Aug 19, 2004 13:08
Hey hey hey! guess who's back in town?! or not back in town... yet... out of town! woot! yeppers i'm all settled in! for the most part haha... i've got to pee really bad at the moment...
I'm trying to get all my programs on to my lab top now.. but they all aren't working right.. and its really annoying. My yahoo won't let me talk to people and my AIM won't lemme un link my sister and my accounts. trying but not working. I've decided that i'm not going to do much else today besides lay around.
So i've been here in New Orleans since saturday. I really love it down here. And its so weird becasue everyone here is SO NICE. It's almost freakishly nice compaired to back home. That and its sooooo beautiful. Lake Ponchatrain is right behind my appartment. its like a two minute walk to the water. I took a picture of the bannan trees in Jackson Square the other day. Mostly because i've never seen a bannan tree. Things are really awesome. Besides getting humped by a giant granade on Burbon st... that was kind of awkward, hahaha... I'm having a great time. Well, right now i'm just relaxing. I start classes on monday, i've decided to go find where all of them will be tomarrow. And then i'm gonna go buy myself some laundry detergent... and i need to get stamps and send some crap out before the post office closes.
If anyone needs my new addy here leave me a msg and i'll give it to you at some point... that and my cell phone is still in service down here.. i've got about 6 hours worth of minute to the entire US... which kicks... that and you can get me at my appt if i'm ever not on the internet... and if i'm not on the internet, and cell phone rule strictly applys... lol... i don't know what i'm talking about... hrm.
So, i'm gonna go do stuff... need to talk to Tay about that application and i should go do sumthing... lol... i'll write later... maybe i'll have pictures... don't knwo yet.