RP: Morning Meeting

Dec 16, 2006 15:06


I have the morning without plans, perhaps you should come to my house and we can discuss matters of the school? I believe now is the opportune time to begin such things and trust you won’t let any unimportant engagement prevent you from visiting me.

Yours sincerely,

Fleur Weasley

Fleur watched the owl depart into the morning sunlight as the world outside began to shake itself out of the night's slumber. She felt confident that Theodore would not decline her summons invitation and so she retreated into the silent interior of her home. With a flick of her wand, the curtains were all opened and golden light poured into the rooms, but it was still too quiet and after the events of the night before, Fleur had the feeling Bill would be asleep for quite some time to come.

With a self-satisfied grin firmly in place on her lips, Fleur descended the staircase to the floor below. If she had her way, the house would not be quiet for too much longer.

fleur delacour, bill weasley, theodore nott, december 2004

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