RP: Tea and Sympathy

Jan 07, 2007 19:41

Date: January 7, 2005
Characters: Colin Creevey, Minerva McGonagall
Location: Professor McGonagall's house
Status: Private
Summary: Colin and Minerva finally get together for tea
Completion: Incomplete

There is always time for tea )

january 2005, place: private residence, minerva mcgonagall, colin creevey

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shh_minerva January 8 2007, 00:52:21 UTC
Minerva was surprised by the knock on the door. She wasn't expecting anyone. When she opened the door, she quickly broke out in a wide smile.

"Colin, dear, do come in!" she said, moving her chair out of the way to let him through. "I thought you might have forgotten our tea," she said in mild chastisement.

"You look very well," she said as she waited for him to take off his coat and scarf.

She guided him to a seat by the fire. "Do come and sit down, It's lovely to see you again." With a flick of her wand, she had the kettle boiling, and the tea items summoned through the air to the table.


shh_colin January 8 2007, 01:06:31 UTC
Colin smiled as his former professor let him in. He grinned bashfully as she chastised him mildly for missing their original meeting.

"Sorry about that professor, I didn't forget, but I was taking care of a sick friend when we were to have our meeting. Romilda Vane, actually; she's been working herself sick recently. So I felt the need to stay home and make sure she got some much needed rest." He explained as he shed his coat and scarf, and followed her to a seat by the fire.

"You look well, professor." It was hard though to see her in a wheelchair. Colin hadn't been expecting that.

It just didn't seem to fit the McGonagall he knew from school. She had always been feisty and strong, and to see her in that chair Colin felt for the first time the way the war had effected others in their world.


shh_minerva January 8 2007, 01:39:30 UTC
"Oh," Minerva seemed worried when she heard that Colin's friend had been sick. He had always been a generous and helpful young man. She noticed the usual stare that was reserved for her wheelchair, but to his credit, he made no mention of it.

"I do home Miss Vane is feeling better, then," she said, concerned for the young woman, who was a student at the new school. "I seem to remember that you and she were close at school. Are you still close?" she asked subtly. Minerva was well aware that there was some mystery behind the father of Miss Vane's son. It would not have mattered as much had the girl not made ridiculous public declarations about Harry Potter.

"Now then, you said you had some photographs of the school." Her face lit up in anticipation.


shh_colin January 8 2007, 01:47:57 UTC
"Well she seems to be feeling better, she was back at work as soon as she could," He paused for a moment and ran a hand through is hair. "I suppose I just think she needs more rest, she's always busy doing something."

He smiled slightly, and arched an eyebrow when Minerva asked if he was still close with Romilda.

"Oh yes, she and I are still quite close. I suppose I feel like an older brother to her." He shrugged and grinned.

When she mentioned the pictures Colin smiled brightly and opened his bag. "Yes I did. I'm sure you remember my love of taking pictures," Colin didn't go too far into his near obsessive habits when he was younger.

"I've got so many boxes of photos that I've taken over the years, and I was organizing them so they might get some use besides sitting around in boxes in my flat."

He handed her one of the boxes and let her start looking through the many photos inside.

"When I found all of these pictures from school, you were the first person I thought to show them to."


shh_minerva January 8 2007, 02:00:23 UTC
It seemed Colin still had the same nervous mannerisms he had at school, although he didn't seem to talk twenty to the dozen any more ( ... )


shh_colin January 8 2007, 03:49:28 UTC
He chuckled gently, as she joked about his photography obsession while at school. Colin sipped his tea slowly, and felt himself blush when Minerva complimented his photography in the prophet.

"Oh thank you, professor." He had never gotten used to seeing his own photography in the paper, and then to have it complimented he just never could understand how that had happened.

He watched as she slowly looked through a handful of photos, he watched as a similar display of emotions played over face, as those which had played over his own when he had sat for hours looking through the pictures.


shh_minerva January 8 2007, 04:10:30 UTC
Minerva pulled herself together. It would do no good to fall apart in front of anyone - particularly not this young man.

"These are truly wonderful memories. What did you have in mind to do with them, if I might ask. I have a few ideas, but as they are your work, what did you have in mind?"

