RP: General Girliness

Jun 16, 2007 20:16

Date: June 16, 2005
Character(s): Luna Lovegood, Eloise Midgen
Location: Exeter
Status: Private
Summary: Luna and Eloise do a bit of female bonding over dinner after buying new clothes and shoes.
Completion: InComplete

Luna shifted her shopping bags to her other arm, wishing she'd taken the time to shrink them down and put them into her purse when no ( Read more... )

eloise midgen, luna lovegood, june 2005, place: exeter

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shh_eloise June 17 2007, 01:26:46 UTC
The afternoon had been very enjoyable. Draco would probably have a tanty if he knew Eloise had just grabbed a handful of Muggle money from the vault upstairs before leaving, of course, but she'd promised to follow his many thorough instructions regarding money matters during the upcoming work week. She considered Saturday to be part of last week, so she'd just make sure he never found out. Annoyingly, Walter had whole-heartedly agreed with Draco's recommendations, which had earned him a smack on the bum for never mentioning that she should probably keep track of receipts and the like.

However, she couldn't complain too much because she'd had a smashing time shopping with Luna, despite the rain, and had found a few bargains for things to wear in the upcoming months. Now she just needed to remember to go buy a couple of new robes, and she'd be all set.

Not only had the shopping been nice, but she really enjoyed Luna's company and liked spending time with a new friend. They were on their way to dinner now, which would be most welcome since shopping made her hungry.

"We've definitely earned it," she agreed, grinning at the shop-hopping concept. "And I'm starving. Who knew that shopping and spending money could make you so hungry?"


shh_luna June 17 2007, 02:07:05 UTC
"I'm hungry too," Luna said as they entered the restaurant and were ushered to a table. "And more than relieved to be putting these bags down finally. I probably shouldn't have bought so much, but it's been forever since I splurged a little. I can't just work all the time though, you know?"

She set the bags under the table and slid into her seat, brushing a bit of slightly-damp hair back from her face. "What we need is a decent place to buy clothes in Stoatshead so we can perform drying charms at will," she said with a laugh after the handsome waiter had handed them menus and moved out of earshot.


shh_eloise June 17 2007, 02:12:46 UTC
"No, you can't," Eloise agreed, smiling at Luna. "Besides, you looked beautiful in everything, so why try to choose? We all deserve a chance to splurge once in awhile."

After they were seated, she took a menu from an attractive waiter and ordered a glass of wine before she listened to Luna. "Well, there's the robe shop, but I could see it being profitable to have a Muggle clothing shop, too, as we have to wear something beneath the robes, and Muggle clothing is general less expensive than wizarding," she said quietly, so as to not be overheard.

"Goodness, they have a lot of choices here. What looks good?"


shh_luna June 17 2007, 02:30:10 UTC
"I could get used to having friends like you," Luna decided. "Compliments and a partner in crime. That's rather ideal, you know. And you looked lovely, of course."

She nodded and looked up from her menu before she checked to see if anyone else was within listening distance. "I've not worn robes besides my Mediwitch ones for a long while," she said quietly, "so I've not been to the robe shop yet. But yes, there'd be a market for a place that sold Muggle clothing; I see a lot of people in town who wear either-or. I'd certainly visit."

With a wry smile, she drank her water. "I've never been the most decisive sort, so I'm not sure." The waiter came back and Luna ordered a mixed drink with an interesting name. When he left to fill it, Luna browsed the menu again. "The chicken salad looks good, perhaps," she said. "So, what are your plans for the rest of the weekend? Anything exciting? If so, I can live vicariously through you, as I have to work tomorrow."


shh_eloise June 17 2007, 03:02:18 UTC
Eloise laughed and shook her head. "A complimenting partner in crime is definitely the best friend a girl can have."

"I've not been there, either, though I've intended to for awhile," she murmured. "If you've not noticed yet, I'm easily distractable, so I tend to not accomplish things in a timely manner unless there's a definite deadline. I do hope that someone eventually opens a clothing shop, though, as it would be much more convenient than coming to Exeter."

There were so many choices on the menu that she couldn't decide what she wanted. Definitely a sign that she was hungry. "I think the baked chicken and veggies sounds pretty good," she finally decided. She smiled at Luna and shrugged. "Honestly? I've nothing at all planned for tomorrow except possibly hanging about in the kitchen, maybe taking Peanut for a walk if the weather's nice enough, and basically doing nothing at all exciting. Your work would probably be less boring than my day."


shh_luna June 17 2007, 03:23:04 UTC
"Being easily distracted isn't always a bad thing," Luna said. "I've been known to be somewhat flaky myself, but I tend to come through in the end, I think. Of course, it doesn't pay to be a flake in my line of work so I try to stay on top of things there."

When the waiter came back with her drink, Luna ordered the chicken salad. "You'll have Peanut to keep you company though," she mused. "I've been thinking about getting a pet as sometimes, my house feels entirely too big with me in it all alone. But I'd be afraid I'd not have time to give it the attention it needs." She smiled. "At any rate, my work's certainly not exciting, though it has its moments." She paused. "And, well, I can't talk. My free time is typically spent walking, reading, and, on rare occasions, seeing friends." She laughed. "I really get around."


shh_eloise June 17 2007, 15:31:49 UTC
"I'd have to agree that being a mediwitch probably isn't good for flakes," she said with a grin. "I just have procrastination issues, I think, and I forget things if I don't do them right when I'm thinking about them."

They ordered their food,and she sipped her wine while Luna spoke. "It takes more time than I expect," she admitted. "I quite adore Peanut, but I have to remember to feed him and take him for walks and feel guilty if he's alone for too long."

"Well, it sounds like we both have similar free times, though I don't really read too often. I cook a lot."


shh_luna June 19 2007, 04:40:30 UTC
"No, it isn't," she said with a wry grin. "I had to lose a few of my bad habits when I was in training, I have to say. Not all of them, fortunately."

Luna was glad she'd ordered this ... whatever drink this was called. She'd certainly have to keep it at just one, though. "Peanut is lovely, and friendly, but really, I think pets gravitate to owners with similar demeanours," she mused, then laughed. "I suppose anything that would pick me out would be something of a spacey loner."

"Do you cook a lot outside of work?" she asked curiously. "When you have time, I mean. I don't cook very often at all, though it's not for lack of trying. Everything I try ends up tasting the same. Which wouldn't be so bad if the flavor was at all pleasing." She laughed again and sipped her drink.


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