Date: June 2, 2005
Characters: Gilderoy Lockhart, Rita Skeeter, Madam Rosmerta, Daphne Greengrass, Hermione Granger, Romilda Vane, Su Li, Andromeda Tonks, anyone else who comes.
Location: Five Alarm
Status: Semi-private (any gal who was invited/can think of a reason to come is welcome)
Summary: The ladies of Stoatshead send Gilderoy off to married
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Napoleon was fast asleep on his pillow at the head of her bed upstairs in her flat and she trusted him enough to leave him alone for a short while because she wanted to grab something to eat at the Five Alarm, as the menu had changed and was much improved since she had moved to Hammerside.
So in her faded denims, one of Bill's old white tee shirts (now spotted with paint), and old trainers she crossed the road to the Five Alarm. Surely it must still be open, she only wanted a small bite, and to bring the leftovers home to Napoleon.
She stepped through the entrance of the pub, her mind completely preoccupied with thoughts of what else needed to be done to prepare for the opening. Then she stopped and slowly looked around.
There was a rather shiny gentleman speaking to some women. He was wearing some sort of hat that had brightly coloured zizi bobbing on it. Glittering cock-shaped confetti constantly drifted from the ceiling only to disappear upon landing.
She could not help herself. A piece of the confetti landed into her cupped hands and as she examined its shape she burst into laughter before the confetti disappeared.
"Penis confetti?" she giggled, "I had no idea zey made such a thing!" She brought her hand to her mouth in a gesture of delighted amusement. Apparently some lucky girl in town was getting married and she wondered who amongst the chatting women (and one gentleman) was the bride-to-be.
Rita spotted Fleur Delacour from the door. Even in - Merlin, was that a paint spattered man's shirt? - she was unmistakable, and still gorgeous. Rita remembered seeing the girl in town once before, on her first visit after the war. She'd been just as haughty and cold as ever, then, but she did appear impressed by Rita's decorations this time, even if she didn't seem to be dressed for a party. Come to think of it, Rita was quite sure she hadn't invited her.
No matter. Rita wasn't going to turn away someone who wanted to celebrate with Gilderoy. If she wanted to stay, she was welcome to. And the least Rita could do would be to play hostess.
She certainly wanted to chance to show the girl that she wasn't walking around in transfigured clothes any more, thankyouverymuch.
"Miss Delacour," she greeted as she approached. "What a pleasure to see you. Have you..." she let her eyes flick just quickly over the girl's attire "... come for the party?"
Summoning every ounce of harsh dignity she could muster she plastered a stunningly bright smile on her face as Rita moved closer.
"Oui, bonjour Madam Skeeter," she nodded to the woman, "I stopped in for a quick bite to eat but it seems I have stumbled upon a bachelorette party, non? And I am embarrassingly underdressed for such an occasion." She looked down at the soft swell of her breast and decided to gather the excess material and twist it into a knot at the small of her back before tucking it into her denims. This made the cotton material cling much more suggestively to her bosom.
Another batch of confetti drifted down and she caught one of the shining decorations in her hand and glanced at the balloons.
"Who is ze bride-to-be?" she asked glancing around the pub. "Is it you?"
Rita laughed, just a little at first, but then louder. Something that might have become out of control if she hadn't cut it off. Rita Skeeter, marrying? Now there was a thought.
"No," she smiled. "No, not me. Gilderoy. He's marrying Julian Avery on the 6th - or as close to marrying as he can, at any rate. He's most definitely the bride of the pair, and so..." she gestured to the decorations.
She looked the girl over again. She wasn't dressed for it, really, but... well, neither was Gilderoy. And Rosie would certainly give her food if that was what she was after. "Would you like to come in? Don't worry if you don't know Gilderoy, he'll assume you're a fan anyway. I'm sure Rosie has some leftovers from the dinner crowd if you're hungry."
She didn't really know what she was inviting Fleur Delacour in. But she wasn't in much of a mood to be rude, really. Perhaps she could blame it on the two or three cocktails she'd downed.
"So, Monsieur Lock'art is 'aving a civil partnership ceremony?" Fleur asked as she beamed across the pub toward Gilderoy, "Zat is wonderful. I have a tantine (auntie) on my mother's side who has a civil partnership, Tantine Sophie and Tantine Valérie. Oui, it is common with many Veela to do so." Fleur nodded toward Gilderoy. "He looks very 'appy, if not a bit uncomfortable with the zizis bobbing about on his head." She laughed and jokingly waved her hands above her head imitating the bouncing cocks.
"And I adore ze decorations!" she commented, "Much more entertaining zan most stuffy Anglais would provide."
"Merci for ze invitation," Fleur replied, "I theenk I might just stay for a bit and mingle some...have a nibble and a drink, peut-être congratulate ze lovely bride-to-be before I scurry away in my blue jeans and old work shirt."
"By ze way," Fleur added, touching the sash draped over Rita's shoulder, "I am 'Nearly a Virgin' myself now and zis, zis is a lovely dress you are wearing." She looked at Rita with a half grin.
Rita smiled. "Well, who could blame them, hm? I imagine having men fall all over one because of some inbuilt magic would get tiring after a while, and when women are so... well, beautiful, it just makes sense." Rita glanced back at Gilderoy, chuckling at the sight of him. He did look happy, after the earlier confusion. She turned back when Fleur spoke again.
"As a matter of fact, I ordered most of them from a wizard novelty store based in Lyons. I could have picked up muggle things here, but Gilderoy does so prefer magical everything, and they are a lot more colourful." She shook her head and chuckled again. "It's a sad state of affairs when there are no wizarding adult novelties to be bought in England."
Rita gestured to the bar. "Food and drinks are on the house, tonight, so help yourself."
When the girl stepped forward and complimented her attire, Rita couldn't help another smile, perhaps even a slight flick of the curls. That was a far cry from the bad tempered woman she'd run into at the end of the war. "Merci beacoup, Miss Delacour. Do enjoy yourself."
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