RP: So much to do, so little time!

May 21, 2007 22:30

Date: May 21, 2005
Characters: Gilderoy and Julian
Location: In the dining room at Julian’s flat
Status: Private
Summary: After dinner, the boys start making lists, making plans, making invitations, and eventually (hopefully) making love (again)
Completion: Incomplete

Who can find us a Klezmer band? )

may 2005, place: private residence, gilderoy lockhart, julian avery

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shh_gilderoy May 22 2007, 20:49:48 UTC
Gilderoy reached over and took Julian's hand in his. "Wild flowers would be magnificent," he said softly, smiling up into his eyes.

"So, I'll have our robes ready for us with ample time, but I want them to remain a surprise, so no peeking until the day has come. We need to make up and send out invitations immediately so people can plan for the event. I think we should each make up a list so nobody is forgotten. Then there's the matter of finding someone to perform the actual ceremony. And a location."

The list was getting longer by the minute. Gilderoy had never planned a wedding before. Actually, he could never remember attending a wedding, either. All of his knowledge of such events was through reading about them in books and magazines he had found at the library and at St. Mungo's. Of course, then there was that one mediwitch who would go on and on about her own wedding and bonding ceremony, but that didn't give him enough information on which to base his own plans.

"I think perhaps you should make the list of things to do, and I'll help wherever I can. I don't have as much experience with weddings as you do, love."


shh_avery May 24 2007, 04:35:11 UTC
"A surprise? But..." Julian stopped himself, aware that he was slightly pouting. It was asking a lot of him not to peak. He'd always been a curious person, especially so when it involved lovely fashions. "Can I at least have a hint? For decoration coordination, of course." He tried a cajoling look of his own.

At the suggestion of lists, however, Julian sobered more. Obviously, he did have more experience with weddings, having been married once already. He wasn't sure how much more help he could offer though. The Averys and the Carrows had hired a wedding planner for the event. Pondering the matter, he slowly reached out for the quill and parchment.

"Well, for guests we most certainly need to invite family and close friends." He put down Severus's initials and the names of Rochester, Willis and Siri, Seti, and Romilda. A thought occurred to him then. "If you wish, that could include your father and sisters." That still sounded odd. And he had yet to get past the notion of calling Rita Skeeter a sister-in-law. "It might be nice, although I would suggest that family dinner first. We don't want too much awkward tension at our reception." On that note, Julian wrote a reminder to buy a large sum of alcohol.

A sober Willis was enough tension for three weddings.

"As for performing the ceremony... Well, in this day and age there aren't as many people of my faith to enlist. So, the custom has often been to choose someone of importance and authority in the family or community. I'm... not sure to whom the honour would fall in this case. Anyone of authority in Stoatshead Hill would likely rather commit me to prison than domestic union."


shh_gilderoy May 24 2007, 04:56:21 UTC
"What about Mr. Horace?" Gilderoy asked, doodling an oversized walrus in one corner of his parchment. "I'm sure he would love to do the honors. He seems to like us well enough, after all."

There really was a lot to accomplish in a very short amount of time. It was coming up on two weeks, after all. Two weeks and the two of them would officially belong to each other and nobody else.

"Add into the list each of our employees, Rosemerta and the others from the Five Alarm, The animal lady, Mr. Lee..." It wsa so difficult to think of who all they should invite. There were so many people who might want to be a part of this most exciting of days.

"Oh, and perhaps we can get the children to participate, as well. There are many in town who could help us toss about flower petals and carry pillows with our rings. Do you think we could bring along the goats and sheep? No, come to think of it, that might not be a good idea. But we should certainly invite Susan."

It was so easy to get distracted by looking over at Julian. He was always so elegant while working. The concentration on his face made him look even more distinguished than he did normally. It made Gilderoy immensely proud to have such a magnificent man. "So handsome," he said softly, mesmerized by how the hair fell in front of Julian's face as he wrote. "The silver for your robes will look very nice on you. Is that enough information to hold you over until our wedding day?"


shh_avery May 28 2007, 03:19:27 UTC
"Slughorn?" Julian mused. The idea had merit. The man had been their professor, Head of House, and in some ways, a mentor. He couldn't think of anyone else he might ask, aside from Severus perhaps. That was highly impractical, of course. Not only because the man was a fugitive, but one given to hexy explosions of temper as well. Hospital was not an ideal place to spend a honeymoon.

Speaking of which...

"We can certainly ask if he'll do the honours. There should be an alternate, just in case. Perhaps... Oh, I know! Ollivander would do nicely. The man's practically old enough to remember the traditional vows firsthand. Now, on a fun note... where would you like to go for the honeymoon?"

Julian grinned brightly, then scribbled down the details they'd just discussed. He added the names Gilderoy rattled off, silently adding his own commentary whilst writing. A nod of the head for their employees, clients, and children. An emphatic head-shake for animals outside of Georges, and perhaps that Goldie thing. He was neutral about Madame Rosemerta - he wasn't sure whether he had passed whatever standard she'd set so many months ago - and whoever this Susan was. Julian couldn't recall any customers with that name.

