alphabet meme, part J

Apr 29, 2009 16:48

Also, new tag time, since I seem to be writing enough with this book to merit it. This prompt: 'justice.'

Robin grew up rather certain he knew what was just, and that the world would see to everything happening as it ought. More to the point, he had little cause to think anything else might happen until he was recruited to help with Mizzamir’s plan.

Of course, he didn’t trust the villains at first. Even they didn’t trust each other, so anyone who did would have to be mad. The Druid was at least fairly sensible most of the time, but the others did little that put him at his ease.

His opinion did shift eventually, but not so late as the others likely suspected; it began when Kaylana started mentioning the bards. As an aspiring minstrel, the thought of all that lost music pained him on a very deep level - and that it happened simply because of its makers’ opinions on the state of the world hardly seemed fair.

Once he realised that, he had to start wondering about Mizzamir’s overall approach to this world-saving business, and whether that was as good in the long term as the wizard liked to think. Actually asking Mizzamir struck Robin as a good way to have the concern completely erased from his mind, which didn’t sit well, and he doubted he could explain the matter to the villains without a great deal of eye-rolling and sarcasm.

Perhaps he could revive the bards’ work, after all this was over - if everyone survived, anyway. And if he could just figure out what it was they did in the first place.

villains by necessity

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