RP: Chocolate & Conversation

Jun 22, 2007 14:52

Date: 22 June 2005
Characters: Eloise Midgen, Zach Smith
Location: Just Desserts
Status: Private
Summary: Zach stops by for chocolate
Completion: Incomplete

TGIF doesn't mean a lot if you work on Saturdays )

zacharias smith, eloise midgen, place: just desserts, june 2005

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shh_eloise June 22 2007, 23:59:09 UTC
"Socks sounds great." She fell in step beside him and glanced at the sky, pleased to see that there weren't any rain clouds. "I went to the Five Alarm for dinner last night, anyway, so this will be a nice change."

She smiled. "I've not been there, but it's supposed to have really good Italian food. It's run by a couple from Italy who moved here during the war. The woman comes into the shop sometimes to buy mints," she said. "It's on River Road, as I pass it by during my walk to the Five Alarm."


shh_zach June 23 2007, 00:22:10 UTC
"I went for lunch today," he said, nodding and thinking of Mandy's warm smile. "I like Socks too, though."

"I'll have to check out the other restaurant. I haven't been here very long, so I'm afraid I'm terribly out of the loop." He tucked the tin under his arm as they walked. "Thank you for agreeing to join me. I wasn't looking forward to going back to my flat just yet. Have you lived here very long?"


shh_eloise June 23 2007, 00:34:28 UTC
"Thank you for asking," she said with a smile. "A quiet flat doesn't compare to dinner with a friend."

"I moved here in December," she told him. "I wanted to renovate the shop and just moved in above it. Of course, I wasn't very social until the shop opened. Still don't get out nearly enough, really. But, yes, I arrived here shortly before Christmas. My sister, Marian, lives with me so she can attend school, but I'm not sure if that'll stay the same now that the floo is in service. She's spending the month with our parents, so it's just me now, which is an adjustment."

"When did you move here?"


shh_zach June 23 2007, 00:40:43 UTC
"I moved here in November. But I was only here for a few weeks before going back home to deal with family issues. I've been back for about three weeks now. Trying to get settled in, get everything in order."

He glanced at her as they walked. "How old is your sister? I've a brother who will be attending the school, he's eleven, so he'll be starting right on time. He may stay with me some, but I think it will be better for him if he lives at home with our parents. I don't think I'm prepared to be a guardian full time."


shh_eloise June 23 2007, 00:51:02 UTC
"I hope the family issues are all okay," she said. "Everything getting in order, then?"

She grinned. "Marian is fourteen going on thirty, I swear. We've got a brother, Ford, who is eleven and will be starting school this next term. Marian went briefly to the temporary school, but they've been homeschooled by my stepmum," she explained.

"I definitely couldn't handle Ford at that age, but Marian helps around the shop and doesn't require a lot of overseeing. Ford'll be using the floo if our parents don't move here like they'd originally planned."


shh_zach June 23 2007, 00:58:08 UTC
"They are, thank you. My sister had her baby. I've a brand new niece. Few complications, but everything is going well now. She's beautiful. And my sister is back to her old self."

Zach nodded. "Yeah, Adair has been schooled at home, too. I suppose he would have stayed with me had the floo not been up and running. But as it is, yeah, it'll be good to have him visit, and even cooler to be able to send him back home." He grinned. "Everything is slowly getting in order, yes. My flat is somewhat inhabitable, and I've landed a job. And I have some of the best chocolate in the world now, so I have no complaints."


shh_eloise June 23 2007, 01:30:41 UTC
"Oh, congratulations," she said, glancing towards the river as her smile faded slightly. "Complications aren't good at all, but I'm glad your sister and the baby are okay."

They turned on Alpha to head north to Socks and she laughed when he mentioned being able to send his brother home. "I can agree with that when it comes to Ford. I just don't understand boys, I guess, because he drives me batty with his constant movement and playing. I wasn't around for Marian's stages like that."

"Somewhat inhabitable is good. A job is even better. Where do you work?"


shh_zach June 23 2007, 02:24:20 UTC
"Thank you," he said, grinning. "They're both fine. The pregnancy was difficult and the baby came early. Had us all worried for a bit. It was worth it though."

He sighed. "Adair is all energy, all the time. But I was like that. Still am to a degree. So we get on all right, until he starts behaving like the brat that he is. I swear, I was never that hard to handle." He likely had been, but he really, really hoped not.

