RP and Owls: Birthday Invitations

May 10, 2007 21:16

Date: May 2007
Characters: Blaise, Mandy and any and all of Terry’s friends that would be interested. Additional note to Hermione.
Location: Antiquity
Status: Public
Summary: Mandy and Blaise send out some invites.
Completion: Incomplete?

The plan was Mandy’s idea. Blaise hadn’t even known it was Terry’s birthday until she’d mentioned it to him a few weeks earlier. It was something he should have looked into himself. Something he probably should have asked Terry about, but asking that equated to talking about more personal things. History. Their individual histories. They didn’t do that. Not really. Just the odd snippet. Even Terry, open as he was, seemed to prefer the opportunity to ignore his past - his family. And Blaise certainly did.

If Blaise had asked about Terry’s birthday then it went without question Terry would have asked back, and Blaise would rather it pass without notice when it came around next, than whatever Terry might plan. He didn’t like celebrating his birthday. Too many shitty memories. Too many good ones too. The combination of both just confused the hell out of him which was nothing new when it came to his childhood.

But Mandy had brought the subject up. She’d mentioned it whilst Blaise was signing some letters that needed to be sent. Asked him casually if he’d had any ideas, and Blaise had looked up, narrowed eyes, his head slightly cocked, and said, “About what?”

He wouldn’t have come up with this idea. In fact it was so far from what he’d have come up with on his own it was kind of funny. Well, apart from the fact that the whole idea set his nerves on edge a fraction. Blaise would have organised a small picnic, or quiet meal, a night out at the theatre. Just them and some of Terry’s closest friends. Nothing where he could be dragged out onto the dance floor again in front of people they knew. Blaise’s choice would have been discrete and intimate and, in hindsight, designed more for him more than for Terry.

Mandy’s choice was the polar opposite. But it was a good idea and Terry would undoubtedly enjoy it, so Blaise had nodded and agreed. So would Ben, but Blaise chose not to consider that aspect of the potential celebration as he handed another bundle of invitations to Prometheus with a murmured apology about how busy the owl was going to be that day.

Mandy and Michael had helped write up the guest list. Actually they’d written most of it. It hadn’t been until Blaise and Mandy had sat down and tried to write one that he’d realised how little he knew of who Terry’s friends were. He knew the main one’s of course; Mandy, Michael, Lisa, Morag. Romilda -they seemed to have a connection to through their children. And Blaise could have probably added a half dozen other names to that list thanks to the parties they’d ended up attending together over the past few months. But beyond those?

So Blaise had instead focussed on booking the venue, and getting the invitations made up for Mandy to write. They’d found a place in Exeter with a leisure pool that seemed - ideal, Blaise supposed. The colours were a bit garish with most of these places, but that seemed to be pretty standard and this was better than most of the ones that they’d looked at. It was more muted and keyed more to appeal to people over the age of ten. In addition to the slides, waves and other gimmicks, it also had several smaller heated Jacuzzi pools and a sauna, which made the whole prospect a little less abhorrent to Blaise.

With all the other arrangements made, all that was left was to send out the invites. Mandy had brought the pile in that morning and Blaise had been gradually sending them off in batches ever since. They’d decided to keep it a surprise. Mandy seemed to think Terry had pretty much forgotten his birthday was approaching with Ben’s so near too. That had been another revelation to Blaise. He’d made a note of the date and would have to find some kind of suitable gift for the child. He still had Terry’s to find too.

He lifted Prometheus off his perch and walked over to the window, opening so that the owl could fly off. “Just one more batch after this,” he muttered, before turning back to his desk and the notes about the library positions. He just wanted to get a few more pieces of paperwork done before he headed down to the library that afternoon to do something more hands on in preparation for its opening. May was turning out to be a busy month.

Dear (insert relevant name(s) here),

You are invited to help us celebrate the birthday of Terry Boot on Tuesday 15th May at the Waves Leisure Pool.

The party starts at 6.00 pm and refreshments and a buffet will be provided.

Don’t forget to bring suitable attire for swimming, and we ask that you help us keep this a secret from Terry until the actual night.

We hope to see as many of his friends there as possible.

Mandy and Blaise.

(Attached to the invitations are details on the location including address and Apparation information.)

Blaise looked over one of the remaining invitations as he sat back down, wincing slightly at the casual way his name was added to the end of the invite. It seemed - like a declaration. Of his involvement. He supposed that was exactly what it was, too. And that scared the hell out of Blaise more than anything that had happened with him and Terry before. He’d originally planned to leave the end blank, but Mandy had, quite correctly, he thought with a scowl, pointed out that people needed to know who the invites were from should there be a problem. Still, it didn’t make it any easier to look at. Blaise turned the stack of invites over so he wouldn’t have to face his name glaring out at him any longer, all cosy and - domestic, and set about his work in order to distract himself from any uncomfortableness.

(Additional attached note to Hermione’s invite.)


The invites there and, of course, I’d be glad to see you and Roger, but I understand completely - believe me when I say that word - that it’s not really your idea of fun. Probably far from it. Of course, the fact that you’d have to cope with the site of me in only my swimming trunks - well, I understand that it might be too much for you to take without being forced to drag me off and break poor Rogers’ heart.

I’ll owl you soon about that offer of help with painting the library. And we should go out for dinner sometime soon.



may 2005, mandy brocklehurst, place: private residence, owl, blaise zabini, hermione granger

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