RP: Looking for Trouble

Nov 13, 2006 17:42

Date: November 13, 2004
Characters: “The Posse”: Gilderoy, Cormac, Wayne, Hestia
Location: Out on the Town/in the Country
Status: Semi-Private (they might visit a farm or two)
Summary: Gilderoy forms a posse and goes out looking for “Trouble” in the wake of the terrorist attack on Rosemerta’s lovely home and respectable establishment.
Warning: ( Read more... )

november 2004, wayne hopkins, cormac mclaggen, place: private residence, susan bones, gilderoy lockhart, place: streets of shh, hestia jones, kingsley shacklebolt, lucius malfoy

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shh_cormac November 13 2006, 23:50:53 UTC
Cormac turned and gave Lockhart his best Auror gaze. "Yes, this is a terrible travesty. Someone, someone troublesome, has committed a dreadful act of vandalism." He nodded toward the destruction. "I've searched outside and noticed a few sets of tracks headed southeast, and they seem the most suspicious. There's nothing that way but a farm, and where better for troublemakers to hide out than an abandoned barn?"

He turned the rest of them. "I'll need some help, tonight, men (and, er, women). I can deputize a few of you temporarily, if you've a willing hand and a steady wand." He thought. "And as long as it's recognized I'm in charge, as the Senior Auror on the case."


shh_wayne November 13 2006, 23:58:08 UTC
Wayne had been surprised to drop by the Five Alarm and find it vandalized. It gave him a sinking feeling in the pit of his belly as he surveyed the scene. The war was over. This shite shouldn't be happening, and especially not someone to as sweet as Rosie.

However, when he heard Gilderoy and that rather attractive auror bloke start talking, the sinking feeling became dread as he easily imagined a dozen different ways Gilderoy could get into mischief with this mess. Hell, he could get himself killed, especially if Mister Arrogant Auror was involved.

"I can help," babysit, he offered reluctantly, exchanging a "God, can you believe this" look with Hestia.


shh_hestia November 14 2006, 00:05:03 UTC
Hestia still wasn't sure how she had gotten talked into this. Cormac was just such a git. He had annoyed her when she had been an Auror and he annoyed her now.

She shared a mutual look of dismay with Wayne. If anyone could fall into trouble it would be Gilderoy and Cormac.

She sighed and started down the road. Perhaps they could get this over and done with. Yeah, right. She rolled her eyes at herself.


shh_gilderoy November 14 2006, 00:10:40 UTC
"I shant be more than a few moments," Gilderoy promised his posse members. "I'm just going to go run and grab my cloak and hat, and we can be off!"

He ran up the stairs, taking them in twos to save time. Opening both of his closet doors wide in a grand gesture, Gilderoy pulled out a houndstooth cloak in a deep mauve and plum and a matching deerstalker's cap. (After all, those badges were gold, and everyone knew (or should know) that violet is the complimentary color of gold.)

It took him an extra moment to nuzzle Myffles and promise her that he would, indeed, return alive and triumphant to give her her kibbles in the morning. Donning his cloak, he rushed back out into the hallway, down the stairs and out to the door.

"Shall we progress, comrades!? Time is of the essence! We must bring these evil-doers to justice!"

Lockhart nodded importantly at Cormac and strode out the door with his cloak billowing behind him.


shh_cormac November 14 2006, 00:14:49 UTC
Cormac looked at his impromptu detective team. He didn't know this Wayne bloke, but he looked quite fit and able to handle any Trouble. And Hestia, of course, was as good an Auror as he...well, better probably, but only because she had a few years on him, and had been doing it longer.

"Wait!" He called as Lockhart--he needed a hat like that. It was very official looking--strode out the door. "I need to deputize you." He grabbed three napkins off a nearby table and Transfigured them into three gold badges. They weren't as shiny as his, of course, but as he was the Leader, it was only right. "Here," he said and handed his team their badges. "Now we're official."


shh_wayne November 14 2006, 00:21:24 UTC
"Oh, fuckity fuck fuck," Wayne muttered when he saw that Lockhart had changed into a costume. There was a huge difference between playing a part and being ready to face whomever had vandalized the property. And the auror bloke seemed a little too enthusiastic, and a cute arse didn't make up for that gleeful smile at the thought of hunting criminals.

