RP: Trapped and Angry

Nov 25, 2006 13:38

Date: November 25, 2004
Character(s): Gabrielle, Theo, Fleur
Location: Theo's house on the hill
Status: Private
Summary: Gabrielle wakes in Theo's house, only to find she can't leave.
Completion: Complete

Sometimes when you cage the beast, the beast gets angry. )

gabrielle delacour, fleur delacour, november 2004, theodore nott

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shh_theodore November 25 2006, 18:51:28 UTC
Theo arrived home later than he'd planned, the surprise encounter with Romilda delaying him. He would have wished to arrive before Gabrielle awoke, but the time with Romilda had sated him enough that he thought he could better resist the Veela in her. After his meeting with Fleur, he'd certainly needed it.

He'd rechecked that the food was still hot before turning onto Hill Street, and now he stood outside his house, checking to see if his wards had been triggered.

They had. Which meant Gabrielle had tried to leave and failed. He had a feeling she wouldn't be happy.

Not risking anything, Theo scanned the house to see where Gabrielle was. The charm he'd put on her wand told him she was close to the door. An ambush, he thought with a smile before he Apparated straight to the back door, knowing she wouldn't expect him to come from behind ( ... )


shh_gabrielle November 25 2006, 19:03:49 UTC
Gabrielle jumped, nearly firing a hex when she heard sounds behind her, only the thought of Beelzebub being there stopping her from firing a rather nasty hex, something along the lines of sectumsempra.

She darted into the kitchen, her wand pointed directly at Theo's throat and hissing, "What in zhe bloody 'ell," thank God for English curses, they had such a nice effect coming from non-English lips, "did you do to my wand? And your wards would not let me leave, I demand to leave zhis instant!"

Gabrielle was a hair away from mauling/hexing Theo until he was begging for mercy, but her flight instinct took over, just barely keeping her in check. But should he try to deny her, she was fully prepared to commit the murder needed to drop his wards.


shh_theodore November 25 2006, 19:19:57 UTC
Theo feigned a look of shock and surprise as Gabrielle spoke. He blinked several times, then he smiled at her.

'Well of course my wards didn't allow you out,' he said as if it was the most natural thing in the world. 'Beelzebub opens doors quite easily, you know,' he continued, turning his back as if he hadn't seen the murderous glare in her eyes and pulling down a few plates from the shelf. Turning back around he placed them on the table between them.

'My intentions were of course not to anger you or keep you from leaving, but if you had left, I'm quite sure Beelzebub would have followed, seeing how much he seems to like you,' he explained nodding towards the dog who was sitting firmly by her side.

'Besides, and I mean this in the nicest of way of course,' he said with a smile. 'You are a thief. How was I to know you wouldn't leave with my most precious possession?' he asked, as if the dog would be it ( ... )


shh_gabrielle November 25 2006, 19:41:00 UTC
"And my wand? Eet ees different, monsieur, zhere ees no doubt of zhat," She said angrily, though it was mostly a front. His explanations did make sense, Gabrielle was a thief, and the dog had fallen in love with her ( ... )


shh_theodore November 25 2006, 19:51:10 UTC
Theo smiled gently at her as he watched her resolve weaken. 'I admit I did place a charm on your wand,' he said gently. 'One that would give Beelzebub here a little chock if he tried to play with it, just to keep it safe,' he lied, the only charm he'd placed on the wand the one to track her and one making it impossible to use it against him. 'He can get a bit rough when he plays and could destroy your wand without meaning to do it,' he added, taking a bite of the stew himself.

He watched her face as she pondered the situation, thoughts no doubt rushing through her mind. He wasn't surprised when she decided to leave, but very pleasantly surprised when he didn't need to move a muscle to stop her. Beelzebub had quickly moved to block her way, and was preventing her from leaving as efficiently as Theo could ever have done.

'It seems Beelzebub doesn't want you to leave,' he commented plainly.


shh_gabrielle November 25 2006, 20:50:53 UTC
"I would not weesh to impose, Monsieur Nott, and I will be back to visit Beelzebub," Gabrielle knelt to pet the dog, throwing a suggestive glance over her shoulder at Theo, "Surely you would not weesh for me to wear out my welcome?"

It was starting to feel as though Theo was going to attempt keeping her here, and Gabrielle was not about to allow it. She had things to do, people to see, and though the thought of more meals to come and a nice bed was alluring, she was not about to stay in any one place longer than she had to.


shh_theodore November 25 2006, 20:58:16 UTC
Theo watched in silence as Beelzebub did the work for him, whining and buffing her with his head as if begging her to stay.

She seemed to like the dog, and said she'd be back to see it so she couldn't be that opposed to it. He smiled, deciding to use it.

'You're more than welcome Gabrielle, and Beelzebub would be happy,' he added. 'Truth is,' he continued. 'That's I'm rather busy tomorrow and would be terribly grateful if you were to stay and keep him company while I'm gone. I wouldn't want him to get lonely,' he said with another smile.

'If you wish to go, that is of course your choice, but I would think that a warm bed would be preferable to the streets,' he added, involuntary letting his gaze glide over her as he thought of her in his warm bed.

Turning around, he pushed the thought away.


shh_gabrielle November 26 2006, 05:34:18 UTC
"I theenk zat I will be going regardless," Gabrielle forced a smile, "I am sure Beelzebub will be fine, but I do 'ave to return to zhe streets, as alluring as a warm bed sounds, I 'ave buisiness that needs completing, and people zhat will be worried."

She managed to get Beelzebub's attention onto a shadow that looked like a rat, stepping deftly around him with an agility she seldom showed, making her way towards the front foor.


shh_theodore November 26 2006, 06:30:58 UTC
Theo bit back a growl as Gabrielle sidestepped Beelzebub.

'And you're supposed to call yourself a guard dog,' he snarled under his breath, pondering his options.

For a moment he thought of using another sleeping potion, but he didn't think Gabrielle would fall for it again. No, should he have used one he should have made sure to put it in the food she ate.

Coming up with a passable solution, he followed her out into the hall where she of course couldn't get through the wards. She didn't seem to happy about that, so Theo raised his wand.

'Let me help you with the wards,' he said smiling, waiving his wand in a way he knew to be completely useless against them. 'That ought to do it,' he said with a smile. 'Now do come back and visit Beelzebub,' he added, waiting for her to try to leave and fail.


shh_gabrielle November 26 2006, 06:40:53 UTC
Gabrielle nodded to him, relieved to be getting out and away from him, and went to leave- only to feel an invisible force holding her back. She managed to keep from growling at it, but it was a near thing, and she turned to Theo, ignoring the twinge in her right shoulder that let her know just how stressed she really was.

"Zhe wards will not let me out," She said, her eyes angry and slightly accusing. If the thief hadn't been suspicious and nervous about being caged before, she definitely was now, and not at all happy about possibly spending another night at his house.

The Veela in her demanded it be let out, it had never been this aggressive before, the glamour covering her scar wasn't the only thing Stoatshead Hill seemed to be bad for, and she knew she didn't have enough experience controlling it to keep it in check much longer, especially when her stress level kept rising.


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