Two lists were going now, one of people to invite and the other of things to do. His hand jumped over to the latter column, adding such things as 'Make Rings', 'Find Place For Reception', 'Serve Chocolate At Reception', 'Erect Sanctuary Wards Over Place of Reception'. He was contemplating the matter of a cake when Gilderoy murmured something. Julian raised his head enough to glance at his lover through a few tendrils of hair. They were still holding hands, and his chin rested on his writing hand when thinking, elbow propped on folded knee.

"Hmmm, love? Oh, my robes, you say?" Another grin fell upon Julian's lips as he contemplated that little tidbit of information. "Silver? Well, I hadn't thought of that for a wedding colour... but it fits." The grin turned coy next. "All the way to our wedding day? I don't know. Two weeks can be an awfully long time... I might need something to keep my mind off the mystery..." Julian lifted their joined hands so he could press moist, open-mouth kisses to Gilderoy's knuckles. His eyes remained fixed on the sky blue ones before him.


shh_gilderoy May 28 2007, 04:03:39 UTC
Gilderoy tilted his head to one side and just sat there for a few moments smiling down at his Marcel. "I do so adore you. Not only are you my singular link to a foggy past that I may or may not have, you're ever so kind to me and I just..."

He closed his eyes and made a memory of this particular moment. Oh, it was so perfect - planning this kind of event together. "I'd like to spend the night here again tonight, if you don't mind. Perhaps with Georges out of the room this time?"

Ever since he arrived in the house, Georges had been a point of contention when it came to being intimate with each other. They had forgone the whole "sex in the kitchen" thing entirely, ruled out virtually all common areas of the flat, and had only done it in the shower once since he came to them.

Then there was the whole fiasco with the bedroom. Julian absolutely WOULD NOT be intimate in the bedroom while Georges was present. And even if he was outside the door mewling and pawing, Julian would so easily lose the mood and give Gilderoy that look that implored prudence even at the cost of certain hard-ache.

But tonight Gilderoy wanted some. Or he wanted to give some. Either way would be fine with him. Give, take, here or at the Gildery - it really didn't matter as long as he could consumate their love in that most delightful physical activity they both enjoyed.

"Unless you want to go back to Gildery and do it there. But I will have you one way or the other tonight, my love. Top or bottom doesn't matter to me."


shh_avery May 28 2007, 05:12:52 UTC
It was an interesting feat, demurring while nuzzling Gilderoy's hand invitingly. Hell, it was a feat for Julian Avery to demure much at all. Again, it was another one of those occurrences that only seemed to happen in the presence of his love. "You make me feel alive again," he murmured back, certain that declaration wouldn't make quite as much sense without the accompanying internal dialogue.

Still, that didn't change the sincerity of it.

The demurring was as much a reaction to the warm, intimate words, as the subject itself. Namely, sex... while his little kneazle-boy was aware. It had been bad enough attempting to maintain arousal with Ella next door. But Georges was his chi... pet. It simply felt.... wrong, perverse. And for Julian to find something negatively perverse... Well, talk about your rare occasions.

Despite the discomfort, Julian couldn't ignore some build up of frustrations. It was ridiculous to play the virginal bride, so there was no need to deny themselves. "Actually, the Shoppe would be a nice change of scenery." Georges would be several blocks away then. "We could send Knobby here to watch over Georges. That way," he paused long enough to slip out of his chair and onto Gilderoy's lap, "we could have the place completely to ourselves." Julian leaned in to brush lips temptingly against one another. "After all, there are few places we haven't consecrated with our passions yet."


shh_gilderoy May 28 2007, 11:44:22 UTC
"I'm not interested in conse-... consen-... concentrations. I just want to make love to you again." Gilderoy hugged Julian tightly, sliding his hands up the man's back and nuzzling his face against Julian's neck and shoulder.

"Ets oh oo 'rance," Gilderoy mumbled against Julian's skin. He worked his hands around to the man's front and slid them up the front of his shirt, taking his nipples between his fingers and pinching them lightly. He nibbled a bit at his lover's neck and then pulled back so he could look into the man's eyes.

Well, he had to wait a few moments for Julian's head to come back down and his eyes to open, but...

"I want to see your country. I don't speak those same words you do, but I'd still like to see it. Are there many parks and beaches? I'd like to go to a beach or a park in France."

Gilderoy slid his hands further up so they could reach over his shoulders, massaging there for a moment before sliding back down again, and then around to carress and massage his back. Gildery is fine tonight. Will we ever be able to make love here again?"


shh_avery May 28 2007, 22:53:24 UTC
"That works well with my plans, love," Julian chuckled lightly, shortly before it became a shudder of delight. Gilderoy had strong hands, and the feel of them on his body always induced the most delicious fever. His own hands weaved up into golden curls, massaging Gilderoy's scalp and raking lightly over the nape of his neck. Whatever the man had tried to say, it was lost on Julian at the first nibble, the first tug.

Oh, he was so sorely tempted to forget about apparating.

When he finally did look down at Gilderoy, his eyes were dark, warm, and drowsy with desire this time. It took him a moment to realise what had been said, and a moment longer to think a bit clearer.

