This Friday, August 7th, brings all sorts of art oddities to the table on the 2800 block of Cherokee Street!
At Cranky Yellow (2847 Cherokee), group show Meth & Hotdogs will celebrate character art. Characters that are unscrupulous, misfits, down and dirty, lowbrow, uncivilized, junkies, screw-ups and bums. The opening will be held on Friday, August 7th from 7 to 11pm at Cranky Yellow in St. Louis, MO. Meth & Hot Dogs will remain on display until the 28th of August. There will also be a special performance by one-man band Superfun Yeah Yeah Rocketship at 10pm!
Apop Records (2839 Cherokee), features solo art-damage by Mister Ben of FreezerBurn that will mingle with the aesthetic exotica of Apop Records for a weekend of everything plus the kitchen sink. His doodly prints, collages and affordable ephemera will be joined by Melissa Debus, Jeremy Kannapell, Nick Kurple, Josh Levi and Sheeran Meatte for a roomful of strange things. Very strange things indeed. Poptards, a band consisting of some of those showing artwork, will also play.
For more info:
http://www.crankyyellow.comhttp://www.apoprecords.comRiverfront Times + add yourself to the Facebook events page for the FreezerBurn shindig: