Jan 09, 2007 21:54
Rewind: I've been all about playing games at home in the evenings. Las week I was all about playing Trivial Pursuit. (We've had the 90's edition for a year and never played it.) So we managed to get three games in.
Fast Forward: Tonight we went to a local bar for Trivia Night. We made friends with some people there and had a killer team. We were in second place after the first round as well as after the second round. We rocked out the final round and took first place over all, winning a $50 gift certificate which means dinner and beer for tonight cost us all of $12. Sweet! What's even sweeter is that at least 6 of the questions asked out of 24 were questions we had gotten during our 3 games of Trivial Pursuit last week. How funny is that?!?!? I guess we'll be doing that a lot more. ;)