And of course, it helped him to think by wiggling salaciously on his Goldleaf's lap.

"France... I haven't been there in years. I have family there, you know. Cousins, removed to various degrees. Honestly, I have no clue as to what they've been up lately. I could owl them, see about getting accommodations. Auntie Iggy had one of the best gardens in all of Marseilles. And if that's not enough park for you, there's dozens more all over the country. And of course, there's beaches we can visit. I'd be glad to show you all of it."

The prospect of sharing more of his cultural heritage with the man he loved filled Julian's heart immeasurably. With a sudden burst of passion, he leaned in to kiss him deeply. One of his hands threaded out of Gilderoy's hair, fingers trailing over to lightly tease his earlobe, then glide down onto his chest. There they plucked at a few of the buttons so to slip inside and help themselves to warm flesh. Julian toyed with a nipple of his own, relishing the little gasps Gilderoy made as their kiss broke.

"If we keep this up, you'll have an answer soon enough, love," he murmured whilst nuzzling chin, jaw, cheek, and ear. At said ear, he whispered, "I suppose we should wrap up planning..."

Just before closing his lips around the fleshy tab.


shh_gilderoy May 28 2007, 23:27:37 UTC
Oh, it felt so good to be this close again. It was such a rare occurence these days. Most of the time they would sit together on the sofa and just cuddle until Gilderoy tried something and Julian began glancing around the room to make sure...

"Georges is watching," Gilderoy said with a sigh. He looked down at Julian, his lips pressed into a thin line, and a sympathetic and disappointed look on his face.

He brought his hand over to the curious kneazle on the table and scritched the top of his head. "It's okay. He probably wants to play with you for a while. I should finish these lists and..."

Leave it to their pets to spoil the mood every time. And for Julian, Georges wasn't just a pet, he was more like a child.he doted on the creature and most of the time it drove Gilderoy crazy with jealousy.

Today, however, was supposed to be their day together, and yet, Gilderoy had been reserved from the beginning to hand it over to their newest family member at some point.

Goldie-Red warned him there's be days like this.

"How about if I take the lists with me. I'll walk back there and when you two are finished with whatever it is you do, you can follow me, okay, love?" He gave Julian one more gentle kiss. "It's okay. Really."


shh_avery May 29 2007, 00:48:47 UTC
In moments like these, Gilderoy truly didn't help his own case. Things might have grown quite steamy, had he held off on the warning. With a bit of a start, Julian looked over his shoulder, and sure enough there was his kneazle-boy. Staring in eager curiosity.

If Julian didn't know any better, he'd swear it was time for the fwoopers and the billywigs talk.

As much as he enjoyed spending time with his kitten, he missed the passionate spontaneity between he and Gilderoy. After all, it wasn't as though Julian was never in the mood. He simply just couldn't do it with a child around. With a sigh, he settled more in Gilderoy's lap, refusing to budge. "Darling, weren't you listening to what I just said? We can go over to the Shoppe together, and make mad, passionate love anywhere we please. After Knobby's come over, of course."


shh_gilderoy May 29 2007, 12:33:10 UTC
It was always nice in theory, anyway.

With his Marcel pressed closely against him, Gilderoy nuzzled his face into the man's neck and raked his lips up to his earlobe. "Yes, my love," he whispered. "Mad, passionate, anywhere."

It may have been just the slightest bit unfair of him to keep Julian pinned on his lap like that, but his arms just couldn't help holding the man tight while smoothing out that silky white skin. "And yes... I will please you. We could relive our first days together. When you kissed me in the cellar for the first time. When I snogged you senseless on our snogging sofa. Frotting against each other until we came."

Gilderoy reached down and grabbed Julian's ass, pulling him in closer so he could feel... everything.

"Let's go and send Knobby back here."


shh_avery May 30 2007, 01:44:49 UTC
This were getting a bit confusing. Wonderfully, muzzily, drunkenly confusing. Their conviction on whether to stay or go seemed to be wavering.

Or perhaps it was simply Julian.

Whatever it was, he was only certain of the fact that it'd been a while since their passions had full satisfaction. And that he was tired of this routine. "You please me just with your presence, love," Julian mumbled as he kissed Gilderoy again. From behind him, he heard an inquisitive trill. There was almost a chill in his stomach, but he suppressed it violently. When he pulled back, it was instead to snap his fingers and call out firmly, "Knobby, appear!"

A small crack, and the diminutive elf materialised next to the table. George turned in sudden delight and lept across the table in two strides before pouncing her. Privately, Julian made note to give his pet extra treats for the unintentional diverting of a similar tactic from the elf. In a rush he commanded, "KnobbyyoustayhereandwatchGeorgestonight. Don'twaitup."

With a twist of his hips - which felt really too good for such a moment of concentration - Gilderoy, Julian, and the chair below them all apparated to the Gildery Shoppe.

After a moment of wonderment on the part of the kneazle and the house elf, the parchment and quills also disappeared.

Not that Julian was planning the formation of wedding lists just at that moment.


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