RP: Lucius at his New Flat

Nov 20, 2006 21:50

Date: November 20, 2004
Characters: Lucius Malfoy
Location: Sixth floor, Copper Towers
Status: Public
Summary: Lucius is finally ready to admit that yes, he lives in this ridiculous excuse for a proper wizarding home
Completion: Complete

After his rather eventful entry into town, being dragged around by pretend Aurors and then threatened with a Muggle weapon, of all things, Lucius Malfoy was in no hurry to announce his arrival at Copper Towers. He'd been assigned a flat, and one of the last Malfoy house elves had arranged to have his things brought in... what few possessions he had left, anyway. It was disheartening to look around and see only one enchanted crystal vase from his grandmother's set of three, and not a single one of the portraits had made it over. Lucius would have to make do with a few tapestries covering the walls, and the voices of his ancestors would only live on in his memory.

And yet... he was free.

Free to look around whenever he wanted, free to kick his house elf if he pleased, free to sleep in his own bed... alone for now, yes, but he knew Narcissa was in town, and he had a plan for that. For the first time in many years, Lucius was able to make plans again, instead of waiting in that wretched cell for one outcome or another to the war. There had been times when he had wished the Dark Lord would break him out of prison along with the other Death Eaters, so that he might have a chance at protecting his wife and son, but there had been times when he wished instead for the Dark Lord's downfall.

Now it seemed that wish, at least, had been granted. And Lucius was on his own again, albeit at a much reduced station in life. Well, a single house elf would do for just one person, and for the time being, at least, Lucius did not have to worry about where his next meal was coming from. But the one after that...

He shook off such thoughts as he prowled his quarters on this chilly Monday evening. He had noticed the other flats on this floor when he'd first come in, but he'd spent the last several days pretending he had no neighbors at all. However, he knew he couldn't go on like that forever, and it was much more useful to be on good terms with one's neighbors than not. Lucius only hoped they wouldn't be anyone with a grudge against him.

He stopped pacing and stood facing the door. One of these days he would have to find out what this town had to offer, and more importantly, what he had to offer the town. But for now perhaps it would be enough just to indulge his curiosity about the other inhabitants of this building. After all, there might be nameplates on the doors, which would give him a little bit of warning of who he had to deal with.

Making up his mind, Lucius strode to the door and opened it.

november 2004, lucius malfoy

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