RP: Big Damn Injun

Feb 20, 2007 19:20

Date: 20 February 2005
Characters: Jeff Whitecalf (NPC), Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Cedric Diggory, Andromeda Tonks
Location: Bookworm, eventually Towler's clinic
Status: Private
Summary: The cavalry has arrived with bells on (and a few feathers but no painted ponies).
Completion: Complete

Looking for a fallen brother... )

cedric diggory, ron weasley, andromeda tonks, february 2005, place: clinic, place: bookworm, hermione granger

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shh_cedric February 21 2007, 05:19:24 UTC
Jeff nodded, listening as he reached up to lift down the cat. "Hey, you," he said to her, scratching her ears.

At Ron's mention of losing his dad, Jeff glanced up. "I'm sorry about that -- your dad. And yeah. Wars have a way of stealing people from us -- good, bad, indifferent, a bullet still takes you out. Or a bomb. Or a curse."

The fact Ron knew of Gwen made Jeff look around as he mentally switched Ron from new friend/acquaintance category to new friend category. "Yes, she was his fiancee. Three-something years." Jeff's lips curled. "You mentioned earlier how Cedric talks, and I said I knew people who were worse? Gwen was -- is -- worse. Put those two together and it was ... well, entertaining." He chuckled. "She's a lawyer. Guess is comes natural."

He put the cat down and turned back to Ron. "Anything I need to do before we leave?"


shh_ron February 21 2007, 05:38:50 UTC
Ron could tell that Jeff knew Zen pretty well; the cat seemed to relax when Jeff scratched its ears. Ron hadn't had that kind of relationship before with an animal, but he was already falling in love with Cocoa, Harry's puppy. Cocoa loved it when Ron rubbed his stomach or scratched his ears.

"Bullet..bomb...curse," Ron muttered, parroting Jeff's words. He really didn't know what had happened when his father died. He added that to the list of things he wanted to ask his mother. "Sorry," he said, snapping back to the present. "I wasn't around when my dad died. I couldn't be here, and I regret that."

"Wow, long time to be engaged," Ron observed. He thought if he ever got that far with a girl he wouldn't wait that long to get married. "Someone who talks more than Cedric? Bugger, that's a lot of talking." He restrained himself from saying Gwen must be a lot like Hermione. Jeff would find that out soon enough ( ... )


shh_hermione February 22 2007, 01:40:55 UTC
By the time Ron returned with Jeff, she had the shop closed and was waiting for them to return. When she felt the wards shift, she stepped outside and locked up.

"Did you get settled?" she asked Jeff before she reached out to hold both their arms.

"This won't take any time," she told Jeff, uncertain what experience he had with Apparating. She focused and felt the familiar pull before they arrived at the clinic. "I'm not sure if Towler will let Cedric have three visitors. He seems reluctant to even let me check in when I'm alone."


shh_cedric February 22 2007, 02:09:27 UTC
Jeff nodded. "Well, if he's reluctant to let in Jeff the friend, maybe he'll let in Jeff the medicine man, eh?" Jeff could understand that protectiveness of a patient but he wasn't in the mood for games. He needed to see what had happened to Cedric.

Walking up to the clinic door, he opened it and stepped inside. "Anybody here?"


shh_andromeda February 22 2007, 02:34:09 UTC
Andy was putting the finishing touches on the list of supplies that they were low on or out of completely in the back supply room and perked up at the sound of voices from the front waiting room.

She gathered up her notes and walked out front recognizing Ron and Hermione right off, but not the large man who gave off a very earthy vibe who was obviously with them. "Ron, Hermione, hello! Hi, I'm Andromeda Tonks," she smiled at all three of them, holding her hand out for the stranger to take. "Can I help you?"


shh_hermione February 22 2007, 02:46:40 UTC
"Good evening, Mrs. Tonks," Hermione greeted when they entered the clinic. "This is Jeff Whitecalf, a friend of Cedric's who came to visit from Canada. May we see Cedric now?"


shh_andromeda February 22 2007, 02:54:28 UTC
"Pleased to meet you," Andy smiled, shaking Whitecalf's hand. "Yes, you may. He's just down the hall this way."

She turned and lead them into the back and down the hallway toward the room Cedric had been staying in. She knocked softly on the door and opened it a moment later. "Cedric, you have guests."


shh_cedric February 22 2007, 03:12:21 UTC
Cedric had been dozing, an activity that he'd wasted far too many hours doing in the past 48, when somebody knocked on the door and he rolled from his side onto his back. Visitors? Hermione had been by to see him at lunch on Monday. "Is it Hermione?" he called, sitting up a little even as a completely unexpected figured stepped past Andromeda into the room. "Jeff?"

His friend grinned at him. "Sorry, you got my ugly mug instead of your lady love's. Although she's here too. Heard you fell off a chair and broke your head. Man, I buy you books and buy you books, but all you do is eat the covers off."

"Piss off," Cedric replied, but he was grinning as Jeff stepped forward to grip his hands. "Merlin witness, I'm glad to see you. Towler said I could go home." He glanced past Jeff to Andromeda, and also spotted Hermione and Ron there. He blushed a little at sight of Hermione, as he realized he probably wasn't anything much to look at, just at the moment. "Hullo there."


shh_hermione February 22 2007, 03:24:50 UTC
Cedric looked better than he had yesterday, so that was a sign of improvement. "Hello," she said, stepping into the room. "You can go home already? That's wonderful news, Cedric. Do you need any help?"

She walked over to the bed and picked up a clean shirt for him to wear. "Here, put this on and I'll attempt to fix your hair. If I can make mine somewhat manageable, yours shouldn't be an issue," she told him, summoning his comb and setting to work brushing his hair so he'd be able to leave.

It was a clinic instead of a hospital, sure, but she didn't like it anymore than she liked hospitals. The sooner they left, the better. Once she'd brushed his hair, she began to gather his things.


shh_andromeda February 22 2007, 03:38:50 UTC
Andy stepped aside so everyone could help Cedric. "Just a few instructions before you go. You have a check up appointment Monday at noon. You're not allowed to miss it. You have three potions to take for the next week. They're on your nightstand right there. Follow their instructions to the letter and don't miss a dose. You're not allowed back at work until next Thursday, but I have a feeling Mr. Whitecalf, Hermione and Ron will make sure that you don't lift a finger unless it's to read a book or make a cuppa. Understood?

"If he decides to misbehave and deviate from his instructions and he won't listen to you, just owl me and let me know. I know how to get patients to behave," she said with a small mischevious grin to Hermione, Ron, and Whitecalf.


shh_cedric February 22 2007, 03:50:05 UTC
Jeff watched the Granger woman deal with Cedric. He wasn't sure if she regarded Cedric more as an errant pup or as a man, and this probably wasn't the best time to decide -- but Jeff intended to pay attention. Cedric was coming out of one painful relationship, and Jeff was a bit worried about this one, especially given some of the details Cedric had told him over the phone about the situation. It was Cedric's prerogative to be understanding of Hermione, even defensive, but it was Jeff's to be protective of his friend.

In any case, he walked over to pick up the potions and pocket them, nodding at the woman. "He'll take it," Jeff said simply. "And we'll be here on Monday." While Hermione and Ron made arrangement to get Cedric back by broom, Jeff pulled the nurse -- mediwitch -- aside to say, "Let the doc know I'll be by later in the week to talk to him, okay? And thanks for taking care of him."

Cedric's things packed, they got him up and out the door.


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