Why hadn't he gone to Socks tonight?

He took the badge from the auror and stared at it. "I think I'm going to hide this," he said as he put the badge into his pocket. "That way, they won't see us coming. If they see that shiny gold, it'll be hard to launch a sneak attack."

God, he was talking out of his arse, but he grinned happily in a vacant way that he hoped meant they wouldn't question him.


shh_hestia November 14 2006, 00:49:36 UTC
Looking at the 'thing' that Cormac had just shoved into her hand, Hestia sighed. It was going to be a long night she just knew it. "Thanks so much, Cormac." She knew the sarcasm would go over his head but she could enjoy a look of commiseration with Wayne.

"Oh, I completely agree. We don't want to be too conspicuous," she said as she shoved the 'thing' into her jacket pocket. She winked at Wayne.

"Which way are we going, Gilderoy?" She couldn't believe she had just said that, but then again she couldn't believe she was here.


shh_gilderoy November 14 2006, 00:57:21 UTC
Which way, indeed. If he were an animagus, he could transfigure into an alpaca or something and track down the vicious criminals. But since he wasn't, he would just have to use his keen wizarding instincts ( ... )


shh_cormac November 14 2006, 01:05:56 UTC
There was that code word chicken again. And by bright clothing he must mean wands, Cormac postulated. Afterall, Wayne and Hestia had a point on the stealth matter. "Yes. We must go roust the chickens from the nest," he said seriously, really meaning, If there are Death Eaters about, we'll flush them from hiding, but well, codes were cooler, weren't they, then speaking clearly.

But why was Lockhart leading the way? This was his posse, afterall, and it just wasn't done to take over like that. "Excuse me, Lockhart," Cormac said as politely as he could manage. "I think it might be best if I were to lead." He tried to think of a way to say this without being insulting and turned to Wayne for help. "Afterall, a man as well known and important as Mr. Lockhart, shouldn't have to take the risk of leading. Am I right?"


shh_wayne November 14 2006, 01:11:49 UTC
Wayne arched a brow and almost snorted. If this wasn't a case of the blind leading the blind. "You know, the only farm south of here belongs to Susan Bones," he pointed out. "Susie Q will kick your arses for disturbing her, and she'd probably scare any vandals that headed her way."

He looked at Lockhart and grinned. "I say we let pretty boy go first for two reasons. One, Susan might be so overwhelmed at your presence that she faints, and that's dangerous on a farm because she could hit her head somewhere," he said. "Second, if there are a bunch of vandals at her place, we need the best wizard in the back to save everyone." He gave the auror a look that quite clearly said 'you owe me'.


shh_hestia November 14 2006, 01:21:03 UTC
Hestia knew Susan, she didn't think she would appreciate being called Susie Q. Maybe Wayne new her better than she thought.

She watched as Wayne deftly moved to put Cormac front and center for Susan wrath. She stopped herself from giggling just in time. Breathing through her nose until she was sure she could speak.

"That would be a great idea, you'll stay back and protect me, right? She looked at Gilderoy.


shh_gilderoy November 14 2006, 01:26:49 UTC
Lockhart was a little confused. That charming young man did suggest putting the pretty one in the front, didn't he? So, that would, logically mean Gilderoy. But he also said to put the best wizard at the rear - which would also mean Gilderoy.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not sure how I can manage to be both places at the same time. If you want the prettiest one in the front, and the most capable one--"

He fell silent for a moment, taking Hestia's hand and gently kissing the back of it. "Of course, I'll protect you. After all, I can't let my trusted comrade fall in battle without laying down my life for her, can I?"

Oh, this hero business was turning out to be a lot of work - and somewhat confusing, as well.


shh_cormac November 14 2006, 01:31:27 UTC
Well, as if Lockhart were prettier than him. Not bloody likely. "Well, we'd better get a move on, men, er and Hestia. We don't want to linger here, lest the vandals get a head start on us."

He marched purposefully down the road, his head held high and shoulders thrown back, in the Offical Auror Stance (tm) he'd adopted since Academy.

"Follow me men, er and Hestia," he said. "It's time to roost some Chickens."


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