RP: Terry Takes A Walk

Nov 15, 2006 03:58

Date: November 14, 2004
Character(s): Terry Boot, Zacharias Smith
Location: River Place Apartments
Status: Private
Summary: Terry takes a walk after thinking all night about this post
Completion: Complete

He hadn’t slept. Hadn’t been able to. Ever time he closed his eyes, he saw Seamus’ shiny hair, or Blaise’s knowing grin, or even Kenneth’s perfect hair. It seemed his drunken confession was true.

He was gay.

Terry sighed. He didn’t have time to be having a sexual identity crisis. He was still married, for one, and had to iron out employment with Robards, and had a child to think of for Merlin’s sake.

He just simply didn’t have time for such foolish thoughts.

He wished he could talk to megan about this. She’d always had a level head and was really his best friend, which was awkward because she was also his ex-wife and the mother of his child, and certainly not someone he could talk to about this until he’d gotten it settled in his own mind.

He sighed again. Maybe a walk would do him good. He could head over to River Place and ask Megan to borrow Bob the Dog for the night. A good run with the dog would clear his head.

Maybe. Probably.

It was better than getting drunk again. Nothing good had ever come of his being drunk.

Okay, then. A walk it is.

zacharias smith, november 2004, terry boot

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