RP: Down to the river

Jun 12, 2007 18:49

Date: 12th June 2005
Characters: Blaise, Draco
Location: By the river, near the Town Hall.
Status: Public
Summary: Blaise takes a break after his morning jog and ends up doing a bit of contemplating about the future.
Completion: Incomplete

Blaise turned off the road that led up to the observatory and back onto River Road, jogging a little further ( Read more... )

place: streets of shh, june 2005, draco malfoy, blaise zabini

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shh_blaise June 12 2007, 21:14:29 UTC
Blaise pulled himself out of his thoughts and looked up at the sound of someone clearing their throat behind him. He smirked at the sight of Draco and relaxed his shoulders a fraction, wry amusement rolling over him at the realisation that an impending conversation with Draco Malfoy was no longer cause for aggravation and frustration, which was how he’d always looked at it at one time. It was how he’d looked at conversations with the majority of his housemates to tell the truth. Tracy being the only exception and even with her Blaise had sometimes found her attitude and refusal to ask for help exasperating. Still did. And much as he’d called Theo friend at one time it hadn’t meant that interactions with him were any less game play orientated. It wasn’t any wonder that some of the most prominent politicians of the past few decades had come out of Slytherin, he thought. Growing up inside that house was a perfect education in politics.

That had been the thing about being in Slytherin, it was all faces and fitting in and playing games. Blaise had been good at it. Was good at it. Better than most of them had expected or ever anticipated because none of them had ever guessed the contempt he’d held for some of the idiots he shared a common room with. But it got tiring and back then there had been a pressure to it. The worry that if he didn’t give the right answer or the right cocky smile, his loyalties would come into question. In his position, Blaise hadn’t been able to afford that risk. Blaise had too many things that already put him in a questionable position in his house. His family wasn’t as old or rich as for example Draco’s. Enough rumours circulated about his mother to draw more than enough unwanted attention to him and his parentage. And primarily, Blaise thought for himself. He didn’t agree with everything his peers thought and that was enough of a potential problem for Blaise to make damned sure none of them ever so much as suspected the fact. He’d been called vain and a ponce enough times, but they were a good cover.

Talking with Draco back then had been frustrating for an additional reason. The boy had lived and breathed being in his father’s shadow. And Blaise had seen the potential for so much more. Like he had with Tracey. But Draco had seemed so immersed in his father’s world Blaise had never dared question his beliefs like he had with Tracey. The risk had been too great. And like many of the great politicians that had come out of his house, Blaise knew when he was beating a dead hippogriff and when it was wise to back off.

Still, just because Blaise could admit that he found the constant game playing he’d had to indulge in during school tiring, that didn’t mean he couldn’t still enjoy it. There was a skill to it and, without the pressure of potential retribution discolouring his enjoyment of it, Blaise actually found himself looking forward to indulging in it. Besides, there was nothing like playing off another Slytherin.

“Morning,” he replied and stretched out the silver cigarette case to Draco, flipping it open as his arm extended. “I never quite pictured you as the type to want to commune with nature. How are you?”


shh_draco June 12 2007, 22:27:39 UTC
Draco glanced down at the soft grass underfoot and shrugged inwardly before he took a seat beside Blaise -- at a cool distance, of course, though that was more form and habit than anything else.

He reached over and and thumbed a roll up from the slim case Blaise extended before he smiled wryly. "It would appear you're a better-than-average judge of character, then," he said. "Though at this time of day, I can certainly see the appeal. For those who are into such things, of course." His smile widened slightly.

"I'm well," he continued. "Found myself up early and pacing and thought I'd have a bit of a walk. And you?"


shh_blaise June 12 2007, 22:58:49 UTC
Blaise’s lips curled into a hint of a softer smile and he glanced back at the river as Draco took a seat, amused by the other man’s posture and reaction. Slightly stiff and cold, and so familiarly formal it was like coming home. Blaise thought that maybe it just went to prove he was spending far too much time with open Ravenclaws and pushy in-touch-with-their-feelings Gryffindors if he was getting sentimental over his old houses tendency towards aloofness. He chastised himself a moment later for falling into the use of stereotypes he’d cautioned others against in the past six months. Even so there was something to the observation.

