The New Zealand Chronicles: Part IV, Chapter Twenty-Six

Apr 04, 2007 17:56

Title: Chapter Twenty-Six: Spectacular Mistakes
Word Count: 5,789

I had the worst time with this chapter! Uh. These realization moments are so hard to write.
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the new zealand chronicles, harry/ginny, fan fiction

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rosathome April 5 2007, 12:21:12 UTC
Well! Flangst for Hezzie (I'm rooting for Kenny, by the way. Like all true fluffers, I believe true love will win the day!)

And it seems like Harry and Ginny have established a tradition for celebrating special days. Wonder how long they'll keep that up once they have kids. LOL.

Then perceptive!Harry following the conversation with Ron - always nice to see him. Though I thought the point about him thinking Niall would be better off married was cute - he hasn't yet realised that it really does matter who you're married to.

And then the big broom debacle. Poor old Ginny. She does set herself high standards. I loved how even when Harry was angry with her, he still reassured her that she could do it. And, like Harry, I always forget what Voldemort did to her. Nice conversation.

I had a couple of Brit picks. I don't think GInny would be wearing 'pumps' to greet Harry - pumps are what you wear for gym class. Just high heels, probably. And we don't really use the expression 'teakettle'. Just 'kettle'. Probably because tea is the default option for a hot drink!


stmargarets April 5 2007, 13:21:58 UTC
You know, I can always tell the true fluffers - and you my dear, are. :)

My husband thinks everyone should be married, too - and when anyone breaks up, he gets all sad about it. LOL - it is cute.

Thanks for the Brit picks! That's what I need you all for! I'll change them.

And thanks for the review of Roger and Lisa! Bless you, no one's looked at my stories at the Quill in quite sometime. I'm terrible at math, but I love the symbolism of numbers. JKR does it with 12 and 7 in the series and it felt right to use similar symbolism in R&L.


tdu000 April 5 2007, 20:39:52 UTC
I thought that about the "pumps"! I wondered how sexy Harry would find those horrid black pumps with elastic that we used to wear for sport at primary school! (Obviously, he'd find her sexy in anything but those wouldn't be the top of Ginny's list).


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