OWL: Sometimes I wonder if I'm ever gonna make it home again.

Apr 09, 2007 23:30

Date: 9 April 2005
Characters: Dennis Creevey, Colin Creevey
Location: New York, Wherever Colin is
Status: Semi-Private (Dennis, Colin, and anyone Colin wishes to share with)
Summary: Dennis lets Colin know his little brother is coming home.
Completion: Incomplete

Did he have a magnetic attraction to snow?  White on red dirt was beautiful, but then it followed him to Chicago, causing him to have to stay the night, and be routed to New York by way of Atlanta?  Dennis would have thought that would be a straight shot.  Then to get iced in again in New York.   Still, it could have been worse.  The bed was soft, and he had time to gather his thoughts and compose the letter he'd been trying to write for weeks.  Maybe getting closer to his destination and no longer being able to put it off helped but it was finally done.


Oh God, this is hard.  Don't worry okay, I'm fine.  Strike that, I know you'll worry, and I haven't been fine but I am now.  I got your letter but I was sick.  I got pnuemonia, and now I can hear you asking how I managed that.  You've been known to get sick now and then too, remember when you ruined the bedroom wall cause you didn't make it to the bathroom in time.   But, cause I can hear your voice in my head, I was stupid.  Okay?

Remember how I told you I had started working at a soup kitchen.  Well it wasn't just a few hours a day.  I mean, I worked there and at a homeless shelter, and I guess I stopped taking good care of myself.   I need to get a new dehumidifier to start with, mine stopped working a while back.  Do ya think there are charms or spells for that?

And then my asthma kicked in, a lot.  But we lost some volunteers and I didn't have time to go to the doctor.  And then before I knew it I was getting breathing treatments again and in that damn tent.    When they let me go home, Mum and Dad had bought me an airline ticket to Gertie.

She wouldn't pinch your cheeks anymore, I swear, cause she couldn't reach them.  I thought I was doing better, but I had a relapse and ended up in a hospital in Sedona.

So that's where I've been.  I'm really sorry, I didn't tell you before, but I didn't want you to worry, so I didn't tell you till I was better.   Anyway, if you still want me with you, I'm on my way to this Stoatshead place.

I have to stop in London and get some money.  Oh, you don't know, do you?  Remember all those drawings I had stashed under my bed?  They were worth something. Can you believe it? I sold the lot.  I had to give the Queen her share (she has gobs of palaces, you'd think she had enough), and the auction house theirs, but still have money left over.  And half of it is yours.   The other half I can use to pay rent and school fees.  Is there still a school?  Do you know of flats I can rent?  I know you said I would live with you, but Colin, I've never lived alone, and I'd like to try.    I need to start being a grown-up sometime.   Get out of my head.  I don't mean that, but I know you're thinking being a adult means taking care of your health.  I will from now on.  I promise.

Please don't hate me, for any of this?

I should be arriving in London on Thursday, if you want to OWL me back?

Love you, bro.


It wasn't the most composed letter in the world, but it would have to do.  Dennis rolled up the paper and attached it firmly to Milne's leg.  It never ceased to amaze Dennis that his owl got through customs fine (though it did get him strange looks) as did his wand (they must have thought it was a flute of some kind), but his dental floss always got confiscated.   Brushing those aimless musings aside, he let Milne out, knowing he would soon be following him.

owl, dennis creevey, april 2005, colin creevey

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