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shh_blaise March 17 2007, 18:37:55 UTC
Blaise stood outside Slughorn’s house, Terry’s hand held tightly in his. He really wasn’t sure this was a good idea. The only time he had bumped into someone in the last week had proven to be a rather uncomfortable experience. The discovery that Luc’s death had made the British Muggle papers was unnerving and did not bode well. He wondered how far the news had spread. If anyone else had seen the picture.

But this invitation had been tempting if only to see who else had been invited. Slughorn had always been notoriously good at spotting those who’d gain influence, and Blaise was also curious as to whether there would be anyone there that he didn’t know. He couldn’t hide away and really he didn’t want to. Everything seemed much more distant when he was working or with Terry. He just had to get on.

Blaise looked his lover over, thinking how good he looked in the royal blue dress robes he was wearing. “Maybe this wasn’t a good idea,” he murmured, tugging Terry closer and placing a kiss on the side of his neck. “You’re far too appealing in that colour. I should take you home instead.” Half of him hoped Terry would agree and let him out of this, because he really wasn’t sure he was ready for playing nice with whatever bunch of wizards and witches Slughorn had invited.


shh_terry March 17 2007, 18:46:07 UTC
Terry laughed, tilting his head a bit as Blaise kissed it.

He sighed, knowing how hard this was for his lover. "Blaise, if you really don't want to do this, we don't have to," he said quietly, linking their hands together. "But you have to get out sometime, and I know you're interested to see who else is here, and what sort of contacts you can make."

He leaned up and brushed a kiss across Blaise's lips. "So, let's give it an hour, okay?"

And before Blaise could say anything, Terry knocked.


shh_slughorn March 17 2007, 18:53:20 UTC
"Ah," said Horace, opening the door, "Mister Zabini and I believe mister... um.. Boot, of Ravenclaw? Welcome to you both. I'm just chatting to Miss Granger and her escort in my study. Would you like to join us there, or begin with some refreshments?"


shh_blaise March 18 2007, 15:47:09 UTC
“Okay, an hour,” Blaise agreed, placing his hand on the small of Terry’s back and stepping up behind him. “Then we’ll see who’s arrived and revaluated the benefits of being here.”

A moment later the door was opened. “Professor,” Blaise greeted, inclining his head briefly. “I’m sorry I didn’t reply to you letter. I was out of town on business and only recently got the news. I hope our presence is still acceptable.”


shh_slughorn March 18 2007, 16:01:27 UTC
"Mister Zabini!" Horace said with a smile. "So pleased that you could make it. I always assume that a few people will forget to reply. And it's mister Boot, isn't it?"

"If you'd like to come inside, there's a buffet in the lounge."


shh_terry March 18 2007, 16:34:07 UTC
Terry hid a smile. Slughorn was exactly as he remembered the man, and he'd always found him extremely amusing in his own importance.

"Yes, I'm Terry Boot, and I was in Ravenclaw. You've a very good mind to remember that," Terry said with an easy smile, stepping into the house with Blaise.

"I'm sure the buffet is delicious."


shh_slughorn March 18 2007, 16:52:22 UTC
"Good mind? I'm afraid that the faces of students tend to merge together and change with age, after a few years you all look much alike. But I'll let you in on a little secret; I've taken a small dose of memory potion today. It's made all the difference."

"The buffet is very good indeed, Retcon - that's my house-elf - has excelled himself."


shh_blaise March 18 2007, 18:46:09 UTC
Blaise caught the look that passed over Terry's face at Slughorn's welcome and had to hide his own smirk. However, he almost faltered in his subterfuge as he watched Terry's easy manner.

"Quite the charmer when you want, aren't you?" he whispered in his lover's ear, making sure his voice was too low for Slughorn to catch, his hand brushing Terry’s side.

Blaise turned to Slughorn as the man began to speak, resisting the temptation to roll his eyes. He’d always thought the wizard to be rather a pompous little man who edged on irksome thanks to the way he seemed to ride on others’ glories.

Still, he was well connected and there was no question that he was a useful person to know. Blaise had no intention of letting the man think he felt anything but amicable towards him.

“If memory serves, Professor,” Blaise said, his smile mirroring the ease of Terry’s, “I have every expectation that your little gathering tonight will live up to and perhaps surpass the food. How are you finding town? Is your lab coming along to your liking?”


shh_slughorn March 18 2007, 19:03:41 UTC
"Now that I've been here a while I'm finding it reasonably well," Horace joked, "at least I don't have to use the Muggle trains to get home any more. But joking apart, I've been welcomed and helped by most of the people I've met here, and I'm hoping to return their kindness in any way I can."

"As for the laboratory, it's been ready for use for the last week or so. I'm still commissioning some of the equipment... treating some of the glassware for potions resistance, that sort of thing... but I've already prepared everything I need to undertake most work, what's left would only be needed for the most obscure procedures, and I'll have everything done in another two or three days. If you can stay until eight-thirty there'll be a little opening ceremony."


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