Date: April 6, 2005
Character(s): Angelina Johnson
Location: Angelina's flat
Status: Private
Summary: Angelina takes a shower and starts a fire...
Completion: Complete
Angelina took one look around her flat and let out a heavy sigh. She plopped her shoulder bag on the floor next to the door and stomped her feet like a small child having a temper tantrum. "EEEEEEEE!" She let out a small, discontented shriek.
Shaking her head back and forth, she kicked off her shoes, and literally ran into the bathroom, stripping from head to toe as she went, leaving a trail of clothing all along the way.
Turning on the shower at full blast, she jumped in and found the water scalding hot. Instead of enjoying the hot water, Angelina lurched forward, turning the cold water on high. Pretty soon it was too cold instead of too hot and Angelina spent about 2 full minutes trying to get the temperature just right. Finding herself too frustrated with everything in the world at the moment, hot, salty tears made their way down her face, mixing with the shower water and falling away from her into the bottom of the shower and into the drain.
Angelina squirted her cocoa butter shampoo into her hands, lathered it up and ran it over her scalp, down her braids, on the top of the back of her neck and let the now hot, but not scalding, water wash it right back out. As she was letting the shampoo-water fall away, her thoughts turned to Australia and Zaan.
Though she and Zaan had broken it off when Angelina had moved back to Stoatshead Hill, Zaan had come to see her, surprised her - at perhaps one of the worst times possible - just when she and Lee were getting to know each other again - and as soon as he'd come back into her life again, he'd been called home due to his mother's death. Anna had been a very proper, lovely woman, who'd been a little cold at first, but warmed up to Angelina over the last few years, eventually becoming a bit like Angelina's own mother. She'd been diagnosed with ovarian cancer quite a long time before and had gone through extensive treatment. She'd undergone her first radiation and chemotherapy treatments about a year after Angelina had first been introduced to her and, by that time, the two had become close friends. She'd made a full recovery and her cancer was in remission for quite some time, but just after Angelina had left for Stoatshead, the doctors had found more cysts and, again, they were cancerous.
Angelina felt guilty for not keeping in touch with Zaan and his family more when she'd first come back, but she'd felt it would be better for her to make a clean break and that keeping in touch would have made it too hard to start a new life in Stoats.
This time, Anna's cancer developed so quickly that it had spread from her ovaries to the fallopian tubes and to the uterus. The doctors had attempted to remove the cancer with surgery, a hysterectomy, but even that was not enough, they found. The cancer had already taken over the rest of the woman's abdomen and the radiation and chemotherapy made her so sick that, towards the end, the only thing she could consume was herbal teas and toast with butter.
Angelina had flown back with Zaan to Australia for his mother's funeral and it was good to see the rest of his family. Angelina had felt more than comfortable - actually at home - in Australia with his family, but she knew she had more to do in Stoatshead Hill. This part of her life wasn't finished yet.
At this point in her thought process, Angelina realised just how long she'd been in the shower. Looking at her pruny hands, she decided to climb out. She dried off with a large fluffy white towel and wrapped herself in her lavish robe, heading out to the kitchen and ignoring the enormous amount of cleaning she should be doing.
Angelina put on a pot of tea in the kitchen and started a fire in the fireplace with a flick of her wands from her jeans pockets. She let the fire crackle and headed back to the kitchen. After getting a cup of tea, letting it steep, she sauntered back into the living room, plopping down on the sofa, alone with her thoughts and her tea.
She thought and she thought, but no clear solution came to her. It was just before the fire was out and she was on her third cup of tea that she decided she needed to write Lee a note.