RP: Arranging a reunion

Nov 26, 2006 06:57

Date: November 26, 2004
Character(s): Theo, Gabrielle, Fleur
Location: House on Hill Street
Status: Private
Summary: Theo arrange a little meeting, but not everyone is pleased
Completion: Incomplete

Waking up was NOT as enjoyable as it once had been. )

gabrielle delacour, fleur delacour, november 2004, theodore nott

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shh_fleur December 10 2006, 08:01:09 UTC
Fleur recoiled in shock like her sister's words were a poisonous cobra that had struck at her. In some ways Fleur would have preferred a dangerous reptile over the words that had come from Gabrielle's mouth. With a snake you could just banish the creature, but those brisk words had been branded into Fleur's mind and would remain with her for the rest of her life.

"'ow could you say zuch zhings?" her voice sounded like it was on the verge of breaking as it rose up in pitch. "Zhere was nothink I could do to stop zhem taking you! I tried everythink!"


shh_theodore December 10 2006, 08:08:47 UTC
Theo pondered for a moment what to do. Should he stay out of the situation and let them sort it out, or get involved and stop Gabrielle from leaving? It wasn't an easy choice as either could cause the women to flare up in anger towards him, which would be very bad indeed.

Before he had time to decide, however, Beelzebub moved up to Gabrielle and placed his paws on her shoulders, licking her face as if he was trying to kiss her. He most likely was, but whatever the reason it made it impossible for Gabrielle to leave right now.

Good, then he didn't need to stick out his neck.


shh_gabrielle December 10 2006, 08:30:56 UTC
Gabrielle blinked in shock at Beelzebub, petting the overfriendly dog in an attempt to calm him down. Animals could sense distress, and he was undoubtedly just trying to comfort her, but it was the last thing she needed at the moment ( ... )


shh_fleur December 10 2006, 08:46:56 UTC
Fleur stood up and drew herself up to her considerable height as she stared down at Gabrielle with a storm of emotions playing across her face. The small space between the two witches was fraught with anger and hurt and the potent mixture seemed to crackle with electricity.

"Abandoned you?" The proclamation had been so unfair any thoughts for the wellbeing of Theo or his house were driven right out of Fleur's mind. "You were stolen from me! How could you think I would let zhat happen to you when I would have done anythink to have gone in your place?"


shh_theodore December 10 2006, 08:56:36 UTC
Theo wasn't completely informed about everything Veela, but surely two very angry Veelas was not in his best interest.

He pondered for a moment trying to smooth things over, calming them down, but as he tried to take a step he noticed Beelzebub retreating fast, and if the dog sensed danger then he was certainly not putting himself in the middle.

He watched and listened while the two women started to yell at each other in French, of which Theo understood only fractions. As soon as he was certain that both women had their attention fully on each other, he summoned a book from its shelf and his glasses from the table, looking up the word Veela in the back.


shh_gabrielle December 16 2006, 19:02:15 UTC
Theo was completely right, two emotional Veela were not good for much of anyone. On the street, Gabrielle had used that fact to her advantage, a flash of Veela and just about anyone would leave her the hell alone, but it hadn't always ended well, and destruction of property was usually a given ( ... )


shh_fleur December 19 2006, 23:56:42 UTC
"You did not haff to!" Fleur burst out, the dam of emotion she had been feeling finally breaking and flooding out like a torrent at the first sight of her little sister's tears.

It felt like a burning poison was twisting Fleur's insides at the thought of Gabrielle on the streets, what might of happened to her and what could have been if they had only found each other. She didn't care about what had happened, Gabrielle was her sister and the only shame Fleur felt was that she had not found her before any of this happened.

"I do not care, Bill does not care, none of us do! You are my petite soeur, the streets do nothing to change that!"


shh_gabrielle December 21 2006, 00:48:07 UTC
Gabrielle stood silently, swaying slightly on her feet. She was torn between folding into Fleur's arms and running as fast and as far as was possible. Gabrielle closed her eyes for a moment, looking up at Fleur and biting into her lip, coming to an abrupt decision.

"Ma soeur," She whispered, and lunged forward, burying her head in Fleur's chest, the tears flowing freely as she wrapped her arms tightly around her older sister.


shh_theodore December 21 2006, 05:13:21 UTC
Theo watched the two sisters fight and argue with trepidation and worry. When he saw Gabrielle cry, saw her lunge at her sister for comfort and not to try and strangle her he was grateful. But he also felt very pleased with himself.

He smiled to himself, knowing he'd made the right choice and that Fleur would reward him for that. He would have one more potentially powerful ally in Stoats after this.


shh_fleur December 25 2006, 12:49:44 UTC
Fleur let out a strangled sob as Gabrielle wrapped slim arms around her body. It was all so sudden, so hard to bear and accept. Her beautiful baby sister had been dead for many years in Fleur's mind, and now the reality had shifted abruptly. Gabrielle's silvery hair had fallen across her face as she buried her face against Fleur's chest, and as Fleur returned the fierce embrace, she could feel how her sister had changed over the years.

Gabrielle was no longer the well looked after daughter of rich French socialites, and her thin frame reflected that. None of that mattered to Fleur as she closed her eyes and whispered things in Gabrielle's ear; she switched from soft French murmurings to nothing more than soothing noises that could be relegated to no certain language. "I am here now, soeur. Let me protect you."


shh_gabrielle December 28 2006, 01:02:16 UTC
Gabrielle pulled away after a moment, smiling sadly and wiping tears from her eyes. No matter how much a part of her mind screamed for it, Gabrielle wasn't the little girl Fleur had protected all those years ago, and couldn't return to that. She was too independant now, had developed too much into her own person, a person that was convinced into not needing anyone.

"As much as I weesh I could let you... I cannot. I am not zhe little girl zhat you 'eld when she scraped 'er knee anymore, Fleur," She said softly, biting into her lip. "I cannot... I need some time to theenk on zhis, ma soeur. I will come to you, do not come looking for me, s'il tu plait."

Biting harder into her lip, Gabrielle dashed out of the door, confused and conflicted in ways she didn't yet know how to deal with. Always one to run from her problems and sort them out from afar, Gabrielle fled to the streets, starting the long process of coming to terms with how things were, and how they could never be again.


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