Oct 15, 2004 12:10
"We are lost until we are found..."
I worte this in between classes... earlier...
Right now, I'd almost pay for a guy to hold me, hang out with me or just say, "Katelyn, you're awesome." with maybe a little i love you thrown in there some where's. He wouldn't have to mean it because i'm leaving anyway. But for the time being, not having a boy around sucks for me. The constant estrogen surge that i live in is driving me nuts. I never hung out with this many girls this often and it's almost too much for me. I miss having my boys around and just being able to hang out and be around boys becuase with girls, hanging out is so different and there is so much drama. I just wanna play video games and wrestle, eat pizza and watch foot ball or Aqua Teen Hunger Force. (leaning more toward ATHF) And I can't even explain my malfunction with sleeping alone. But i do know that having Karissa man handle me every once in a while hasn't been cutting it lately.
"Nothing last forever and we both know hearts can change"
You all don't realize that i live in high school. i hate it. Gah.
Send me a hug in the form of a phone call...