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shh_colin November 22 2006, 02:40:27 UTC
Colin had finished his meeting with Rita a little earlier, giving her several of the pictures he had taken that weekend. Then he picked out the pictures of Cormac's rescue and took them across the hall to show him.

He licked his lips as he knocked on the door and hoped Cormac might be happy to see him.

Though Cormac's greeting, seemed to say he wasn't in the mood for visitors today.

"Oh.. I um, brought by some of the pictures I had um taken this weekend. But if you'd rather not seem them now, I can come over later I suppose." or never


shh_cormac November 22 2006, 02:47:07 UTC
Cormac blinked at Colin through several sneezes. "Come in." He said and stepped back from the door. Colin looked...like a good distraction from being ill. And he had pictures. Though he didn't really want to relive the whole, jumping into freezing water deal. It had, afterall, led to his current miserableness.

"I was watching a movie. Something called Die Hard. You can stay, if you want. We can look at the pictures after the movie." He sniffed a couple more times, and coughed into his sleeve.

He headed back toward the bedroom and climbed in bed, pulling the covers tight around him and looked at the door, where Colin was standing uncertainly. "There's room for two," he offered, thinking a little cuddle might be just what he needed.


shh_colin November 22 2006, 02:51:56 UTC
Colin just stood at the door for a moment after Cormac invited him in. He hadn't known Cormac was feeling sick or he might have checked in on him sooner.

Though the prospect of being in bed with Cormac, even if he was sick, left Colin feeling very warm. So he placed the small stack of pictures on a table and climbed into bed beside Cormac.

It really was unfortunate that he was feeling under the weather, especially after doing such a brave thing that weekend.


shh_cormac November 22 2006, 02:55:01 UTC
Cormac smiled when Colin slipped in beside him, and promptly pulled him close, placing a sleepy kiss on his temple. "Thanks," he said simply, and pressed the button on the thingy that made the DVD play. "Have you seen Die Hard before?" he asked. "It's fuckin' great."


shh_colin November 22 2006, 03:02:29 UTC
Colin smiled, his earlier doubts pushed away as Cormac pulled him close and kissed him.

"No I don't think I've seen that one before."

They watched the movie together for a while, but soon Cormac fell asleep. Colin lay there for a few minutes just listening to Cormac breathe, and enjoying his warmth, before he slipped out of his arms to fix some soup.

His mother had always made soup for him when he wasn't feeling well when he was younger. Maybe Cormac would feel better if he had some soup too, then he might be up for looking at the pictures he had brought over. Or maybe a bit of snogging, or maybe ... Colin felt his face flush and put a reign on his thoughts.


shh_cormac November 22 2006, 03:17:44 UTC
Cormac woke up to an empty bed, and was suprised and hurt that Colin would have left while he was asleep. He sniffed and blew his nose for the four hundred and sixty-six thousandth time that day, and threw the tissue to the wastebasket by the nightstand.

He noticed the pictures stacked there and reached out to grab them. He'd flipped through them all once, admiring the way Colin had been able to capture the feeling of the moment completely.

He was smiling at a photo of Romilda and Liam, when Colin appeared in the doorway, a bowl of soup in his arms.

"These are really great," Cormac said, suprised at how clear his voice sounded, and only having to sneeze once. "You're really good."


shh_colin November 22 2006, 03:23:14 UTC
Colin smiled when he saw that Cormac was awake when he came back into the room with a bowl of soup.

"Oh you're awake, and by the sound of it feeling a little better?" Colin slipped back into the bed beside him.

He smiled when Cormac praised his pictures, "Thanks." He felt his all-too-familiar-these-days blush returning.

"I made you some soup, to help you feel a bit better. Just something my mother used to do for me when I was feeling ill."


shh_cormac November 22 2006, 03:31:48 UTC
Cormac smiled and sat up further in bed, pulling pillows behind him, and making himself comfortable. "No one's ever made me soup before," he said. "The House Elves used to just shut me in my room, so I wouldn't disturb my mother." He shook away the unpleasant memories, and focused on Colin. "Thanks."


shh_colin November 22 2006, 03:42:34 UTC
"No one has ever made you soup?" Colin had to bite his tongue, not wanting to insult Cormac's family. But that was just down right awful.

"Well if you need soup again, you just give me a shout and I'll be over in a flash."

He leaned against Cormac slightly, helping to put pillows into place before he handed him the bowl. Then he leaned over and pressed his lips to Cormac's temple, like he had done earlier.

"Eat up." He said sitting next to him, watching to make sure he actually ate some of the soup.


shh_cormac November 22 2006, 03:45:44 UTC
Cormac smiled, and made quick work of the soup. Now that he was feeling slightly better, he'd realized he hadn't eaten since yesterday, and the soup was delicious.

"You make good soup," he said. "I think you deserve a reward." He placed the empty bowl on the night table and lay back against the pillows. "What would you like?"


shh_colin November 22 2006, 03:52:03 UTC
"A reward?" Colin just at there for a moment looking confused, not completely sure what Cormac meant.

"Oh ... Oh a rewa-" Colin stopped when comprehension dawned on him and his face was instantly scarlet.

He had thought about a few things that could have happened tonight, but he hadn't actually expected any of it to actually come true. And yet here he was sitting next to a very attractive Cormac being asked what he wanted for a reward.

"I um -" there was so much he could have said, and he couldn't bring himself to actually say any of it. "I'm not sure..."


shh_cormac November 22 2006, 03:55:38 UTC
Cormac grinned. He was afraid he was becoming quite attached to Colin and his pretty little blushes. He reached out and drew Colin over so the slighter man straddled his lap.

"Are you sure you don't know what you want?" He brought Colin's head down and kissed him gently. "Are you really sure?"


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