we've established this is what I do when it's late, yes?

Aug 27, 2005 02:18

Thought so.
Anyway, since I'm not tired and need to get this stuff out of my head, I'm reviving an old MilliMeme, of the 'random stuff about your character(s)' variety.

Angel never made it west of Cleveland. And he's apparently not even sure whether the first time counts, since that was for a funeral. (Second trip was much more interesting.) I don't know why this is important, but it is. ::shrugs::

He really doesn't care for winter all that much. Growing up in Buffalo will do that to you; they're too used to all that snow for it to do any good in the getting-out-of-school department, and besides, it's just too damn cold.

He also doesn't like Halloween as much as one might expect, and this has both nothing and everything to do with canon. When he was younger it was cool, since it was a good excuse for random skirt-wearing, but once he decided he didn't need an excuse, it lost most of its appeal.

The pronoun thing... is kind of a non-thing. Sort of. People refer to Angel with both male and female pronouns in canon, when he's right there, and he doesn't say anything about it. So, I figure he doesn't care which you use as long as you're not being insulting.

It's very, very hard to make a bad first impression, when you first meet Angel. If you'd like to know how, ask Muffy Alison. (That said, if she shows up in the bar, he's willing to give her a second chance. She's going to have a tough row to hoe, though.)

The two most important people in what for lack of a better phrase we'll call Angel's life are Collins and Mark. They are followed veryvery closely by the rest of the Rent crew, and his better in-bar friends, and sometimes it's all just one big blob of quasi-extended-family-thing. (If that didn't make sense, I refer you to this post's title.)
He sees Val as the genius little sister who occasionally lacks common sense, and is doing his part to make sure she remembers to take care of herself every now and then instead of worrying over everyone else. And that she doesn't go off looking for an adventure at every opportunity. Someone has to, after all.
And for all that, he *refuses* to tell me whether he's got any biological siblings. ::le sigh::

Also, GIP, since I figured I'd better get a Rent icon in there somewhere.
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