Mar 24, 2007 21:06
Travis desperately needed a haircut. I don't think his hair had been cut in going on six months. we didn't cut it before the big Mt. Mitchell race because really it's a source of warmth and he's going to take all he can get, poor guy. There's not much up top anymore.
So I finally got him to agree to let me cut it. I think he's rahter handsome. :) Cutting his hair seriously take like 10 years off him atleast. When his hair gets long he get's that wild olg mountain man look. It's pretty fun to 'fro it out and all that, but it was just time to get that mop under control.
So of course, now that it's over with he's all happy and loves his hair cut, and I'm sure all the women at work will be swooning over him on Monday. (They tend to do that when he gets a hair cut.) So hooray for cut if I can just get my ass to the salon all would be good because I too am desperately in need of a cut!