RP: Mmmmmm... Ice cream!

May 31, 2007 18:40

Date: 31 May 2005
Character(s): Daphne Greengrass & Florean Fortescue
Location: Fortescue's Dairy
Status: Private
Summary: Daphne discovers that Fortescue is in town. And that he's still making the best ice cream she's ever had.
Completion: inComplete

Look at me riding my bicycle (and not falling!), I've earned a reward! )

may 2005, place: dairy, daphne greengrass, florean fortescue

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shh_florean May 31 2007, 17:04:16 UTC
"Martha, go take a coffee break."

"But Mr Fortescue, I was just about to..."

"Go sit down. At least for ten minutes!" Florean was getting a little exasperated, though Martha's stubbornness was also rather amusing. She was taking her new position as manager very seriously, which was good, he supposed, though her efficiency and dedication scared him perhaps a little. "And call me Florean. Please."

Martha frowned but put down the cloth she had been using to wipe down the counter and made her way out to the back of the dairy to the staff room. A few minutes later, Florean was just finishing the cleaning as a young woman came into the shop.


shh_daphne May 31 2007, 17:16:03 UTC
She recognised him right away and just couldn't contain her grin. It was him! It took her a couple of seconds to realised that she was just standing there like a small child on christmas morning.

"Um, hello," she said, "I'd like some ice cream, please."


shh_florean May 31 2007, 17:51:27 UTC
"Ice cream. Of course." Florean smiled broadly, moving back from the cheese cabinet to stand behind the counter. "Are you looking for anything in particular?" he asked, trying to size her up and guess what sort of flavour she'd want, though she looked rather excited and Florean couldn't quite get a read on her.

"I've got a bit of a selection at the moment."


shh_daphne May 31 2007, 18:11:49 UTC
Daphne stared at the selection. From the looks of it he had changed his repertoire somewhat since the last time she had visited him in Diagon Alley. What to choose? How to choose???

"Oh Merlin, I want everything..." she blurted, then blushed. "Sorry, that sounded rather greedy and piggish, didn't it?"

It was too difficult to choose. Better to just go with an old favorite, she decided. She could always come back some other time.

"I'd like raspberry and vanilla, please."


shh_florean May 31 2007, 19:03:26 UTC
Florean chuckled softly. "Sounds a lot like my daughter. And I would never disapprove of anyone having a healthy appetite for ice cream," he added with a smile, preparing Daphne's ice cream. "Anything else I can get you?"


shh_daphne May 31 2007, 19:36:34 UTC
"Yes well, the problem with that is that I'd likely just get disgustingly fat," Daphne said. "And really quickly too!"

She watched his every move with badly hidden excitement. She could hardly wait, why was he doing it so slowly?! If that ice cream was even half as good as the ice cream she remembered, not working faster amounted to absolute torture! Holding ice cream of that caliber hostage just had to be at least a little bit criminal.

"No thank you, I'll just have the ice cream," she said. "For now, anyway."


shh_florean May 31 2007, 19:47:42 UTC
Ah. Of course. Women and their weight. Even Felicity was concerned about her appearance and she wasn't even fourteen yet. Florean could just hope that moving back into the wizarding community would help with that, with less influence of Muggle culture. With the electricity back on in Stoatshead Hill, though, perhaps that wouldn't quite work out.

"Okay, just the ice cream, then," Florean said. "How would you like to pay? I take money or barter."


shh_daphne May 31 2007, 20:07:22 UTC
"I have these Muggle money," Daphne said, pulling some bank notes out of the pocket of her dress and turned a few of them over to see their value. She could see how it was more practical than coins, but the entire concept of money made of paper still baffled her. "I'll never get used to these. How many...?"


shh_florean May 31 2007, 20:27:34 UTC
"Muggle money is fine," Florean said. He checked the notes that she helped out, extracting a five pound note. "It took me a while to get used to Muggle money," he agreed, sympathising. "Some of it is just very strange." Florean held up a fifty pence piece. "I mean, a seven-sided coin? Rather bizarre, don't you think?"

He handed Daphne her change with a smile. "Enjoy your ice cream."


shh_daphne June 1 2007, 04:21:36 UTC
"At least a coin is a reasonable shape," Daphne said, carefully putting the rest of her money away. "But paper? Not a very durable material. They must get torn and damaged all the time."

At last! Daphne took the ice cream and tasted it. Oh yes. Oh yes that was just how she remembered. She closed her eyes as she savoured the flavour and allowed herself a small content sigh.


shh_florean June 1 2007, 10:09:46 UTC
"No, not the most durable material. And sometimes you see a few notes that are rather the worse for wear." Florean shrugged, putting the ice cream scoop back in its place. "But people are understandably careful with their money, for the most part."

Florean watched with a small smile as she tried the ice cream. Seeing enjoyment like that was one reason that he loved running a business like this.


shh_daphne June 1 2007, 17:08:15 UTC
Daphne licked the last bit of ice cream from her lips and grinned at him. "It's just like I remember!"

It was too dangerous to stay here in the middle of the shop to eat the rest of it though. If she stayed in such close proximity to it, she'd just leave several pounds poorer. And fatter.

No, best to be on her way. But she would be back.

"Goodbye, Mr. Fortescue! And thank you," she said, turning around in the door.


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