Date: 14 May 2005
Characters: Adrian Pucey, Angelina Johnson, Padma Patil, Marcus Flint
Location: Walking past the river on the South side of SHH (opposite the Town Hall for starts - heading away from the Hill)
Status: Public (anyone who wants to join is welcome)
Summary: Adrian's in a bit of a foul mood and goes for a walk.
Completion: Complete
Adrian had received an owl early in the morning, from his mother, asking him to visit again soon. In small, square handwriting at the very bottom there had been a note - obviously hastily added without his mother's knowledge - from his father asking him to re-consider speaking to him. It had been months. The two men were both too smart and stubborn for their own progress and while this was the first step either had taken toward reconciliation, it did nothing more than put Adrian into a rage. It had barely been light out, but in order to do something, anything with his sudden energy, he'd apparated up to
the family estate and scrubbed - without magic - the last of what needed to be cleaned of the
first floor. The library was finally in order by just past noon and he'd finished the floors, windows, and lighting of the rest of the rooms. It hadn't worked. He apparated back to a point just outside Copper Towers and took the Muggle lift to his floor. Showering quickly and changing into clothing that hadn't been obviously doused in cleaning liquids and dust for hours, he headed back out choosing to walk the stairs in hopes of getting rid of the feeling gnawing at him. It wasn't so much anger anymore, as a stubborn resolve. He had no plans of speaking with his father ever again, but no one to speak with about such plans, as Ginny had become pretty busy pretty suddenly.
Adrian turned left at the river, tracing over steps he'd made many times in the months since moving back to England. He took a pack of smokes out of the back pocket of
his jeans and unbuttoned the top button of
his shirt, sticking a cigarette to his lips and lighting it with a muttered spell. He'd let his hair grow a bit longer than normal these days and the curls were unruly and tossing a bit in the wind; he took a long drag off the smoke and let himself enjoy it, hoping it would do the trick to calm him down as he walked. Across the river he could see the Town Hall building and he marveled for a moment, stopping to watch the town, at how far they'd all come since You-Know-Who's fall. He turned and kept walking, further away from his flat complex in the distance still mulling over why exactly
he'd stopped speaking to his father in the first place.