RP and NOTICE: Time to Out Herself...

Jan 30, 2007 20:54

Date: 30 January 2005
Character: Mafalda Hopkirk
Status: Private
Location: Ministry
Summary: Mafalda returns from a diplomatic mission and posts a notice
Completion: Complete

Mafalda took off her shoes--muddy, again--and shook her head as she sat in one of the chairs not behind her desk. Well, that had been a pain in the arse, but perhaps things were getting squared away. She contemplated getting back up and making some tea, but didn't get any further than contemplation.

Still, she had a tension headache extending down to somewhere around her knees from trying to converse with the various Ministries of Eastern Europe, where the customs and histories of the governments were built on thought processes and assumptions which led to communications which were just utterly foreign in ways that even the House Elves' or Centaurs were not. Probably, she mused, this was because the House Elves were explicitly interested in serving, and therefore were rarely demanding, and the Centaurs made little sense in English, but also were by and large unbothered by not being understood. They were accustomed.

These Ministers, even those who she believed were inclined to reopen diplomatic interactions, tended to become somewhat insulted, if they felt their traditions and concerns were not being treated with the respect properly due them, and she'd felt she might be putting her foot in it at least a half-dozen times per day.

Or they were crotchety. One or the other. In any case, she'd formed tentative associations with several of them, wishing all the while the actual Ministers with whom she now dealt were as straight to the point as most of her previous colleagues had been.

She took a deep breath and propelled herself up out of the chair to start water heating. She needed to let Percy know that… Goodness. What was the name of that Goblin she'd run into in the Paris Ministry on the way back? Pallwimple? Perhaps. No, Pallsomething. It would come to her. Was interested in discussion regarding the digging out and restoration of Gringott's--the bank in general, not the unuseable location in London,though they'd certainly want to salvage whatever they could--if Percy were ready to begin such conversation.

Meanwhile, she did need to make up an announcement of her presence, for those who did not know, and a general advertisement regarding departments in need of staffing.

She poured the water over the leaves, then sat with parchment and set about drafting the notice. It had become necessary to shoot for expedience rather than grace, and she hoped enough people would be intrigued by the possibilities to minimize the number of them who were angered by her unorthodox entry into their world.

A short time later, she shook her head. It was blunt, but then, they probably had all best get used to that. She duplicated the notice into a stack, and left them with directions for the assistant to post them around town and send off copies via owl to other settlements in the morning, along with a second note about the goblins, for Percy.

Her shoes were now dry (and heavy), but it was hardly the time of year to walk home without shoes, so she charmed them mostly-clean and put them back on, turning out the lights behind her.


The Ministry of Magic seeks staffing for several key departments.

Due to factors beyond our control, the Office of the Minister has been reopened under the authority of Mafalda Hopkirk, ninth in the line of succession upon the death of Rufus Scrimgeour. She invites the wizarding public to attend a brief announcement regarding her intentions on Friday, 2 February, at six o'clock at the Stoatshead town hall.

Additionally, as we rebuild the Ministry, it is becoming clear there are a number of departments desperately short of staff.

Openings exist at present in the following departments:

Department of Floo and Transportation Authority
Department of International Cooperation
Department of Magical Games and Sport
Department of Muggle Cooperation
Depatment of Mysteries
Department of Research and Education
(Specifically Committee on Experimental Charms and Committee on OWL and NEWT Standards)
Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures

Interested parties should send an inquiry to the office of Mafalda Hopkirk, Interim Minister of Magic, New Ministry (Old Muggle Post Office).

january 2005, place: the ministry, minister of magic

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