Date: 4 May 2005
Characters: Caradoc Dearborn, Music Club Participants, Notice Readers
Location: Respective Homes and Streets of Stoatshead Hill
Status: Public
Summary: Caradoc sends owls to the people who expressed interest in the Music Club and updates his public notices.
Completion: Complete
Caradoc thought that it was time to see if Thursday evenings were still good for most of the people who had expressed an interest in the
Musical Club. He thought he'd update the public notices too, as they were still attracting interest. He had considered penning individual letters, but decided a duplication charm would be sufficient, and would become necessary if the club took off and gained more participants. It was usually best to begin as you meant to go on.
Dear Friends of Music and Stoatshead Hill Neighbors,
Thank you for your interest in helping form a Musical Club.
Our first meeting will be held Thursday, May 17th at 7:30 p.m. The location will be confirmed no later than the Monday before. During the course of our first meeting, we will determine who is interested in:
-- singing in which vocal range
-- playing which instruments
-- listening to other perform
-- organizing meetings, rehersals or performances
-- providing refreshments or other services
We will also discuss musical style preferences and how we may wish to break into smaller groups for subsequent meetings based on these preferences and experience level.
I realize that some people may be interested in participating but might be held back because they lack an instrument. An arts foundation has expressed an interest in providing musical instruments to the club which members can take out on loan. If you know of someone who plays but has hesitated to join because they lack an instrument, I would appreciate you passing this information along. If you play, but do not have an instrument yourself, please let me know either by owl or at our first meeting what you would like the Music Club to obtain for you.
I sincerely hope that you will be able to join us on the 17th. I look forward to meeting you all.
Caradoc Dearborn
Stoatshead Hill Music Club
After Caradoc sent Poindexter off with the letters for the individual club members, he took out a broad marker, clean white paper and drew up a new public notice.
Do you play an instrument, sing or just like to listen to music?
Are you free on Thursday evenings?
If so, the Stoatshead Hill Musical Club may be for you.
Musical instruments can be provided if you play but do not own an
instrument of your own. A variety of musical styles will be performed.
No experience is necessary to participate and the club is open to all
individuals regardless of age or musical ability. Smaller groups will be
formed to allow people of similar skill levels and musical preferences
to practice and perform together. Refresher lessons will be provided
as needed and beginners lessons may be arranged by special request.
Contact Caradoc Dearborn, 3-A Hillview, Stoatshead Hill
for additional information and Music Club meeting location.