Date: November 25th, 2004
Character(s): Lavender, Justin, anyone who would like to join
Location: River Road, the Five Alarm
Status: Public
Summary: Taking a break from her studying, Lavender heads towards the Five Alarm.
Completion: Complete
There was only so much reading that she could do before her attention span dropped to about ten seconds. )
It kept raining, but never for very long, and not all that hard, so he had his hood pulled up over his head, figuring he could always charm himself dry later if he needed to. His eyes were on the ground when he moved to step over a puddle, brushing shoulders with another body. "Sorry," he said, pausing in his tracks. He looked down, an apologetic smile on his face.
She tucked her hair behind her ear, really not minding at all. All she could think as she looked up at him was that she seemed to be having very good luck recently when it came to running into handsome wizards. As shallow as that sounded, it really wasn't anything to complain about.
"Wow. Everyone really does seem to be moving to Stoatshead. I keep running into people from school all over the place!"
"So how are you today?" he asked, glancing up before his gaze returned to her. "It's kind of dreary for a walk, isn't it?"
She smiled, looking at Justin. "I'm obviously not the only one out for a walk, though."
"Well, I thought I did. Now I'm not so sure." He shrugged.
She fiddled with her umbrella, wrinkling her nose. "I think I was headed to the Five Alarm."
Then he realized what he said and his face flushed an even deeper red. "But I don't want to bother you. I mean. Er-" He shut his mouth before he said something stupid.
She stepped around another puddle. "You're not bothering me, don't worry." She smiled. "Come on - we should probably go before it rains again."
He stepped over a puddle. "So how long have you been in Stoatshead?"
They crossed over the road to the Five Alarm and Lavender pushed open the door, greeted by the warmth emanating from the pub.
"Stoatshead Hill is a nice place. Whereabouts are you living?"
She looked at him curiously. "You said you've moved around a lot. Can I ask where? I mean, it's kind of interesting to find out what people were doing during the war." This made Lavender think of Ron for a moment, but then she remembered to focus on her present company and smiled at Justin.
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