckled as he nodded and walked in. "Let's look at the menu first. But I agree we need sustenance. And lots of it. The bowling alley has food, but it isn't that good. It mostly caters to the bowlers who are drinking too much to help sop up some of the alcohol. I prefer bowling sober, which means my taste buds haven't been deadened enough to like the food."


shh_ernie June 22 2007, 23:51:47 UTC
Ernie followed Kingsley into the pizza place, the scent of tomatos and garlic filling his nose. Perhaps he'd get some new ideas for pizzas while he was here. He hadn't made any since he'd had Megan, Cedric, and Hermione over for dinner. Best not to think too hard on that.

They grabbed a table and a couple of menus. "We should definitely get a cheese and tomato. You can tell loads from such a simple pie. And then perhaps something more exotic?"


shh_ron June 23 2007, 00:03:42 UTC
Ron had been in this pizza place only once before but already it was one of his favourite places in Exeter. As they sat down he nodded to one of the waiters, who seemed to recognise him from the time he'd gone there with Lavender. The pizza was greasy and wonderful, as Cedric had told him, and the atmosphere was a bit on the seedy side, which made the place seem a bit exotic. But the pizza was absolutely brilliant, and the more exotic types appealed to him too.

"How about sausage, mushroom, green pepper and...pineapple?" he asked.


shh_kingsley June 23 2007, 00:14:11 UTC
"Pineapple? Sounds like we're having one of those Polynesian things... a luaouch, I think. I suppose I'm game to try. I can always pick it off. I like the other stuff. What about you, Ernie?"

He looked at the menu a moment longer. "How about a pitcher of beer and some of those chicken wing things to round us off? That should feed three big guys, don't you think?"


shh_ernie June 23 2007, 00:19:17 UTC
Ernie'd never had pineapple on a pizza. But tonight was about trying new things. Like bowling. And pineapple. He shrugged. "I'll give it a go."

When Kingsley suggested beer and chicken wings, Ernie nodded. And then snorted. He was, by far, the smallest of the 'three big guys,' with both Ron and Kingsley dwarfing him.

"So what's everyone been doing lately? Ron, I saw Lavender the other day." He grinned. "She seemed...very happy. And Kingsley, what of you? Working on Susan's farm, I reckon?"


shh_ron June 23 2007, 01:22:06 UTC
"Good man, Ernie," said Ron enthusiastically. Of course Ron had rarely met any foods he didn't like other than brussels sprouts and corned beef. "I've not had pizza with all those things on it before, but I did have some with pineapple once and it was better than I'd thought it would be." He nodded at Kingsley's suggestion. "Beer and chicken wings and pizza...mmmm...blimey, we'll probably fall asleep before we get to the Megabowl," he teased.

"What'm I doing? Well, you know, printing books. Still with Lavender, of course, and we're really happy." He leaned toward his two friends. "We, um, said the L-word about a month ago. So that was a big deal. No commitments yet but, yeah, we're happy. And, um, I got my own flat recently." He said the last part softer and more quickly, hoping it would slide past them as they considered the other stuff.


shh_kingsley June 23 2007, 01:37:40 UTC
The waiter came and took their order, returning quickly with the pitcher of beer. "Bowling will wake you up, don't worry."

Taking up his mug, he decided this was the time. "Gentlemen, I propose a toast to our women. To Lavender, Eleanor, and... Susan." His words hung in the air for a moment while the two younger men processed what he said.


shh_ron June 23 2007, 01:42:01 UTC
"Well, I hope so," said Ron, a bit worried that the food and beer really would put him to sleep after a long day at work.

The beer arrived, none too soon, and Kingsley poured mugs all around. Raising his mug, Ron listened to the toast then sat there with his mouth slightly open.

"Susan? You mean Susan Bones?"


shh_ernie June 23 2007, 01:47:32 UTC
"She's too young for you!" Ernie blurted out. There was no way that Kingsley could have meant that Susan. She was, well, Ernie's age. And Kingsley was old enough to be, well, Ernie's father. Most likely.

But of what other Susan had he ever heard Kingsley speak? He set down his glass, without taking a sip, and waited for the older man to explain.


shh_kingsley June 23 2007, 02:05:07 UTC
Fuck. Well that went over well.

He sighed and put down his beer. Deciding to take the statements in turn, he looked at Ron. "Yes, I mean Susan Bones." Turning to Ernie, he nodded, "Maybe. Hell, probably, but try telling that to her."

He scrubbed his head and held out his hands. "Look, I know this is a bit odd." At Ernie's look, he modified the statement, "Okay, this is a lot odd. But she and I, well we both want..." what was it they both wanted besides each other. Kingsley wasn't sure. He knew she wanted children, a family, but she kept saying she didn't want to marry him, which left him confused, but then she told him how much she wanted him and he couldn't help wanting her back. "We both want to see if we could be happy together. I know it isn't hard to see what's special about her. But is it really so hard to believe that she might want me?"


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