OWL: To Ollivander

Dec 20, 2006 18:41

OWL: To Ollivander
Date: 20 Dec 2004
Characters: Ollivander, Lucius Malfoy
Place: Lucius' flat, Ollivander's shop
Summary: Lucius needs a neutral source of information
Status: Private
Completion: Incomplete

Lucius weighed every option he could think of before beginning to write the letter. The do-gooders were out, of course. Lucius' one-time companions in Voldemort's service were either dead, in disfavor, or too likely to remember that Lucius had sat the last eight years out of danger. None of them could be trusted.

He could have owled Narcissa; she was certainly the person he most wanted to see. But he was acutely aware that he didn't have nearly enough information to hold his own in a conversation with his wife. He needed to be prepared, to plan his strategy - he needed a neutral party.

Mr. Ollivander,

You once gave my father a sound piece of advice at a sensitive time in his career. He in turn impressed upon me the importance of having contacts in a wide variety of industries. I find myself in need of such a contact as yourself. If it can be arranged, I would like a meeting at your earliest convenience.

Lucius Malfoy

ollivander, december 2004, lucius malfoy

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