RP: This looks familiar.

Feb 28, 2007 22:26

Date: February 28th, 2005
Characters: Willis Travers, Vincent Crabbe
Location: Streets of Stoatshead Hill
Status: Semi-Public (it being an open street, and all)
Summary: Willis is wandering, runs into a Mr. Crabbe. HRM.
Completion: Complete

You remind me of someone, boy. )

willis travers, february 2005, place: streets of shh, vincent crabbe

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shh_vincent March 1 2007, 04:23:05 UTC
Vincent had been at Roma again for dinner. He refused to become dependent on the place, but cooking would be an unimitigated disaster - and when it came right down to it, he refused to try - so unfortunately that left very few options in town. He had been disappointed, not to run into anyone he had used to know, but that was what happened when left it up to chance, rather than actively seeking people out.

The streets were relatively empty given the hour, but a few people wandered about. He made a point to notice them, see if it was anyone he should know, or pretend not to know.

One man in particular made him want to roll his eyes. Looking like little more than a vagrant, he was wandering down the street, seemingly taking pleasure in the attempt to scare people off. Merlin, the man was practically growling as he stared at the other passerby's. Vincent shook his head as one woman walking alone quite obviously headed to the other side of the street in an attempt to avoid him. If this was the type of clientele that frequented the local pub, he would be glad enough to continue with Roma.

The man walked past him, and although it was tempting to side-step him simply to avoid the stench, Vincent had no desire to show that weakness. "Excuse me," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm and false politeness as he brushed past the other man, in his attempt to continue on home.


shh_travers March 1 2007, 04:38:31 UTC
In an instant, he was annoyed again. The hell? The hell'd this kid think he was doing? Talking to him like that... He'd seen the kid coming, sort of, and he didn't like the look of him.

Willis had been in a decent mood. He'd been accommodating, making nice more than was his norm. It wasn't as if he'd been the one running into people. He'd been thinking about something, yeah, and it hadn't been about running into anyone (not that it wouldn't be funny, but he had something better to think about). And he didn't like kids like that, the ones that thought they were worlds above the rest, walking in their own fucking world. Some days, he'd take it. Let 'em go, maybe make a snide remark. But, damnit, this one...

Fuck, he didn't know. Something clicked, there, and it was enough to call a different action, and one that felt right enough. Turning sharply, he grabbed at the kid's arm, sneering suddenly.

"You want to watch where you're walking, boy."


shh_vincent March 1 2007, 04:50:30 UTC
Vincent was tempted to pull out his wand at that point and hex the man into oblivion, but he calmed his temper, firmly pulling his arm from the man's grasp. "You might want to try bathing some time, old man," he returned, frostily, straightening his coat.

He had no desire to get into a brawl in the middle of the street with some riff-raff, but that didn't mean he was going to let the man get away with grabbing him unchecked, although the other man seemed to be spoiling for a fight.

Not checking his urge to sneer, he turned again to go, saying again with false politeness, "If you'll excuse me?"


shh_travers March 1 2007, 04:59:59 UTC
"What'd you just say to me?" That sealed it. Yeah, this was one of 'em.

Willis wasn't going to bother with the particulars of the kid's insult, but it'd been there, all too obvious. The hell was this kid to go on with this sort of talk? Anyone who thought he could get away with that so easily was dead fucking wrong.

And then Willis laughed, short and loud, though he didn't smile. Kid thought he was funny, didn't he? "You ain't leaving just yet, not when you're going to be looking like that." He made a warning of his voice; whether the kid listened or not--probably not, not the way he was--Willis was going to make his point. Whatever the hell it was.


shh_vincent March 1 2007, 05:07:53 UTC
"Looking like what?" Vincent snorted, even as he made sure his hand was on his wand. He had no doubt he could take the older man, at the very least by virtue of the fact he had likely had a few too many, but might as well make it as easy as possible. "Clean? Dressed in clothes made in the last twenty years."

The other man seemed to think he looked particularly menacing, he certainly tried to dress the part, but he didn't exactly inspire fear in Vincen't heart.

"Stop trying to pick a fight," he continued, reaching with his other hand into the pocket of his coat and tossing a coin at the vagrant, "and have a drink on me, and while you drink yourself into a stupor I can be on my way."


shh_travers March 1 2007, 05:20:07 UTC
The hell was this kid stuck on clothes? Sounded like a damned idiot, maybe a bit of a fairy at that.

He caught the coin, tossed it aside and spat. "You'd find that's a harder job than you think." Willis couldn't recall that he'd ever managed to drink himself into a stupor, as the kid had so glibly suggested. Wasn't for lack of drink; just didn't work so well. And damned if he was going to take this kid's money like that.

For a moment he recognized the kid's posture, figured he might be ready to fight in a different way. Too damned easy to go for the wand. Willis snorted, shook his head. That wasn't the right way of things. It didn't discourage Willis, not really, but he'd have to consider it. Have to remember it, first.

