RP: Yes, it's possible to work three shifts in a row.

Nov 21, 2006 18:24

Date: November 21, 2004
Characters: Ginny Weasley, Adrian Pucey, Anyone
Location: Hospital
Status: Public
Summary: Ginny makes rounds at the hospital. Where's Dr. Robert Chase when ya need 'im?
Completion: Complete

The toe bone connected to the heel bone. The heel bone connected to the foot bone. )

november 2004, adrian pucey, ginny weasley

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shh_adrian November 21 2006, 19:06:31 UTC
When she placed her hand on his shoulder, Adrian couldn't help but feel warm there, and he calmed down enough to nod that he understood her and to stop the bloody rambling.

He stood up as she instructed and tried for one moment to protest putting his weight on her tiny frame but he had to admit that the witch certainly knew what she was doing. Then again, knowing what he knew of her at school, that really didn't surprise him much. And it seemed to him that she had been born for this task of healing the world after the war. Er... the sick. Healing the sick.

He shook his head to himself as Ginny sat him down and then she closed the door and brought the vial of potion to him. She called him Mr. Pucey for the second time since he arrived and when he took the glass from her, he smiled, "Call me Adrian, please. And I'm pretty sure I can handle a little potion. Do you mind if I ask what it is though?" All right, so maybe he had brushed her hand a little too obviously when she handed it to him, but in all honesty, he'd wanted to. There was something surprisingly kind in her eyes, and yes there was hardness there too but he'd seen that so many places these days. Hers were something else entirely. She was also the first person he'd met since arriving that didn't immediately take offense with his name, his family, his former team, or his former house. It was refreshing, and though he did feel the pain of his ankle and a large part of him wished he'd never taken the fall in the first place, a smaller part of him was very glad indeed for it.


shh_ginny November 21 2006, 19:24:01 UTC
Ginny took a small step away from the raven-haired wizard, smiling apologetically. "I remember who you are, Adrian."

"Please forgive my formality. I'm used to addressing everyone that way here." The petite redhead caught her bottom lip between her teeth in an unconsciously shy gesture.

Indicating the small vial, Ginny took a step close again, leaning her head down to read the tiny script on the label as she pointed to it. "Crushed Doxy wings, Bloodroot leaves, and Anise Hyssop. It's a simple variation on muscle relaxers and blood clotters."

Glancing up, she met his gaze with an easy smile. "As I said, it's going to taste vile but honestly, but combined with my spell, it will heal your ankle good as new. So you can get back to your Quidditch."


shh_adrian November 21 2006, 19:39:31 UTC
When she stepped away for a moment, Adrian was afraid he'd said something wrong or offended her somehow. Listening to her read the list of the potions ingredients he couldn't help a small grimace, "Well, they don't take much store by taste, do they?"

Ginny mentioned quidditch and smiled like that, he almost forgot what he was at the hospital at all for. "I don't play quidditch anymore, I was just taking a flight for the feeling of it. It's been quite a while for me. See, my parents decided to go a bit more... muggle I suppose, over the years. And when I got out of school I didn't have much choice but to go with it. I heard news that the war had ended and I wanted to come back, see what I could do to help. I haven't been able to come up with much, to be honest." He chuckled to himself and shook his head. He really had been quite the lump since returning.

He quirked an eyebrow at Ginny and lifted the vial in a mock toast, "Bottoms up I s'pose." he choked down the potion without much more than a grimace on his face but the taste really was as bad as it sounded from the list of ingredients. Shaking off the last of feeling as if he would vomit, he looked at Weasley again and said "How did you end up here?" And he coughed quickly before controlling it and keeping the coughs down.


shh_ginny November 21 2006, 19:54:17 UTC
"No, I don't, sorry. It does the job though." Ginny smirked. The potion was one of her blends and she knew it was horrible.

Listening to the attractive Slytherin ramble, the petite redhead nodded sympathetically. She'd heard that sort of thing more than once over the past year but she couldn't help wondering why he sounded defensive, almost apologetic.

She had easily remembered the wizard from Hogwarts and the Slytherin Quidditch team. The attractive, athletic Slytherin had a reputation for being a lady's man with high standards. There was no small number of reasons why she'd never done more than sneak glances in his direction all those years ago, not the least of which being his house followed closely by his reputation. The petite redhead knew she'd been a mouse to his cat back then.

Watching him drink down the potion, she moved forward instinctively supporting his back with a small hand to steady him as she swirled her wand over his ankle, murmuring softly as she closed her eyes, focusing her magic.

'Bloody hell, he doesn't remember me. How did I *get* here?'

You know, the blood-traitors unworthy of notice.

'That's unkind. He's been perfectly sweet. Not at all what I thought he'd be like.'