Blaise pulled back the cigarette case, slipping it back into his pocket and taking anther drag on his own. “Better than you ever gave me credit for, I think,” Blaise replied. “And yes,” he added, nodding towards the river, “it does have a certain appeal.” The view from the river wasn’t quite the humbling experience he used to get from sitting on the beach under his grandparent’s house, but there was something oddly relaxing to it all the same.

Blaise lifted his eyebrow a fraction at Draco’s explanation. Pacing? Blaise wondered what was on the other man’s mind that could have driven him from his house. He also wondered a bit at just what it said that Draco had released that detail. “Going a bit stir crazy,” he asked, eyebrow still raised.

“I’m good. And something similar” Blaise looked down at himself then up at Draco, gesturing towards the running trousers. “Ended up taking my run earlier than usual and found myself with some time to kill.”


shh_draco June 13 2007, 20:06:01 UTC
"Do you?" Draco lit the tip of his cigarette and took a drag, glancing over at the other man. Truthfully, he'd not been arsed to observe Blaise in more than a cursory way whilst at school, though he'd found him fascinating as a boy. It was only that Draco's preference in associations back then had run toward a more malleable sort. These days, though, he got a lot more satisfaction from dealing with someone on a more even keel with him, as with Blaise. "Oh, I don't know," he murmured. "You always did spend most of your time hanging back and observing."

Draco caught Blaise's raised eyebrow at his admission and could practically see the wheels turning. Case in point. He smiled slightly, moved a shoulder. "No story there," he said mildly, getting a bit more comfortable. "A lot to think about of late. Sometimes one simply needs some air."

He glanced at Blaise again before he took another drag and glanced down at the other man's running trousers, nodding. "I do hope I've not interrupted a bout of introspection by approaching you," he said. "Unless, of course, you're merely killing time. How are things coming along with the library? I caught your notice the other day. I take it things are moving forward." He'd been meaning to stop by and have a more purposeful look around, as well as make a trip to the bookstore. There must be some books to be had on sales and marketing, advertising, and the like, considering the volume of businesses starting up around here.


shh_blaise June 13 2007, 20:56:12 UTC
Blaise let his slow smile spread back into a full smirk at Draco’s words, rather pleasantly surprised by the implication of the comment. A lot of their housemates had too readily taken up the easy notion, Blaise had admittedly been keen to foster, that his reserved countenance was simply snobbishness. And whilst Blaise had known from watching Draco back then and even earlier, that Draco had the tools and the brain to see past that act, he hadn’t been as keen to anticipate the possibility of him having the will.

“There’s a lot to be said for hanging back sometimes,” Blaise said, realising as he said it just how many layers that observation held and just how many implication could be drawn from it and related to both Blaise and Draco’s lives.

He nodded at Draco’s shrug and nonchalant brush off of the reason he was out. “Yes,” he said slowly, looking back to the river. “Sometimes, that’s all there is.”

Blaise shook off the slightly more pensive mood they’d settled into, latching on to the subject of work. “And no, the interruption’s quite welcome. As it happens, I was simply considering the library and the notice you mentioned.” Blaise blew out another smoke ring and rolled the remaining cigarette over his fingers idly. “Things are going well. Providing the staff search goes well, we should be open next month. We’re starting to move the books back in this week and that will make a big difference. How about you?”


shh_draco June 14 2007, 19:19:43 UTC
Draco rested an elbow on his knee as he considered Blaise's words. He'd not really known the benefits of simply hanging back at the time, but he'd certainly developed an appreciation for it. Though, nothing was ever what it seemed, and he wondered what other reasons Blaise had for doing so.

Instead of commenting further, Draco simply nodded and exhaled slowly, regarding the other man through a thin haze of smoke.

"Next month; really?" Draco nodded. "Well, regardless of the changes in the wizarding world, a library will still be an attraction. At least, it should be, so I'm sure that the venture will succeed." He paused a moment. Though, while I can visualise you heading up a project like this, I never really thought of you as a librarian, per se."

