Miscellaneous Monday

Jul 09, 2007 09:30

1. Happy Birthday, mullvaney!

2. I'm thinking about anyaxstrindberg and tdu000 today. *hugs to you both*

3. crumplehornedki came up with a great location for our Waiting-for-Deathly-Hallows party - a lovely sand bunker! (Since we're going to stick our heads in the sand and continue on with our WIPs no matter what happens in DH.) So next week I'll dig a bunker and you all can bring an HP character, all of your anxieties, and whatever provisions you need to survive the wait. It should be fun.

4. rhetoretician has written a story for Phoenix Song's Summer Writing Challenge. I think I know which one it is - only he could have written something that brilliant. Check out the stories and see if you can guess which one I'm talking about.

5. Speaking of Phoenix Song's Summer Writing Challenge, I also wrote an entry, but I was disqualified since the storyline was too recognizable. LOL. That teaches me to grow more imagination and write something outside of my universe(s). Anyway, Sherry made it story of the week. *ducks head* It's called Harry and Ginny Come Home (I have a *gift* for the obvious titles, don't I?) And you can find it here: http://www.phoenixsong.net/fanfiction/story/4940/

6. *hugs flist*

harry/ginny, fan fiction

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