"You've got a real smart mouth on you, but it ain't speakin' sense. You'd be wise to keep it fucking shut, boy."

And something about the fucking kid was familiar. That bothered him. He didn't often make connections like that, not unless there was a reason somewhere, and he didn't like the bother of the thought.


shh_vincent March 1 2007, 05:29:56 UTC
Vincent raised his eyebrows as the man swatted the coin aside - he hadn't thought him capable of enough pride to refuse his money. "Let's get this clear, I don't give a bloody fuck about your drinking habits. I was just trying to give us an easy out." He still was sure the other man would be picking up the coin as soon as he left.

"It would make sense if you were capable of stringing two sensible thoughts together," he continued. Taking a step forward, he added, "Stop trying to intimidate me old man, it won't work. But, don't worry, I have no intention of continuing on with this dialogue, considering it's wasted on you."

Not taking a step back, not yet, Vincent cocked his head, "Now, I'm going to turn and go, and I'd advise against trying to stick a knife in my back. I assume you have some sort of weapon in that guise of yours, considering I doubt you're capable of handling a wand."


shh_travers March 1 2007, 05:46:50 UTC
Trying to intimidate the kid? Fuck. He didn't need to try anything. If it happened--and it often did--there it was. If not, there were other ways to go. Sure.

He'd grinned when the kid stepped forward, and he was grinning now. Kid was a self-righteous shite, sure, but there was something funny in that. He wasn't about to be overly offended by the words--the tone of address, sure, but now that he was grinning, even that just seemed funny. Didn't mean a damned thing. Kid could think whatever he want, and he could be dead wrong right along with it.

Willis had found that it was usually better when they went about things like that, anyway. If they wanted to think wrong, so much the better for him. Wasn't as if there was all that much good in whatever all this kid was talking about.

"Might be right about that. S'pose it's as difficult as they say, then?" He snorted a laugh. He did have a knife, or he'd had one, somewhere. Not on him at the moment, but those were usually less worth the using.

He wasn't sure that he was done with being angry, but it'd receded for the moment. A little bit. And there WAS something about that kid's face, though fuck if he knew what it was. "Sure I ain't seen you around before?"


shh_vincent March 1 2007, 05:54:55 UTC
Vincent wasn't sure if the man was drunk, raised in a slum, or a few knuts short of a full purse. Beyond his somewhat intelligible speech he was now grinning like a moron, laughing at Merlin knew what. There was nothing amusing in this entire exchange, and it was doing nothing but wasting time.

"No, you 'ain't seen' me around before," he replied sarcastically, mocking the man's tone as he shook his head, stepping away. "Relatively new in town, and I would love to thank you for the warm welcome to Stoathead, you've just reinforced whatever misgivings I had about moving to this quaint little place."

He didn't bother to button his coat again, prefering the ease of movement if neccessary. This man may not be the brightest lumos of the bunch, but his moods were unpredictable enough Vincent wasn't willing to take chances.

The man continued to stare at him, as if puzzled, and Vincent began to get annoyed. What was he waiting for, a bloody introduction? "If there are no other inane questions..." he continued, having the sense not to turn his back on the man, not when he was so close.


shh_travers March 1 2007, 06:06:28 UTC
"Well, that is a shame, isn't it? And it's such a nice place." Another short laugh. Didn't answer his question, though. Not the one that really mattered. Damnit. Where'd he seen this one?

Now Willis stepped closer, leaning toward the boy--not too close, not like that, but he wanted another look, wanted to make the connection stop trying to click. If it was going to go, it'd damned well better to its job or else leave him alone. He didn't have the patience to try to figure out what the hell this kid was, entertaining as he might be.

"See, thing is, you look familiar, boy, and damned if I know why." He narrowed his eyes, now annoyed more with the persistence of this fucking attempt at a recognition than anything. It was going to bother him, and he didn't want that. Not in the mood.


shh_vincent March 1 2007, 06:15:03 UTC
"Merlin, take a picture," Vincent remarked, annoyed, as the man continued to stare intently at him.

"I can assure you," he continued, raising his hand and pushing the other man back a few feet, fully aware he was being the aggressor this time - but he had no desire to have the other man in his face, "that the two of us couldn't possibly have anything in common."

Shaking his head, he added, "I probably remind you of someone you used to know - and, when I say used to know, I mean whoever was with you at whatever rock you crawled from under this morning when you were still relatively cognizant of your surroundings. Or, perhaps the last barkeep to throw you out of his pub. I'm sure you've annoyed enough people in this town, if you have the faculties to remember them."

"Since you've successfully added another to that list, and you can confuse whatever bloke you run into next with me, I think it's been a successful evening."


shh_travers March 1 2007, 06:25:58 UTC
"Fucking no," he snarled, grinding a heel against the ground. For a kid so intent on heading out, this one was making quite a case to keep Willis' interest.