She took a sip of tea as she ran her fingers over another pile, lingering far too long on a photo of Albus in the Great Hall.


shh_colin January 8 2007, 04:14:05 UTC
Colin set his cup down when Minerva asked what he thought to do with the photos. He had only thought about it a little bit, and only knew that he wanted to make sure anyone who went to Hogwarts had the opportunity to see them.

"Well, the only thing I am sure of, is that I would like to make sure other former students and faculty of the school will have the opportunity to see them. They're not doing any good sitting in boxes in my flat, and I am sure there are several people who would enjoy the chance to see these."

He pushed his hand through his hair again, hoping she might have some ideas on how he might do that.

"Honestly, I had hoped you might have a few ideas on what I could do with them."


shh_minerva January 8 2007, 04:26:33 UTC
"Yes," Minerva replied. "You were right to want to do something with them. I think perhaps we should offer some up to the new museum, put them on display for everyone. That would be nice. I could talk to Cedric Diggory about that, if you wish."

She looked at a few others. "You could offer, or sell some of these to the former students - they could have precious memories for those individuals."

She studied Colin's face, seeing the look of confusion on his face. "Why not produce a book about them? I'm sure that there would be many who would like to remember the school. That would be the best way to distribute them.

"If the day ever comes that we choose to rebuild the castle, these could help provide some important information on where things stood."

She tapped the pile of photos gently. "You have a very precious resource there, Colin."


shh_colin January 8 2007, 04:31:18 UTC
"Oh yes that'd be a good idea, I had no idea Cedric was working on a museum. I probably need to get out more. But that would be and excellent way to let others see these." He said motioning to the boxes of photos.

He was a bit confused as to how he would actually go about selling the pictures to former students. Images of going door to door immediately filled his mind, though Minerva quickly set him straight.

"A book? I'd never thought to do something like that." Well that wasn't entirely true. Wayne had suggested he do that too when they had talked, but he didn't think then he would have anything anyone might be interested in seeing.

Now though... it seemed like that might be just the thing to do.

"Do you know how I might go about actually putting a book together, professor? I've never done anything like that before."


shh_minerva January 8 2007, 04:42:02 UTC
Minerva passed the plate of shortbread to Colin, offering up more. The young man looked far too thin, but then again, food was not yet in such plentiful supply that people could be overeating.

"Well, I don't suppose you would be aware that Miss Granger - Hermione Granger - is setting up a publishing company to try and reproduce as much as possible that survived from the war. I certainly think she would be someone you could approach to talk about a book. I believe she's got young Harry and Ron helping her out there."

They sipped tea quietly for a moment as she looked through the photos. She caught one that showed the rich colours of the Gryffindor common room, and she was taken back many, many years.

"So tell me, how is your family?" she asked. "How is that brother of yours?"


shh_colin January 8 2007, 04:48:03 UTC
"No I wasn't aware that she was working on that. She probably would be someone to talk to about that." Colin felt a slight rush at the idea of meeting Harry, Ron, and Hermione again. He hadn't seen any of them in several years and even now he still had a bit of hero worship for all three.

He took a bite of shortbread and a sip of tea, while he thought about getting in contact with Hermione. He supposed he would just write her an owl to start with, and see how things went from there.

And then she asked about his family ... he wasn't sure what he should say, should he tell her of his worry for his parents and brother. That he hadn't heard from any of them in many months, that he feared the worst.

"Oh I haven't heard from them in a while, I think my dad finally took my mum on holiday this year though. And Dennis is always doing his own thing these days." He tried to smile and hoped she wouldn't press if she noticed his doubts.


shh_minerva January 8 2007, 05:52:39 UTC
"Why don't you just send Hermione an owl," Minerva said, seeing the slight look of concern on his face at the task of talking to Hermione. She remembered how Colin used to follow Harry around incessantly when he was younger, and suspected he might be a little uncomfortable now.

Minerva was not fooled by Colin's excuses for his family's absences. She had seen that look on many faces, in particular Willa's, whenever she spoke about Pomona. She would not press Colin any further.


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