"As for me, I've got it into my head to open an establishment -- a coffee and tea shop," he said, glancing sidelong at Blaise and straightening his shoulders slightly. Blaise was the first of his old housemates to be hearing of Draco's plan, and he was curious of their reactions. But it wasn't as if he cared what they thought; Draco had stopped doing what was expected of him a long time ago. This business was a clear representation of that. "I've claimed premises and, going over the numbers, it seems a sound business venture. I've been moving forward with it over the past little while."


shh_blaise June 14 2007, 20:45:23 UTC
Blaise stubbed the end of his cigarette out in a path of wet soil to the side, comfortable in the short silence and comparing the difference between the boy he’d watched and the man he was getting to know once again. The boy he’d known would have filled the gap with boasts and declarations. Blaise preferred the man.

“I know. Feels like it’s come around pretty quick,” Blaise replied, his fingers plucking at a blade of grass as he considered again the reluctance he’d felt earlier about having to step back from the project. Except, Draco was right in his observation. Organising the library’s regeneration was one thing, and managing his own private library was another, but doing the job day in and day out?

He swung his gaze up from the grass and across to Draco, lips curling as he caught the other wizards stare. “You do your fair share of hanging back and observing yourself, these days. You’re right though. Taking up the post of librarian I don’t think is for me.” He just wasn’t certain teaching was either.

Blaise kept his eyes on Draco as the conversation moved to his plans, mildly surprised that Draco was actually qualifying him with an answer in regards to his plans this time. He swept his eyes down to Draco’s shoulders and hands, taking in the tell tale straightening of his posture. Not exactly nerves, Blaise thought, but maybe something akin to how he felt about stepping away from the library and into the potential role of teacher. Apprehension, perhaps at the newness of it.

“A coffee shop, eh?” Blaise regarded Draco a moment then nodded. Smiled to himself at all that even the consideration of such a venture suggested. “Well, we could certainly do with a decent source of coffee around here. How far into your plans are you? Sourced any decent beans yet? I could give you the contact information of my dealer in Italy.”


shh_draco June 16 2007, 05:05:14 UTC
Draco glanced down as Blaise picked at the grass, a seemingly uncharacteristic show of -- was it nerves? agitation? Worry, perhaps, or a combination. He couldn't put his finger on it. At Blaise's words, Draco let his smirk widen. "Well, it's like you said, isn't it? You might say I've learned the benefits of observation. So, what will you end up doing, if not manning the circulation desk?"

He smiled slightly; he'd not been sure how Blaise would react to his plans, but he did feel a bit more at ease now, even as he noted Blaise's slight smile. "Yes, the town has been quite bereft of a suitable place for coffee," he agreed. "I'd figured on having a corner on that market. The premises is nearly ready, but I'm still getting stocked and prepared for opening. I've a line on a source for some decent beans out of Vienna. I must say, though: That coffee you had the last time we met was quite fantastic. I think I'd appreciate the contact information."

Pausing, he took a long drag. He'd certainly not expected Blaise to offer to help, and now that he had, Draco wasn't sure how to feel. He wasn't quite used to such things. "Thank you," he said after a moment.


shh_blaise June 18 2007, 19:56:13 UTC
Blaise glanced sidelong at Draco, cocking his eyebrow at the way Draco’s attention was focussed on his hands and letting out a chuckle. “So I see,” he replied, looking away again.

He considered his answer to Draco’s subsequent question for a moment. Considered how honest to be, then decided to veer on the side of caution for the time being. Whatever these ever growing meetings with Draco were building, the man was still a Slytherin, and Blaise knew without a doubt that even if he approved of what he’d seen in Draco so far, he still had the wizard no where near pegged yet. “I haven’t decide yet. I have a few interests I wish to keep up, still have some role to play, even if it is a less time consuming one, with the library, and a couple of other options to consider to boot.” In the end it was the truth in actuality that Blaise answered with, all he’d held back in the end were the details.

Blaise listened to Draco’s own plans and nodded. “Vienna? I’ll look forward to the chance the sample those.” His eyes widened slightly, the barest fraction, at the ‘thank you’ from Draco. He noted the uncomfortable-ness of the word on Draco’s tongue, the way his posture stiffened as if unsure of the correct way to form the vowels. It wasn’t surprising. In all the time Blaise had watched Draco from across carriages, ballrooms and the like he couldn’t ever remember hearing the blond speak the phase. At least to a peer. That one word said more than all his other observations put together, and Blaise took a moment to appraise him once again before replying. “It’s no problem. I’ll owl you his address when I get home, just don’t go and eat up all of my supply,” he finished with a smirk.


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