This time he moved more quickly, stepping forward again to grab the kid's collar, pull it forward. Fucking kid. "You calling me a liar? No. We aren't fucking doing that."

As if the ones he saw in pubs mattered enough to make an impression. Whoever this was, he'd been connected to something worth remembering, or Willis wouldn't have bothered to remember. He didn't cling to a whole lot of information, was almost surprised that this'd stayed around. "You're hiding something, and I don't like it, not at all."


shh_vincent March 1 2007, 06:34:35 UTC
"I'm calling you confused," Vincent replied calmly, despite the other man's hand fisted in his shirt collar. He maneuvered slightly, easing the rub on his neck. "Delusional maybe, but let's go with the more polite term. How many ways do I have too say this? I've never met you, trust me, while it's an experience I'd choose to forget, it would hardly be possible."

Resisting the urge to jam a fist into the man's face, he brought out his wand, pressing the tip agains the man's temple as he was yanked closer. "Let's keep this civil, shall we?" Vincent continued mildly, trying to recall the most debilitating hex he knew that wouldn't get him arrested by some pansy aurors.

"I'm not hiding anything old man, I don't know you, and I don't want to know you," he pressed the wand tip a little harder, indenting the skin. "Trust me, if I could recall anything, I'd tell you so I could be on my way."

He waited, on guard, knowing the next move was the other man's call.


shh_travers March 1 2007, 06:57:45 UTC
Damn that kid. Damn him for using a wand, and damn him for being maybe almost a little too close to right. Willis was confused--never mind that delusion, that was out of the question, only more of the kid's foolish remarks--and he fucking hated confusion. Didn't help him think clearly, at all, and now there was a wand to his head.

It wasn't the ideal situation. The way the kid was holding it, it'd be a bad move to hit it aside. Too close. Wouldn't do to just go for his own wand, either, not if he were going to be restraining the kid.

Didn't need the aurors here. He knew that, reminded himself and kept from trying an attack. Damn it all. Damn it all.

Then let him go. That'd free up room for action.

Fine... No, damnit. He wasn't going to let it go, not now. But this wasn't a hold to do him enough good, not with the fucking collar, and the kid looked like he might almost be able to defend himself. Damned sure had a chance with his wand pointed like that.


"Doesn't change a fucking thing." He hadn't moved, neither tightening nor relaxing his grip, though his eyes had widened. Didn't like this. And he knew, damnit. He didn't always, maybe not even often, but now he did.

And this wasn't getting him anywhere. Fucking frustrating, that's what it was, and suddenly he was damned tired of it. "You want to put that away?"


shh_vincent March 1 2007, 07:06:23 UTC
"Not particularly," Vincent replied, almost amused by the request, "not while you're grasping my collar like that. Do you think I'm a bloody imbecile?"

The man seemed less inclined towards violence, but he hadn't changed his grip in any respect. Merlin, this wasn't a situation he hadn't found himself in for years. Except this time if he were caught doing anything malicious it would be the aurors breathing down his neck instead of McGonnagall or Dumbledore. This was not supposed to be his life anymore, even if he was resisting the brute force of days gone past.

Would it be self-defense to do anything to him, even if he hadn't really attempted to hurt Vincent yet?

This whole encounter was more trouble than it was worth. He could head butt the man and get him off him, preferably cracking his nose in the process, but it hardly seemed worth it. "Vincent Crabbe, at your service," he continued mockingly, the idea coming to him at the other man's words, being so insistent at the recognition and he hiding something. "Is that enough to get you to end this charade?" His wand had still never moved an inch.


shh_travers March 1 2007, 07:21:17 UTC
Oh, good god. Everything cleared in an instant, moved back into an understandable situation. While Willis was far from pleased with his own position and pretty damned irritated with himself for having let this happen--this, above all else, was why he hated confusion--he felt a sudden relief, almost, and a strong sense of amusement.

Vincent Crabbe. Bloody Crabbe.

And that did make sense. He might not've been a particularly close associate of that one, but that'd be why he remembered anything at all. Hard to forget an associate entirely, especially now that he'd started seeing 'em again. Couldn't be the one he'd seen, 'course, but close enough in some way or other.

Willis smirked, released the boy and pulled back his hand. And if the kid didn't remove that wand in an instant, there was going to be some sort of pain here. Now that he knew, he was well enough with letting the kid alone. Not if the threat kept up, though, and Willis was ready enough to attack, never mind any risks. Hell, there were always risks.

"Y'see, Mr. Vincent Crabbe? It's not so bloody difficult, after all." He cut off the grin long enough to snarl, "Now you'll be putting the damned thing away." And then the grin, almost a sneering smirk, was back. He felt relaxed again, now that he understand. Simple enough situation, then.


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