Opening her eyes, Ginny blinked at his unwavering gaze and stammered, blushing, "How did I end up here? Oh, my family lived here... before... well, always, to be honest."


shh_adrian November 21 2006, 20:03:09 UTC
She concentrated so intensely when she was working her magic. He had forgotten what that felt like - he hadn't done much more than simple, lazy spells in almost a decade, since his NEWTs really. She answered and suddenly he felt like a complete idiot and he shook his head, "No, I knew that, I meant... at the hospital, as a healer and all that." And then he realized he must seem like a complete weird-o to know for no reason at all where she would live, "I must seem an idiot. I simply meant, I knew your family was here. My family never took much store by blood and all, but old wizarding families usually stay in one place for generations... Mine did the same, until us I guess. My parents are living on a little island just south of the States, they got to enjoy the beach and all that." And he laughed, realizing how stupid he must sound.

"Thank you, for the help on my ankle. I'm not sure how the hospital accepts payment, I wouldn't mind helping out with potions and things if you all need an extra hand, or I do have some wizarding gold... I'm still new around here, feel like I'm starting all over again." He paused and then looked at her closely again, and smiled. "It feels good."


shh_ginny November 21 2006, 20:21:43 UTC
Ginny tilted her head, red curly locks spilling over her shoulder as she blinked back a tinge of hurt. "Is it the hospital or me, Adrian?"

"You're obviously uncomfortable and I can't tell if I've said something to make you feel that way." She said with a soft sigh, raking a hand through her hair. The petite redhead was beyond exhausted and felt like a pathetic fool around the handsome wizard.

Focusing on a spot on the wall just over his head, Ginny found the words spilling over her lips in a tired rush. "I apprenticed with St. Mungo's after I graduated and joined the Order. My work with the Order and St. Mungo's got me a field promotion a year early. I ended up back here after we evacuated St. Mungo's."

"Is that what you really wanted to know, Adrian?" Ginny asked softly, without judgement. She felt like she had two left feet around men. Well, men who weren't her brothers.

Yes, mouse.

Bowing her head in resignation, the petite redhead gestured vaguely, waiting for the raven-haired wizard to bolt out the door. "The hospital takes donations for services, Adrian, and I do not charge for my services. Whatever you feel you want to donate is fine. Lyda can help you with that."


shh_adrian November 21 2006, 20:30:21 UTC
Was she kicking him out? What did she mean by the hospital or her? Adrian really wasn't sure what he had said or done so when she paused for a moment, he shook his head. "It's neither, I promise. I'm just, I'm not used to being looked at like you have been. Like I'm a real person and not A Slytherin or A Coward. Since I got back into this world all anyone seems to have cared is about my family's money or my old reputations... Seven years changes people and no one seems to see that about me. Everyone else can walk around with the knowledge that they helped, or are helping, and I'm just that pureblood git to the whole lot of them. You.." He paused and absent mindedly rubbed his shoulder, "you didn't seem to think that way, that's all."

Why did he have to be stepping over his tongue now? With Alicia it was one thing, he was trying to get in her knickers after all, but with the youngest Weasley? Who's older brothers Fred and George would easily hex his balls off if he even saw Adrian speaking to her.

He stood, feeling as if she had given him a brand new ankle, rather than just fix his old one. "Ginny... is it all right if I call you that? I... You seem tired, and I seem like a right moron and I'm afraid I haven't made the best impression. I'd like to help out around here, I don't know what I could do, but if there's an apothecary or potions master, I could help. I'd also like to..." He paused, unsure how she would react but before he let himself stop entirely he rushed the words out quickly hoping she wouldn't Bat Bogey hex him right there, "I'd like to take you out to dinner, if you'd let me."


shh_ginny November 21 2006, 20:44:39 UTC
'Oh. Oh dear.'

Cat got your tongue, dear?

'As a matter of fact...'

"Wow, Adrian." Ginny's eyes widened at his impromptu confession. "I don't know what to say..."

Walking over to him, she laid a small hand on his arm. "You are a real person, Adrian. Don't let anyone make you feel any different. I don't think you are a coward and frankly, I'd hit anyone who called you that. That's be right rude of them, now wouldn't it."

Her smile wobbled as she continued. "Of course you can call me Ginny. We did play Quidditch against each other, after all. Heck, I remember having a bloody hard time catching up to you out there."

"Of course, if you'd like to volunteer your services here, we'd be more than grateful for another person with potion skills." The petite redhead realized her thumb was absently stroking his arm and she pulled her hand away quickly, her face flushing with embarrassment.

Chuckling ruefully, Ginny said. "You're right, I am tired. I've had trouble... sleeping. I know, I know. It's the old joke. Healer, heal thyself."

You're avoiding his question.

"And... well, I'm flattered by your invitation, really, but you don't have to say that to be polite, Adrian." Ginny's voice was soft but unwavering. "But... well... if you really meant that, I'd like that."


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