RP: A little girl goes to visit her Daddy

Dec 23, 2006 17:20

Date: December 23, 2004
Character(s): Ella, Gilderoy
Location: Gildery shop
Status: Private
Summary: Mummy has been sleeping a lot lately, and Ella is bored. She decides to visit her Bunny Daddy.
Completion: Incomplete

If Mummy is sleeping, I'll visit Daddy! )

gilderoy lockhart, millicent bulstrode, julian avery, place: gildery, december 2004

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shh_gilderoy December 23 2006, 17:40:00 UTC
It's amazing how a visit to an old friend can make one feel refreshed and happy again. Gilderoy hadn't seen Roger in ages, and was glad of both his company and advice. That Ginger was also a wise one. Her suggestion to go adventuring while waiting for shearing time was a good one, indeed.

"Perhaps I should take Julian with me. He might like to get out and about again. Although he doesn't seem to be one to have such a taste for ad--"

Before he could finish his thought, he spotted a little bundle of energy racing up Alpha directly toward him. He couldn't help but smile as he saw her running up, giggling the whole time. "Did you come to visit Daddy at work today?" he asked, kneeling in the street, arms outstretched to catch her.

He caught his daughter in his arms and lifted her high. "I'm so glad you've come to see me." With his daughter on his hip, he opened the store, switched the sign from "closed" to "open," and set Ella down on the counter. "So, have you come here all by yourself, or is your mother coming into work today, as well


shh_millicent December 23 2006, 18:53:47 UTC
'Daddy!' Ella shouted, running straight into his outstretched arms and shrieking with delight as he lifted her up in the air. She held on tight as he opened the store and carried her inside kicked her legs in excitement as Daddy set her down.

'Mummy's sleeping,' she said happily. 'And I'm a big girl and knows magic and everything,' she continued with a proud grin.

'And Dragon helpted proteted me,' she added as Daddy looked worried. 'He needs a kiss,' she then said holding out Dragon so that daddy could kiss him.


shh_gilderoy December 23 2006, 18:57:02 UTC
She was sleeping? Gilderoy choked down his suspicions to give Millicent the benefit of the doubt. "Well, why didn't you wake your mummy and ask her to bring you here? I'm sure she wouldn't mind waking up for something like that."

He rustled Ella's hair and smiled at her pet dragon. "And thank you so much for protecting my darling daughter, Mr. Dragon," he said, kissing the stuffed toy on the nose.


shh_millicent December 23 2006, 19:12:13 UTC
Ella giggled as Daddy kissed Dragon and shook her head at Daddy's question about waking Mummy.

'I tried to wake Mummy but she just stayed sleeping,' she said. 'She's been really sleepy and taking lots of naps since we went to visit lady Hestia yesterday,' she added, then she giggled again.

'Mummy nearly forgetted the cloak when we goed and I was good and remembered and then we visited lady Hestia - she has a shop with lots of bottles - and then Mummy took me to get ice-cream,' she said excitedly, a wide grin on her face.


shh_gilderoy December 23 2006, 19:23:20 UTC
Gilderoy groaned to himself. He had suspected as much, but he hoped she really had changed her mind.

"I see," he said softly. He would have to talk to Julian about this and figure out what they could do.

"Well, I'm so glad you came to see me, anyway. Shall we go to the kitchen and make some cocoa and cheese sandwiches for lunch? Or perhaps you'd like toast with fresh blackberry jam? I got some yesterday as a gift from the lady who takes care of my sheep and goats."

He picked Ella up and set her back down on the floor so she could follow him into the kitchen. Hopefully their lunch would be interrupted by some customers, but if it wasn't it would still be much nicer than anything he had already planned.

"So, are you ready for my party tomorrow evening?"


shh_millicent December 23 2006, 19:31:04 UTC
Daddy didn't seem happy, and Ella instinctively threw her arms around him as he picked her up and grabbed his robes as she followed him into the kitchen her tummy growling at the thought of food.

'Toast!' she said happily, climbing up into a chair in the kitchen. 'Jam's nice,' she added with a grin, kicking her feet while waiting for her cocoa.

She giggled as Daddy mentioned the party. She'd never been to a party before. 'Will Santa come?' she asked, tilting her head.


shh_gilderoy December 23 2006, 19:43:44 UTC
"Actually, I was thinking," let's see what she thinks of this, "that you might want to come and stay with Muffin Daddy and myself for a little while. We could both work on our knitting together, and you could help out in the shop. Then Muffin and I could take turns reading to you when you get bored, or playing with you."

Gilderoy sliced some bread and toasted it. Then he arranged the toast on a plate with some orange slices, cheese cut into little flowers, and wavy-cut carrots. "A fun lunch fit for my little princess," he said, kissing Ella's forehead as he put the plate in front of her. He opened the jar of jam and put an extra large blob on each of her two pieces of toast, then went back to the counter to get the cocoa.

"It might be nice to let your mother have some time to sleep, and make herself feel better, too."


shh_millicent December 23 2006, 19:53:13 UTC
Ella blinked and looked at Daddy. Daddy wanted her to stay with him and Muffin Daddy? Her face broke into a huge grin and she kicked her feet even more in excitement.

'Can I really stay with you? And you'll read to me? Can you teach me to read? Liam can read. He's really good and I can only read my name,' she rambled happily. 'Will Mummy agree? Have you asked her?' she asked the words tumbling out of her.

She giggled when Daddy put up food and took a big bite of toast, getting jam on her nose which made her giggle more.

'Can Dragon come too?' she then asked.


shh_gilderoy December 23 2006, 19:58:17 UTC
Gilderoy's heart lept. "Of course he can come along! And I will teach you to read." It wasn't all that long ago that Gilderoy, himself learned to read. "And you can have Myffles stay in your room, and we can make teddy bear pancakes together in the morning and sneak in to pounce on Muffin daddy when he's sleeping. Won't that be fun?"

He was absolutely beaming as he set Ella's cocoa on the table in front of her. Smiling, he licked the jam off of Ella's nose and went over to his own chair. "I haven't talked to your mummy about it yet. I thought I would ask you first if it's something you'd like to do. Probably not forever, but maybe for a few days at a time, hmmm?"


shh_millicent December 23 2006, 20:13:26 UTC
Ella was excited. She would stay with her daddies and she would learn how to read! Then Liam would be impressed by her.

'Can Liam come to visit?' she asked happily, giggling when Daddy licked off the jam from her nose. 'Violet and Ben lives with both their mummy and their daddy too,' she went on, eating and talking at the same time.


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