"I'm working for Roger Davies. Just started a week or so ago. I love it. I hope he's as happy with me as I am with the job. It's been wonderful to be working, to actually get to do something with my hands. I wanted to help with the construction of the school... and Lupin offered me the flying instructor job there, so I'll be teaching the first years. I'll still work for Roger though, less hours. I don't want to give it up entirely."


shh_eloise June 23 2007, 02:32:10 UTC
"I met Roger Davies when he came in to buy chocolates," she said. "He seemed to be a nice bloke, and I've heard good things around town about his company."

She grinned. "Flying instructor? That's smashing! Marian's never learned, since the war and all, so I imagine you'll be quite busy the first year just teaching all the students the basics. I know how, but I'm horrid at it. I don't even bother trying anymore. Can't remember the last time I've been on a broom, though it very well might have been first year."

"You were always good at flying, if my memory serves me well," she said. "You'll be great at teaching it."


shh_zach June 23 2007, 02:40:35 UTC
"He's a good guy. I think a lot of him. He's honest, and decent. And he's been damn good to me. I owe him a lot."

Zach grinned back, feeling rather excited. "I can't wait. I love flying. I keep my broom up to par and fly whenever I can. You should get back on, give it a try. Getting up there in the air... well, I leave everything else behind for a while. Clears my head. I hope I do a good job with it, I want to. It's damn... oh sorry... I mean darn important to me."


shh_eloise June 23 2007, 02:50:05 UTC
"Oh, I don't think so. I had a horrible time trying to balance the bloody thing back when I was eleven, and I'm definitely not that small anymore," she said, grinning easily. "So, I think I'll leave the flying to others."

She laughed. "It's fine. No offense taken," she said. "It's good that you've managed to find things to do that are important to you. That's always a great way to spend your time."

They arrived at Socks and entered. The pub was pretty busy, which wasn't surprising since it was a Friday night, but there were a few empty tables.


shh_zach June 23 2007, 02:56:05 UTC
"You don't have to be that small. Trust the broom and balance will come, no matter what your size." He held the door open for her and followed her to one of the tables, holding her chair out for her before taking his seat as well.

"It is good," he said, picking up the menu. "I've always envied people who were passionate about what they do for a living. I mean, it's something you're going to be doing from now on. You need to love it." He looked up at her. "So you said your parents may move here? Where are they now?"


shh_eloise June 23 2007, 03:29:54 UTC
"Ah, but, see, I don't trust the broom," she said with a laugh. "I might try again sometime. Who knows?"

He held her chair out for her, and she smiled before she sat down. "Thank you." She reached for a menu and scanned it before deciding to order meatloaf.

"I think people would be much happier if they could do something for a living that they loved, though I know it's not always possible. I'm thrilled to have found something that I enjoy so much."

"They moved to the wizarding area of Hastings after Hogsmeade was destroyed," she said. "My father found work there after the Ministry was attacked the final time, and they're settled and happy. They talked about moving here this summer, to be closer to things, but I don't think they will. If Father decides to work for the Ministry again, he can floo easy enough. I'm not sure if Marian will want to move back to Hastings for the school year or keep a room in my flat."

"What about your family? You mentioned a sister and brother already. Do you have any other siblings?"


shh_zach June 23 2007, 04:03:17 UTC
They ordered their food; her the meatloaf and him the shepards pie. He ordered a pint as well.

"I'm glad too, thank you." He smiled at her and listened as she talked.

"My family are in Devon. My father worked for the Ministry for a time, but as a consultant. He still does consulting work, but for law offices mainly. And yeah, two siblings. My sister, Adabelle, is two years older. Adair was a... surprise." He smiled at her.


shh_eloise June 23 2007, 04:57:08 UTC
"He did? My father was in the education area, working for the Wizarding Examinations Authority primarily, though it was mostly research and writing exams for NEWTs and OWLs, that sort of thing," she said. "I wonder if he knew your father."

"My brother and sister were a second family," she told him. "Obviously, considering the age difference. I was actually about to start Hogwarts when Marian was born, so I didn't really spend a lot of time with either of them. I've really been getting to know Marian recently, and it's nice."


shh_zach June 23 2007, 14:21:53 UTC
"I hope not. My father is an arrogant bastard," Zach said, smiling. "I'd hate to be judged by him. My mother, however, is lovely."

Zach nodded. "Was what... in third year when Adair was born. So he was four when I finished. I fought, came home as much as I could. It was hard on him. Not knowing what was happening, not being able to do anything but wait. It would have driven me mad." He thanked the elf as he took his ale. "He's a good boy. I'm glad I'm around to get to know him now."


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